New loading screen.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshystubbs, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. joshystubbs

    I think it is about time that the beginning loading screen be changed. Changed to a more neutral loading screen spread across all three factions. Not one that is favored by the NC
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  2. Nalothisal

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  3. joshystubbs

    Why because you favor that faction? ... everyone might aswell call you higby...
  4. FateJH

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  5. The Rogue Wolf

    I don't see why we couldn't have faction-flavored loading screens for all three empires, displayed depending on which character you last logged on as. Propaganda for everyone!
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  6. zaspacer

    This has been an issue for a while. It was once just bad/sloppy in-game PR. Now it's a glaring "broken window" (broken down and unmaintained) that is just the most visible of PS2's many, many broken windows. (falling through the floor in VR is also a broken window seen by a lot of players)


    I am a firm believer that such broken windows contribute to the effects of the "broken window theory" which basically says "if management clearly doesn't give a ****, then many players often stop caring as well".

    Broken Window Theory:
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  7. FateJH

    I would like to point out to people that, to this day, the PlanetSide Classic loading screen for its driving range (part of VR) boldly displays a TR red Vehicle Terminal.
  8. Moridin6

    someone once told me those NC in those picture are about to get ***** by that scythe, and have lost their bio-lab are retreating, so its all good
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  9. ArcKnight

  10. Trudriban

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  11. Demigan

    Yes exactly!


    Just look at those guys. See the Mosquito to the right about to blow them up? The Scythe to the left who's either going to blow the infantry up or the Reavers? See how every Reaver and Galaxy in the picture is trying to escape from the burning and utterly destroyed Biolab they just lost? That knife-fight to the right? Yeah that TR guy got the first swing. See the 3 guys in the middle? The dummy on the left is carrying a SAW with a single hand, he wouldn't be able to hit that biolab consistently! The dummy on the right is an LA carrying another LMG in a single hand and firing it... at even more enemies in the foreground, they are surrounded! And why do these dummies even carry this guy? Why not shoot him in the face and say hi when he respawns 10 seconds later? To save his KD? Small wonder they lost the biolab!

    There's only one positive thing in this picture for NC: The infantry guy most on the left shoots a VS guy. A VS guy that's incidentally outnumbered as he pops up over that hill and meets an NC HA.

    The NC are outnumbered (more enemy aircraft than friendly), they are surrounded, they are fleeing the scene from a broken and lost biolab, they are wasting time trying to save a buddy they could have shot to force a respawn. This isn't NC propaganda, this is the poster VS and TR hang above their head to point out NC stupidity!
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  12. ColonelChingles

    Well the other positive thing is the Biolab blew up, so we don't have to fight in that one anymore. :D
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  13. Endlave

    I actually really like the loading screen, and that is coming from a TR main.

    That being said, I sure WOULD enjoy some variety. Can't DBG spare a single artist to cook up another loading screen? I mean, how long would it take, really? A week? Surely that could be done? I've seen people pull off some serious art in just a couple of hours.
  14. EPIC389

    Honestly I think that the guy who is being carried is the same person from the PS2 trailer? Anyone else think the same?

    He's most likely being rescued by his squadmates while trying to defend from TR and VS onslaught(I dunno, gimme better conspiracy theories)
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  15. sebastian oscar post

  16. Liewec123

    it should be VS next, we had a few years of TR in the middle, now NC in the middle, it should be VS next :)
  17. EPIC389

    Incoming Spandex warning
  18. Bindlestiff

    There have been plenty of outstanding images created by the fan base who I'm sure would love being incorporated into the game - with the proper credit of course. DBG would simply need to get someone to vet them as fit for purpose.
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  19. Xigris

    As I've told this story since my days in TIW, This is clearly a 2-faction zerg with the NC "tactically" retreating. TR and VS can't take the biolab by themselves so they're forced to work together and literally blow-up the biolab to win.

    Our one-reaver NC airforce is trying to **** out of there with a strand of mossies and sycthes in tow.

    Our one-galaxy is PHX being routinely late to the fight (after waiting 30-mins at the warpgate to fill up their gals) and then dropping on the already flipped base.

    And as pointed out earlier, the only pro-NC part of the poster, is the one heavy assault (on the left) actually shooting his weapons and getting a kill of the MOST OBVIOUS enemy standing right in front of 3 NC NOOBS!
  20. Metalton

    I'd also like to point out the false advertising. Note the arm of some random TR lying to the bottom right.. There is no dismemberment in this game, let alone gore of any kind (Unless you count temporary "dead" bodies ;) )