[Suggestion] Remove "Q" Spotting Through Smoke

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeoKhor, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. NeoKhor

    Smoke grenades, and thus, providing a smoke screen for team-mates, are useless if the enemy has the capability to "Q" spot everyone within or beyond the smoke screen. This defeats the entire purpose of smoke grenades.
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  2. UberNoob1337101

    I agree with the addition, also remove the ability to see spot doritos trough smoke and leaves, but it doesn't defeat the purpose of smokes, you still can't really see the targets. The real thing that defeats the purpose of smokes is turning it off by switching to low settings and turning it off in the game files.

    If smoke effect can just be turned off, then it's completely useless.
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  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Or better, remove the ability to spot through buildings and entire mountainsides.
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  4. Mezinov

    Considering they intentionally disabled object and terrain occlusion of spotting because it was causing spotting to, in general, not work at all - I don't think either of these scenarios are likely to happen.
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  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I'm aware of that though my thoughts and feelings on the matter still stand, but thanks. :)
  6. FateJH

    Remove spotting; demand communication.
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  7. Bindlestiff

    That is fine and understood, but no reason not to address the issue and resolve it?
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  8. _Kettenblatt_

    Sounds great! Thats why I never use smoke grenades because the "Q"-Power beats all.
    You hide behind a tree/bush? "Q" spots everything! The spotting action should only works if the crosshair is directly on your body... only the implant would need to do increase the Hitbox around your torso.
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  9. Moridin6

    i use it a ton, but that said, id be down for "hardcore" mode with no/limited spotting ala bf3(or was it 2?)
  10. NeoKhor

    Indeed, "Q" spotting through structures and terrain should also be removed. This mechanic is illogical and also completely defeats the purpose of using physical objects as cover / hiding spots. The other issue I noticed with smoke grenades and underbarrel smoke launchers is that the smoke deploys within ~25 meters of the player, however, the smoke does not deploy outside the ~25 meter range. This too does not make any sense.
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  11. Taemien

    I have an idea for a fix for that.

    Put Cloak effects and IFF doritos on the same process. Now people who turn it off, can't see tracers, smoke, can't ID enemy from friendlies, and Cloak is actually invisible to them.
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  12. JohnGalt36

    I think spotting should be done away with for the most part, and replaced with squad leaders getting the ability to spot one target at a time and designate them as priority. It would only be visible to the squad leader's squad or platoon leader's platoon.
  13. Reclaimer77


    Spotting is a cancer of the infantry game. It makes cover and camouflage irrelevant.
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  14. Azawarau

    Ok im going to be attacked but **** it

    Q spotting is the only way for players to shoot back through smoke and it doesnt entirely eliminate the advantages smoke gives

    Youre still not going to be shot at accurately.

    You can smoke doorways and theyll never know when youre coming to shoot

    You can smoke choke points for the same effect

    You can smoke barrier rooms to make it easier for you to shoot at the enemy or make it harder of the enemy to shoot you

    You can smoke just before rushing into A but it wont relieve the stress of likely death

    Q spotting is a giant team play element as well

    If you dont want to have your stealth advantage lost then try to avoid being spotted. Its not always possible, especially in large battles, but its still a big part of stealth play
  15. Taemien

    This isn't true, you can Q-spot through those walls and the dorito appears as soon as you pop out.

    I'd take the compromise of restricting it to squad/platoons.

    With the added bonus of the squad or platoon leader's icon being applied as well when they spot so they can direct fire. Doritos for normal members, stars for leaders (outline and solid).
  16. DarkStarII

    I think smoke should be normalised across all settings, just like the infiltraitor's cloak.
  17. Demigan

    1: Make sure that smoke cannot be spotted through. If that's impossible, make everyone inside the smoke radius lose their spot but also lose their ability to spot enemies. Players inside smoke will also lose any spots that were made before.
    2: Add a new type of smoke. This smoke increases the damage you receive while you are in it up to a few seconds after they leave the cloud and lights up any player inside the cloud. This means that players who turn off smoke in the .ini files will get heavily punished when they remain in this smoke and get shot, unaware they actually are in such a cloud.
  18. NeoKhor

    RESPONSE TO: Azawarau

    You're still not going to be shot at accurately.
    Untrue: "Q" spotting reveals a triangular tag above the players head, making the head of the player an easy target, especially for snipers.
    You can smoke doorways and they'll never know when you're coming to shoot
    Untrue: As soon as smoke is deployed at the doorway, the enemy will commence with hyper "Q" spotting the doorway until their finger fatigues. That's what I do because it allows me to farm players coming through the doorway.
    You can smoke choke points for the same effect
    Untrue: (as stated above)
    You can smoke barrier rooms to make it easier for you to shoot at the enemy or make it harder of the enemy to shoot you
    Untrue: (as stated above)
    You can smoke just before rushing into A but it wont relieve the stress of likely death
    Which is why there is no point in deploying smoke in such situations.
    Q spotting is a giant team play element as well
    With that logic then, "Q" spotting should be reserved for either squad leaders only or players partaking in a squad / platoon
    If you dont want to have your stealth advantage lost then try to avoid being spotted. Its not always possible, especially in large battles, but its still a big part of stealth play.
    How can I avoid being "Q" spotted when the enemy can "Q" spot players behind physical cover (terrain or structure)

    RESPONSE TO: Taemien

    I'd take the compromise of restricting it to squad/platoons.
    With the added bonus of the squad or platoon leader's icon being applied as well when they spot so they can direct fire. Doritos for normal members, stars for leaders (outline and solid).
    I agree with this idea.

    RESPONSE TO: Demigan

    1: Make sure that smoke cannot be spotted through. If that's impossible, make everyone inside the smoke radius lose their spot but also lose their ability to spot enemies. Players inside smoke will also lose any spots that were made before.
    I agree with this idea.
    2: Add a new type of smoke. This smoke increases the damage you receive while you are in it up to a few seconds after they leave the cloud and lights up any player inside the cloud. This means that players who turn off smoke in the .ini files will get heavily punished when they remain in this smoke and get shot, unaware they actually are in such a cloud.
    Do not agree with this idea. Why would you want a smoke mechanic that punishes you for simply using smoke. Smoke, if used properly, can be utilized for tactical gameplay, thus why would you want it to punish the user of smoke grandes and those near.
  19. Azawarau

    They could have a spotter as well but this wont let them accuracy shoot you as well as you can fire back
  20. Bassmeant1

    take spotting and triangles out altogether.
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