[PS4] Mouse and keyboard

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealNattyIcePS4, Apr 11, 2016.

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  1. Taemien

    There's a big difference between hardware and software.

    In addition there's nothing against the rules (nor will there be) governing the usage of differently shaped controllers. Because in reality that's the only difference.
  2. Flyingconejo

    I will quote myself again:

    M&K do not work by plugging them to the console in ps2onps4. The only way to make m&k work in ps2onps4 is through software provided by xim and their likes.

    Software that allows to use your m&k with aim assist.

    People who play with m&k and aim assist on PC are called cheaters
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  3. FateJH

    So would be just be dragging back while shooting in bursts by that argument. If it's just a mouse, then, it's just a mouse. Shouldn't be a problem in that case because ...
    Peripherals don't equate to software. At some level, a driver translates what the input device is doing to what the game can do and that doesn't change whether or not its a PS4 controller or a gray Microsoft mouse. (Mine is black but that's neither here nor there.) For the sake of sanity in this argument, therefore, you can leave your scripts and hacks at the door. As far as this argument is concerned, a keyboard is a keyboard and a mouse is a mouse and everything else is your beef with the game's lack of inherent protection systems.
    It's just my opinion but an argument built on "money-spent used as units of advantage" is really unsuitable in this sort of discussion. Consoles may be dressed down PC's by this point but they're still not advanced enough for it to hold much water.
    This XIM?
    Edit: I see little in the manual in regards to automated aim-assist though they do have extensive sensitivity tuning options.
  4. RadarX

    This one came a little off the rails so we need to close it. PM me with concerns.
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