Pay to win

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Atuday, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. TeknoBug

    Another pay2win thread... lol
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  2. DeadlyOmen

    You missed.
  3. Seagulkawkaw

    lol pdw pay2win.. 3/10 troll
  4. Pfundi

    People, PlayStation 4.
    When you watch PS4 videos, you'll understand
  5. blackboemmel

    Maybe the infiltrator guy paid for a mouse and keyboard to win. I heard that's possible.
    First off: I made at least one very embarassing thread when i was new to the game. I think with this game it can happen to everyone.

    Your thread combines the untruth about "the PDW being OP" with the idea that you can't get that gun without paying real money. That's why some people think you might be trolling.
  6. ObiVanuKenobi

    Buy the PDW with certs and see for yourself that it's a very average weapon.
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  7. AxiomInsanity87

    Can't wait for the construction update.

    I'm ready for my I-win bunker lol.
  8. Dirge

    1. You're bad
    2. There was some sort of lag
    3. You got shot from multiple sources
    4. He's MLG
    5.He's hacking

    Take your pick, I'm leaning toward #1.
  9. Runegrace

    NS-7 PDW could never kill two people with only two bullets, this is hyperbole or the enemy was hardcore hacking/lagging. NS-7 is a rather accurate but low-damage SMG. Feel free to trial it in VR or save up the certs for it, but the reason you mostly see it on infiltrators is that other classes have access to better weapons, HA included.

    And it's not really P2W, as someone who plays the game more often than you would also have access to guns that you don't. Speaking of which, how do you even know they paid real money for the thing? Could have been a cert purchase and would have made no difference for your encounter.
  10. zaspacer

    People are gonna criticize your statement/opinion that the PDW is crazy good. Concensus among player is it's "ok". People are also gonna criticize your notion that 2 HAs can't real with an Infiltrator. Concensus among players is 2 evenly skill HAs with default LMG can wipe out an evenly skilled Infiltrator with a PDW.

    All that said, PS2 definitely has some P2W elements in it. Especially now that the game and playerbase have aged. This P2W will be much more pronounced for newer players who do not have the vast accumulation of in-game Certs that many more seasoned players have. And the New Player Experience is widely regarded to be HORRIFIC by the PS2 community. In addition, many players will agree that info advertised by the Game or its Devs is not correct/truthful, some was just spin, some was misplaced idealism, some is antiquated info, etc.

    Good luck!
  11. Taemien

    Outplayed? Who think's you were outplayed? I think most of us think you're trolling, no offense.

    Two HA's versus a Infil with a PDW should win with the default knife.

    And the PDW could be bought with Certs. So no P2W there.
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  12. EPIC389

    Maybe emp?

    That could explain some things that he said

    But yeah, have to agree

    NS-7 PDW is not p2w
  13. Demigan

    It's very simple.
    P2W is when a player can buy power that another player who does not pay cannot achieve, or cannot achieve within a reasonable time period. IE it takes months for a non-paying player to catch up to the power of a paying player.

    PS2 allows everyone to achieve every single weapon and pickup that paying players can get. Paying players accelerate their gains, but since most weapons are side-grades rather than upgrades there's no real harm done. In fact, most starter weapons are some of the best weapons you can have.
    And considering that you can master separate things, yes the paying player can reach things faster in PS2, but a free-to-play player can gain similar power in a specific category within a reasonable timeframe. If the free-to-play player switches categories, he can reach similar power again within a reasonable timeframe.
    The paying player gets convenience mostly, and a faster sense of progression. They don't get massive power over a non-paying player, hence it's not P2W.

    As for the PDW, if you and a Heavy friend get mowed down by a single infiltrator that's part of the game. Any SMG infiltrator can potentially mow down multiple people, just like any Heavy, LA, Engineer, Medic or MAX can potentially mow down multiple people. Accept that.
    "But I got mowed down multiple times in such a scenario!"
    Ok, so you aren't very good at the game apparently. Keep trying and get better, you'll see that the PDW is far from the heavenly weapon you make it out to be.
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  14. customer548

  15. ArcKnight

    so am I, unless the pdw is killing everything left and right without equal there is no reason for the devs to touch it
  16. customer548

    Maybe should it be better to start with "What did i wrong ? How may i improve ?" instead of "Game is wrong" and "The guy who outplayed 2 HAs is bad".
  17. Moz


    A player who actually has a clue what Pay 2 Win actually means!

    Props to your sir.... a good percentage of people have NO clue what P2W is and assume its just any game with a cash shop.

    @OP - Firstly, the NS7 is a good all rounder. It is far from OP, and if you see an SMG Infil using one..... That's because he wants his Aurax. For the SMG play style every faction has a better option in their ES choices.

    That's not to say the NS7 doesn't have its place, it certainly does.... go watch this Wrel video:

    So now you Pay 2 Win claim.... As Demigan said, there is a criteria for P2W there is NOTHING in PS2 that fits this criteria!! Not Infantry weapons, not vehicle weapons and not upgrades..... Not even Implants!! You can get EVERYTHING that can improve your performance (tip.... biggest performance improvements don't come from your gun) 100% for FREE.... without investing much time at all!!

    Secondly, there is no gun that is really a "direct upgrade".... From my experience (Alpha Squad) they all have their place, sure some are more well rounded and usable in more situations but "better" is a very subjective term and one you simply cannot apply to PS2 weapons.
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  18. TeknoBug

    That pretty much describes ArcheAge. That game just blows.

    Oh and SWTOR to a certain extent too.

    I HATE THAT SENTENCE holy mother uf gub first of all how do you think free to play makes money and when an infiltrator shoots me wiht that gun i turn around and **** slap them u should too
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  20. Moridin6

    yeah i burn through a few HA with a pdw people on TS gonna here me giggling lol