Need friends for vehicle play (VS)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by S7ntheR, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. S7ntheR

    Do some active vehicle (mostly haraser and swagrider) enthusiasts want to play with me? I have no friends that log on often enough so I hope to find some people here.
  2. Savadrin

    Server, time zone? PC or PS4?

    I rarely run VS, but I run a lot of TR.
  3. Doombunny

    I play VS late night and I run mag/harasser/AA repair sundy. I've got a partner I run around with but he cant drive usually :).

    Currently he's trying to learn how to fly a valkyrie so we can get some Lancer squads airborne.
  4. S7ntheR

    forgot to mention that i'm in cobalt, sry!
  5. Moridin6

    damn i was all excited to add you
  6. Doombunny

    add me if you're on emerald Moridin.
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  7. Okaydan

    You can add me if you like (okaydan). I swagger and harass lots too, although admittedly less now, since I auraxiumed both vehicles. But I'm always up for some vehicle coop. Do you use voice-comm/teamspeak/skype or something alike?
  8. Towie

    What secondary gun do you have ? In my experience, getting a gunner into a Magrider is no problem if you have a Saron or Aphelion, just hang around a spawn point. You can q-spot people and select 'need a gunner' if any need encouragement.

    On Cobalt, the population peaks about 8:00pm GMT, starts reducing dramatically after 9:00pm and after midnight the pop is very low so it would be harder then.
  9. S7ntheR

    I use TS. My outfit has its own server.

    I have Saron on maggie and Aphelion on haraser.
  10. Poppington

    If you can, and haven't already, invest in a horn and camo. They do wonders for nabbing people to group with. Half of them will be terrible, but I've made some buddies this way. You really want to hold on to the randoms who know how to drive/gun, and typically they want to hold on to you.
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  11. Moridin6

    swag bring all the peoples

    the more you glow and look badarse the more people Assume you know what youre doing.. . and will follow
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  12. Poppington

    While my Harasser looks like it's straight out of Mad Max, I don't ever turn on my lumifiber when I'm out and about(that I think I got for 1 cert on some X-mas weekend) - it's a good way to attract tank shells as well as gunners. That being said, when I'm gunner hunting I'm lit up like new years.

    Unlike real life, in PS2, Swag = reliability, or at least experience.
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  13. S7ntheR

    i got my white camo and a golden record smasher decal with a golden snowman statue. i'm swagger than all of you combined.
  14. Bassmeant1

    give MAFI a try. we mostly roll weekends but some of us roll during the week. we are a vehicle based clan, the core group is maxxed out sundies to keep your beast fed and healthy. maybe try rolling with us friday night? if you don't like it, no worries.
  15. LodeTria

  16. S7ntheR

    ok, add me: S7nther
  17. S7ntheR

    what are both of your ingame nicks?
  18. Bassmeant1

    oh and i should have mentioned, we are on Genudine, that probably matters.

    im pretty much always Bassmeant in every game, offline or on. i can't remember offhand what number, i think Bassmeant4 or something. hit me up on psn, just Bassmeant. we should be in chat room tonite doing the thing.
  19. S7ntheR

    i said that i'm on cobalt (which means that i'm playing this on a PC)
  20. Bassmeant1

    it's ok man.

    nobody's perfect.