[Suggestion] Changes to improve the Archer.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    The Archer needs to be abit more reliable as a weapon and less crippling to use.

    These changes will help solve that.

    • Now has access to the NS 1x,2x,3.4x,6x & HS/NV scopes.
    • Chamber time decreased from 2 to 1.5
    • Minimum damage range increased from 125m to 250m
    • Velocity increased from 525 m/s to 560 m/s

    These changes it more consistent against MAX's over long distances & make the Archer less crippled in closer range situations.
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  2. UberNoob1337101

    I think you misunderstand why the Archer isn't reliable, Scr1n.

    Archer is actually a really fun weapon to use and is excellent against MAXs, but the problem is that that role doesn't come up very often. Giving up your primary to combat MAXs only is dumb, especially because engies can now murder them super effectively, easily, without effort and without giving up their primary and doing AV too with tank mines and C4.

    If anything, I wouldn't mind if the Archer was an anti MAX and anti light armor weapon, with higher damage against light vehicles (like harassers and flashes). That would actually make me want to use it over other guns available unless I'm fighting against a MAX rush.
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  3. OldMaster80

    Yeah the problem is not the Archer is bad. The problem is it fills a very small niche.

    Long range Max killing is not worth giving up the offensive potential of a carbine / shotgun / smg.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    Thats where the faster chamber time & access to more scopes come in.

    Combined with the Emissary existing........
  5. Scr1nRusher

    The minimal damage range increase actually helps with that.
  6. OldMaster80

    Ok but in order to become good at killing Max one has to become awful against all the other classes. Despite all the cries Max units are the minority of infantry players, it's still a bad trade.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    The damage hasn't been touched.

    Consider how more flexible the weapon would be post changes.
  8. Tycoh

    I would like these changes. These would make the Archer a reliable max killer than a max suppression rifle.
  9. Taemien

    Reduce MAX cost from 450 to 200 and the Archer is majorly buffed without touching its stats.

    The issue isn't that its weak. The issue is the lack of targets.
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  10. Scr1nRusher

    Well the issue is that its "weak", but its fixable.

    The biggest problem is the Chamber time among other things.
  11. EPIC389

    Would like to see it get underbarrel grenade launcher and shotgun. I'm fine with the scope but i don't think chamber time should be decrease
  12. Scr1nRusher

    Chamber time is the #1 problem with the weapon.
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  13. TheMightyGomora

    Honestly, if the Archer had access to more ammunition types, I think it would be able to help it fill other roles.
  14. SpeedFreakPS1

    Why is the archer essentially useless against a NC Max shield? I unfortunately just discovered this the other day as the NC max simply laughed at my numerous archer shots bouncing off his shield.
  15. Elkren

    Go for the face through the slot or the feet. That's what I do. I laugh at NC MAX suits who think that shield protects them. Though some are smart enough to crouch. But a well placed grenade changes that pretty quickly.
  16. Skooma Lord

    I think these changes would be good and wouldn't make it overpowered. Also I think they should add 4x-12x variable scope option to it.

    Also they should add different ammo types.
    • Incendiary: Adds a damage over time effect to bullet. (Puts target on fire)
    • Explosive: Adds a very small Area of Effect damage when the bullet hits a target. (Explodes)
    • Velocity: Adds a significant amount of speed to the bullet in exchange for less damage.
    • E.M.P.: Multiple consecutive shots to enemy vehicles will slow them down and shut down weapon systems.
    • Big: Makes the bullet do more damage at the cost of a slower bullet and slower chamber speed.
    • Smart: Adds a lock-on effect to the bullet witch very very slightly aids the bullet to its target in exchange for less damage. (Only locks onto a M.A.X. or vehicle)
    • Semi-Auto: Makes the Archer semi-auto for a significant loss in damage.
    • Cryo: Adds a slow effect and eventually freezes M.AX. targets after consecutive shots. And can create ice in a small area if shot at the ground witch makes infantry slip around. (This should make it so a MAX is alert when accompanied by his engineer pets.:D)
    We need more DEPTH! Instead of adding items we can add to existing weapons and stuff. It can provide new play-styles and make the game less bland for old players. I think I should just make my own thread, I'm getting out of hand here...
  17. Crayv

    I'd be happy to see even just one of those top two.
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  18. zaspacer

    I'd say it's a combo of narrow niche use and non-trivial SC cost. Why get Archer? Maybe as NC because they lack Extreme Range Infantry AV options, but meh.

    I don't even own an Archer on any/all of my 6 Characters, and that is especially noteworthy because it's NS and I get the useful NS stuff with DBC (usually on Sale, unless it's a "must get" like the Emissary) so I can unlock it across all my character.

    If Archer were SC cheap, I would pick it up and test it out. Maybe it would only be a Weapon I use once in a while... but that would still be more than a lot of the Weapons I have no reason ever to use.
  19. Diggsano

    The day that Scr1nrusher recognizes that the devs don't even bet an eye on this forum.....
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  20. Azawarau

    Changing the chamber time makes issues. Ill explain again since you made this thread again

    If you lower the chamber time max suits will further be pushed into cert bait. Decreasing the damage to compensate gives it less burst potential against max suits so they wont fear it as much and will have an easier time popping out for a return kill

    What could be done instead is changing the resistance vehicles have so the archer is more viable that way or increasing the damage so its more viable against infantry and tanks while increasing max resistance to the Archer so it ends up being the same amount of damage against them