What does an Auraxium NC Engineer look like

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verceterix, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Verceterix

    I've seen TR and VS auraxed engineers in game, and I can find pictures of them in the googles, but not an NC engineer. Haven't even seen one in game that I am aware of. Someone post a picture of their NC Engineer in all it's auraxiumed glory, so that I may revel in your greatness.
  2. IroncladBomber

    It looks the same as the VS and TR Engineer. Cept Blue.
  3. XanIves

    The joke here is that NC can't tell the difference between VS, TR, and NC engineers either.
  4. Respawn

    I got my NC engine the arx armour. I will make a screen is when I get home tonight
  5. Ryme_Intrinseca

    I mistook an Auraxium Vanu LA for a max the other day. So ashamed...
  6. AxiomInsanity87

    Either a corpse, a guy getting tk'ed, or a guy tking.
  7. Verceterix

    So i've seen NC heavy's with like...neon yellow armor plates. I thought that was their auraxed armor, but if the auraxed armor is blue, what are they wearing?
  8. Respawn

    Naw, that is the 'Hard light' armour cosmetic, was available during the holiday sales. It's yellow for NC, polka dot red for TR, and cyan blue for VS.
  9. Savadrin

    You'd probably need to drop ammo or repair a friendly MAX at least once to get the Aurax, so...

    maybe that's why?
  10. Taemien

    Auraxing AI, AV, or Spitfires is pretty tough.
  11. aynn