[PS4] Mouse and keyboard

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealNattyIcePS4, Apr 11, 2016.

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  1. Dirge

    Well yeah, quad headshots @40+ meters are common for good PC players, but that is hardly the average performance on PC. The average console player cannot kill you if you are moving and are 40+ meters away. I can, you can, the top 2% can, but everyone else can't.
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  2. Shiaari

    Yeah, controllers aren't hacks. They're classified completely differently.

    I have a SteelSeries Sensei that uses macros, carries onboard profiles in case I'm playing on another machine, and has acceleration and deceleration. My keyboard is a piece of PS/2 analog junk from an old Gateway Cowputer circa 1995. I use it because it has NKRO (Nth Key Roll Over).

    The question is: Why don't ALL consolers use mouse and keyboard? Their game experience would double.
  3. Taemien

    Too many buttons for their mortal minds to handle. Hell my mouse has more buttons than their controllers do.
  4. Dirge

    Pretty sure you mean "degrade", not "double".
  5. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    Few games on ps4 are actually mnk supported, warthunder and warframe are 2 i know of and planetside is not.

    Besides console is its own community and a majority of us agree mnk should not be allowed. You pc guys telling us we are stupid for our choice is like saying agnostic people are stupid because their community doesnt agree with you.
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  6. Taemien

    Funny thing about Mouse and Keyboard and Controllers. They're just input devices. When you press Up to move forward, its not much different than when I press W. Your trigger button is not different than my mouse click.

    All a Mouse and Keyboard is, is a differently shaped controller. It just so happens that shape is Superior to a normal controller.

    Where the PS3 and PS4 make a difference is that they recognize regular keyboards and mice as different inputs. So one only needs to make a Controller shaped like a Mouse and a Keyboard to get the same controller scheme with the superior shape. Or get a mouse and keyboard to send controller signals instead of their normal ones.

    Sorry but a controller shape isn't cheating. You all are just salty because people who are used to that input controller shape are more adept with it. Nothing more. Do they have an advantage? Sure. Anyone with a superior input device will.

    I have 17 buttons on my mouse. I have an advantage over those with only 3 or 5. I have a mechanical keyboard which gives me an advantage over those who still use silicon membrane soft types. I have 5.1 Surround sound. That gives me an advantage in awareness over those running Stereo.

    Let's tally up the advantages I get:

    Logitech G600 MMO Mouse $80
    Logitech G910 Mechanical Keyboard $130
    Panasonic Home Theater System 5.1 1000W $400

    Total: $610

    Normal PC PS2 Player:

    5 button mouse: $20 (we'll say they get a nice one)
    Normal Keyboard: $20 (maybe backlit, can get them cheaper otherwise)
    Regular Stereo Speakers: $20

    Total: $60

    I have $550 worth of advantage over my PC player counterparts.

    These Mouse and Keyboards that mimic controllers cost $130. A normal Siaxis Dualshock Controller for PS4 goes for $48. That's only a $82 advantage. At ease the b-tching people. You don't have hundreds of dollars of advantages to overcome on your little console. Hell my advantages cost more than your console. You all have Nothing to complain about.
  7. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    Well then dont cry about hackers because they went out of their way to be superior by buying something that isnt considered normal or fair. Hax and non hacks is just a difference of software just because yours is inferior doesnt mean you should cry...

    Lmao ur a fkn idiot ****
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  8. Taemien

    Might want to keep that stuff to yourself and stop being so salty.
  9. ExiledGirl

    All Playstation players should be using PS Move controllers instead. They are way more accurate than regular PS4 controllers.

    But srs MnK needs to go on PS4. Its makes you a better player than you are because its so accurate over a controller.
  10. WTSherman

    Well then, you should write Sony and tell them that the PS4 should not support any peripherals except official DualShock4 controllers. I'm sure that'll go over real well with them.

    Or you can just take advantage of the range of peripheral support that the PS4 offers, and use whichever input device is most appropriate for the task at hand.
  11. Moridin6

    hacks=/=better peripherals
  12. Dirge

    Not an argument. It is not a question of cost, but of advantage over the norm. Stop bringing up irrelevant statements.
  13. Dirge

    After a point, it does. No recoil script is technically a peripheral if you run it off a mouse.
  14. Ryme_Intrinseca

    So if I put a USB stick with an aimbot into my PC and played PS2 with it that would be cool would it, because it's 'just a better peripheral' (a USB stick)? Xim4 is basically the same thing. The hardware is nothing special, it's the software that does the hard work of deceiving the PS4/game client.
  15. DoubleVibes

    Speaking of which, what the hell did you do to my Max in that corner?! lol you lured me over there behind that pillar and I was thinking "Man he's ******, I'm a ******* scat max, come here Dirge", and I walked out of that corner barely alive.
  16. Taemien

    Its not irrelevant. Explain how a licensed by Sony product can be restricted on PSN? Or even explain how something can even be detected? The PS4 thinks its a normal controller. Besides, what's 80 bucks more than another controller?

