IS the game now PVE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by prodavit, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. prodavit

    I know alot of you guys are too busy building bases in the middle of no where and no one's really actually fighting. So I'll start of by giving you guys my experience, so raiding bases are so much fun, It give new variety to the game play and I enjoy being all sneeky. The thing that ruined my fun the most are AI tower controller. These turret can drop a whole platoon and a matter of seconds. I get that the devs want to make it so you can't 1v1 it but these turret are so cheep!! IT TAKE NO SKILLS AT ALL!!!!

    YEAH YEAH I KNOW, you can sneak in as an infil and use explosive bolts to take out the AI but it take 14 to 16 hit with the hunter to kill, which you'll probably get discover and kill before then.

    I think these AI anit-infontry turret need to be nerf so that emp works on it, you can hack it, it can't shoot as fast as players can or be taken out of the game completely.

    The reason why AI turrets shouldn't be in the game is because it take no skills to use and it can drop a player in .4 sec and it's way better than any player in the same turret can ever be no matter how good you are. Pretty much it change the game into P submit to E.
  2. Azawarau

    The reason why engie turrets cant be buffed
  3. RasFW

    I think they should give infiltrators a sensor jammer cloak that doesn't last as long as the hunter cloak, but stops them from being targeted by AI turrets altogether.

    In addition, infiltrators should be given the option to hack the AI module and disable the AI turrets IFF. They won't attack friendlies at that point, but after the AI module is hacked, the infiltrator could mount one of the turrets.
  4. Taemien

    No more than trying to kill Emperor Crush in Sullon Zek and a 50+ Necro wipes your group, takes the boss and runs off with the loot, is considered 'pve'.

    AI turrets do need their stuff toned down vs vehicles. I think its an oversight since the regular base AI turrets (all 6 of them in the game) could damage vehicles. They have the HMG damage type.
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