Hey Tankers!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by o0CYV3R0o, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. o0CYV3R0o

    Those of you that use autoaim how much does it affect your aim? Please honest answers!

    Just curious cause often it feels like no matter how much i avoid you guys you somehow home in on me with your shots.

    Before anyone says "get good or adapt" i'm a pretty good Harrasser driver and mostly avoid trouble and often come out the winner, i'm just curious cause it really feels like some shots home in on my vehicle.

    This obviously applies to players on ps4 that use auto aim. :)
  2. SW0V

    More likely than not this is a product of client side hit detection and lag. Although, I can't speak with 100% certainty on this as I play on PC... but sometimes you get the same feeling on PC.

    Someone starts shooting at you... so you weave desperately, but they still land 100% of their shots? What's actually happening is that on their screen they're still shooting a motionless target because their client hasn't received your movement input yet.
  3. Liewec123

    is this a QQ post dressed up as a question?

    he's not actually referring to auto aim i don't think, i believe he's on about Mouse and Keyboard users.
  4. o0CYV3R0o

    Not a QQ post and no not about mouse and keyboard just me being curious as i don't tank but often it feels like some hits home in on my Harasser.
  5. Liewec123

    ah right then, i see a lot of "M+K" complaints from ps4 users so i assumed you were calling it auto aim XD
    my bad :)
  6. o0CYV3R0o

    No worries. ;)
  7. C_Saunders

    As a man that's auraxiumed the prowler and spent the majority of my gametime in one, Im nearly 100% sure there is no aim assist for tanking. The reason being I have never felt my crosshairs pulled in any direction, whereas when I play infantry, I nearly always feel the pull, because if you have a large group of targets your aim gets pulled off target, whereas in a tank, it does not.

    In regards to your weaving, weaving targets are still pretty easy to hit, plus if your weaving away from what's shooting you then your rears revealed and any hits that do land will do some pretty crazy damage!! (If your also in a tank)

    PS4 player here.
  8. Armcross

    A good gunner will hit you as long as they see you and in their effective range. Keep an eye for covers and don't stray too far away from them. I like hill tops, it gives you a good view and a quick cover when trouble suddenly present.
  9. Taemien

    Dumb question. But why is there an aim assist feature on the PS4 version?

    I used to turn that feature off when playing Goldeneye for the N64 because of how annoying it was.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Certain weaving is merely flourishing.

    It might look like you're doing some 1080 snowboarding moves but to the guy shooting you, it just looks funny and pointless

    Or you just got owned by someone who can aim well.
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  11. Flyingconejo

    I have to say I agree with Saunders. I've never noticed any AA for the MBTs, at least for the main guns.

    As for how we can hit harassers, in my case, it is wild luck and my gunner's work. I'm a terrible shot. :p
  12. o0CYV3R0o

    Thanks but i know all this as i mentioned i can handle myself pretty good in my Harrasser i was just curious if some tankers aim was helped with autoaim.
  13. o0CYV3R0o

    Oh i know me and you have battled many times your Vanguard vs my Harasser, your aim seemed fine to me thats often why i went for you as i tend to go after the biggest threats. ;)
  14. o0CYV3R0o

    Same here turned it off day one as one it wasn't needed and two it more hindered me than helped me but most on ps4 still use it hence this thread and my question.
  15. Shiaari

    This. I see this all the time and kind of chuckle. I call it dancing.

    Don't dance in a gun fight. Be Indiana Jones. Just point and click. :cool:

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  16. Taemien

    It can be turned off in PS2 then? That's pretty nifty. Was hoping it didn't turn out that the dual shock controller was inferior to the N64 one :D. Not a bad controller truth be told. Not like the mess that is the Xbox.. I dunno how people FPS on that thing.