Now that the NS HMG is coming out soon.......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    Can we get the Grenade Launcher(balanced properly) & The Flamethrower?
  2. Dennisz125

    Grenade launcher- possibly yes
    Flamethrower-seems OP in close quarters fights which is 90% of your lifetime in Ps2.
  3. XanIves

    If they can fix the FrameThrower, aka fix its amazing ability to make everyone in the area drop 20 fps whenever it's used, then yeah, it would be great to be brought back. NC will be so happy due to getting MAX HMGs that they won't even complain about getting another close ranged weapon added to their arsenal.
  4. PasitheeVS

    Yeah, but NC has Shotguns on their Maxes...
  5. Nody

    The flame thrower on test at the time was useless though; it was a constant low damage pillar going straight out with the width of the MAX suit and even with dual flamers you'd be better of with any other AI weapon of choice on the suit.

    Thinking about it they should implement it exactly the same (minus the frame drops) so we can stop hearing complaints about Lasher's OP ability to control doorways, that way all sides can have the same OP door suppression...
  6. PatateMystere

    You mean more pounder maxes?
  7. Azawarau

    Less useful than flamethrowers
  8. Scr1nRusher

    No, the Grenade Launchers didn't shoot pounder type grenades.
  9. Bindlestiff

    I'd argue that it would have been fairly decent at AI duties and suppression.

    Apologies for quality of the videos:

  10. Eternaloptimist

    Just looks like any other kind of close range weapon to me..............I'd assumed that things would keep burning after you flamed them
  11. Bindlestiff

    They may well have done on a later update that I didn't catch, but the window would have been small to do so. These were removed from PTS very soon after I posted the video as (I understand) they weren't meant to be there.

    To be fair it was a very early incarnation of the weapon, and all of the effects etc would have likely been incomplete.
  12. AxiomInsanity87

    Grenade launcher should be an LA breaching tool.

    No good flanking without any punch to it

    Wouldn't be so bad if flash grenades were a little more effective.

    Or buff the ubgl ammo pool by 2?. Past ubgl experiences were highly played on by crybabies.
  13. PatateMystere

    I know. Pounder max is already a pine in the ***. We dont need more grenade spammers.
  14. Reclaimer77

    I love when NC make comments like this, but you look up that stats and it's CRUSHING the other Max units in almost every way....

    Stop with the "Whaaaaa our shotguns are useless" nonsense. Nobody is falling for that.
  15. Liewec123

    heres the grenade launchers for those that don't remember or weren't playing,

    they were crazy OP, pretty much spamming standard infantry frag grenades XD
  16. Scr1nRusher

    Actually they were supposed to be AV grenades.
  17. Pikachu

    That shield is much prettier than the over complicated thing we have now. The only bad thing is that the animated texture (perlin noise) seems affected by it's position in world space. When the player moves, the textures animates to an annoying degree. The flamers do a really bad job at making the flames appear to come from the guns. There is such an obvious disconnect with the first person model and the world.
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  18. Crayv

    So.. the Thumper from PS1?
  19. Azawarau

    Do you go right to trash talking with every post that you dont have much to say on?

    Extra words dont make it mean anything more

    But since you brought it up

    Shotguns are useless

    Which is why i go falcon almost exclusively

    Flamethrowers with constant fire and possibly infinite piercing within their max range will easily outdo shotguns unless the range is capped under 10 meters and even then the door camp will be heavy
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  20. Reclaimer77

    So facts that busted your bullcrap don't mean much right? How convenient....