Since when exactly did Emerald VS lose its edge?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, May 1, 2016.

  1. dngray

    I have been playing VS on Emerald since the Matherson days and the VS has always been the dominant faction. I took a few months off from playing and now the Emerald VS is usually 2nd or 3rd pop whilst the Emerald TR wins most of the alerts.

    Since when have the tides turned? Right now would be the perfect time for The Enclave and Buzzcutpsycho to make their return.
  2. ExarRazor

    nah. buzzchumppu$$y and his toxic posse can stay away
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  3. MurgNC

    It has been that way since the gatekeeper came out, late 2015.

    The recent arrival of a certain TR outfit on Emerald has only further tilted things in TR's favor.
  4. ThreePi

    A lot of things changed when the Gatekeeper was released, I mean, when the TR became more organized and skillful. Because, as well all know success has never been about balance, only which faction is more organized.
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  5. Dirge

    I sense extensive salt.
  6. Sebastien

    He's not entirely wrong though. Objectively Buzz is a bit of a dick.
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  7. Sulsa

    3 years ago, on Waterson, TR were the top predator.
    That gradually shifted during the ZOE days and some other big updates around the OMFG update time. That's when I started trying TR and NC because I always play the underpopped side.
    Now, in the recent 4-6 months, TR has really boomed again and most often than not, are overpopped by a significant amount. I don't mind but with the recent update, it seems to be balancing out again. I just played my TR character for the first time in months last night.
  8. dngray

    You guys got it all wrong. Buzz as a person is a piece of garbage but he is provocative and was a popular streamer AND his outfit was pretty tactical and efficient. This drew attention to PS2 as a whole in a time when PS2 needed the spotlight.

    So in this case, the pros of Buzz out weigh his toxicity.

    Besides, who can forget such classics such as:

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