    I see it no different as a logitech mouse or keyboard firing off a macro to switch to a health kit, using it, and switching back to a primary with one button. Its legit by Daybreak's policy as long as I'm at the computer while I do it.

    Same thing applies to the PS4. You think a Mouse and Keyboard is bad.. wait till you encounter users that get ones that can do said macros.

    Input device advantages have been around since the 80s. Gotta deal with it. Not like Daybreak can do anything about it anyway.
  17. Flyingconejo

    Some of the answers in this thread are painful to read, so I'll try to make it simple so even the most willfully ignorant can understand the problem:

    1.PS2 in PS4 does not support m&k. That means, if you plug a m&k to your ps4, you wont be able to play the game because they wont work.

    2.The only way to use a m&k in the ps4, is by buying and using a third party gizmo like for example the XIM, that dupes the console into believing that your m&k is in fact a controller.

    3.This means that now you have the precision and ease of use of a m&k, paired with the aim assist that controllers have.


    -As per 1, the "it's your fault for not pluging a m&k yourself" answer is no longer valid. PS2onPS4 was not designed to be used with m&k, or they would work natively. DBG could have added m&k support easily, but it's not there. That means they decided not to add that support, and the game is not supposed to be played with m&k in console.

    -As per 2., I guess some could say "it's your fault for not buying a XIM or simmilar yourself" . Apart from other implications that I will comment on next, the thing is that Ximalikes are expensive and not available in all parts of the world, which would mean that we are entering into the realm of pay-to-win, or you that you can have an ingame advantage if you pay.

    -And as per 3, there is always the idiot that says "well, if's not my fault if you are to poor to pay, so what?" . Remember, my deluded fellow, that we are no only talking about the ease of use of m&k vs controller, we are talking about m&k with aim-assist. Think about that for a moment. What do you think about giving aim-assist to people on PC. But not all of them. Only those who are ready to pay a hefty extra for it......oh wait! There are already people like that. If only I could remember what were they called.


    That said, I don't find m&k in ps4 that big of a problem in the big scheme of the game. In a game like this, something is bound to kill you sooner or later, and 1vs1 duels are rare and fairly unimportant.

    I've said it before in other threads. For me, if you want to use m&k, I don't have a problem, go for it. Just don't delude yourself or others, you are playing with an advantage.
  18. Dirge

    AV nade + rocket. Honestly I don't know how tf you survived it lol.
  19. Taemien

    No one is saying that you don't get an advantage for using superior peripherals. Its been a fact of life for both Consoles and PCs for the last 40 years.

    The issue is that some players on the PS4 act like its a big deal. As if they've never bought a third party controller before. That's cute at best. I've been gaming for 30 years myself. Since the NES I've always had superior controllers. That didn't change when I went to the PC. If I were to play PS2 on the PS4, I'd probably do the same thing there.

    Mouse and Keyboard on PS4 is no differeant than"

    Turbo Touch 360 on NES
    ProPad on the SNES
    Logitech MnK on PC
    Better sound systems
    Better computer chair
    Better TV or Monitor

    All of these Pay to Win? I mean when does that definition stop? Daybreak can't stop what controller or hardware someone uses. I guess Privacy is Pay to Win too.

    No.. those who are against MnK on the PS4.. their issues are with Sony. Blame them for allowing 3rd party input devices.
  20. Flyingconejo

    I will just copy/paste the answer I gave to your case in my original post.

    If you think having m&k with AA is totally ok, I guess you won't have any problem with people on PC using hacks either.

    I agree that DBG can do nothing about it though, so complaining is useless. But it's not "ok".

    EDIT: And the list of peripherals you mentioned, all worked on their own once plugged onto a console. M&K doesn't work on PS2onPS4 just by plugging them in. You have to use another peripheral to deceive the console into thinking that the m&k is a controller. PS2onPs4 has been designed on purpose not to support m&k.
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