[Suggestion] Infiltrator Cloaking

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyFrog, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Pelojian

    It's common sense though, if you know something can reveal your position and you don't want to be revealed you have to destroy or distract it at the right moment.

    far too many use cloak as if it were a shield of complete invisibility. (case in point a cloaked infiltrator being shot at stops moving and crouches and gets an all you can eat bullet buffet)

    the very fact that someone is looking for you with darklight and that they will point to walls away from you part of the time is the perfect time to decloak and kill them, even if they react fast enough the initiative is yours because they can't be sure you aren't being difficult and moving when they aren't looking your way rather then trying to ambush them up until that moment that you fire or they discover you with darklight.
  2. Taemien

    Another thing to mention is if someone pulls out darklight, you've already been compromised. I know when I hear the cloak sound, see stuff being hacked, or just see 87% my faction pop and 13% enemy and NO ONE seems to be around... I announce to my squad in voice there's a cloaker nearby.

    The proper use of cloak means no one actually pulls out the light until its too late. Infiltrators are not a sit and camping class. You can't sit there and get a few kills, cloak out and wait for them to come back. They will come in with counter measures. Its no different than pulling a vehicle or aircraft. They'll also do it before moving out so you don't initiate a backcap.

    Hardly no one runs flashlights all the time. Its only ever on the secondary. With that said.. they obviously know you're somewhere if they're willing to give up the advantage of a primary.

    But there's a growing number of people who want a simple buff of invisibility. Look at all these threads. In each one the argument that "Cloak is bugged with x-weapon" comes up. Like they deserve to be invisible because of the injustice of a bug. Pfft, by that logic the spitfire should instagib vehicles and infantry through spawn shields.

    It wouldn't be an agenda if they asked for a fix to the bug and that was it. No.. first they go for the cloak needs buffed. When that's refuted, they go for the counter of darklight. When its brought up that darklight isn't actually that effective. They instead go for the plea that cloak is bugged. Sometimes they skip a step, sometimes they move them around. But the arguments are all the same.

    They simply want: http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/spell.html?spell=42

    That's what it really comes down to. I don't get it. If they want to play an Enchanter, they can play one in EQ. Its F2P as well and they can even use their PS2 account.
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  3. Catch23

    Cloak grants highest survivability in big fights, by far. Key is that you have to be confident and play aggressive. Don't sit in a corner hoping not to be seen. You are a killer not a pacifist.

    You might try this for a test:

    Hunter, Nano, NS-PDW, EMP with AP, Racer, Stealth Lightning. Works with Harassers too.
    Play aggressive, attack enemy vehicle columns from behind at full speed. Arguably best Implant for this loadout is Eon Hud, for detecting mines, Tier 3 or better. If servers are too laggy you have to drive more carefully. In any case, the vehicle is a disposable.

    Even if you end up among multiple tanks you can still eject, instantly cloak und even hit redeploy. 9/10 you make it to the the end of the timer. Then you really know how "worthless" cloak is.
    But more then often you can wait for the enemy engineers to get out to repair and kill them. Be sure to headshoot, the usual lag gets you the kill before they notice and can hop in again.

    Cloak gets you nearer to the enemy than anything else and lets you stay there for a while.
    PDW is a class A weapon at 15-25 meters on par with carbines due to damage fall-off. You also have the best grenade in the game, especially heavies hate this one when it comes from out of nowhere. Cloak.
  4. TheDarSin

    Can't even read simple statistic that infiltrator is a viable class. Your education system has failed you. Uneducated troll is bad.
  5. Scifi

    I will say this now as I've said it a few times, even made a thread abt it. Darklight torches should have a short battery life and need to be recharge through the nano cycler. That way you can't have it on all the time.
  6. apcr01

    Most of players currently see infiltrators even without using darklight. Year before it was possible even crouch near enemies with no problem and the only way to be spotted was random bullets or darklight. Now you cant even sit still without being attacked from distance.
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  7. breeje

    the only problem with this is, the light of the darklight is not always rendering/visible
    you just look like a noob running around to us, i hate this bug it did get me killed more then once
    or are you seriously thinking we are that stupid to stay in one place with a darklight running around
  8. Klabauter8

    Can't even use simple logic that these statistics don't say much about skills. Not anything in these statistics tell about how you achieved those kills. You could as well just constantly camped vehicle terminals or hide in the spawnroom and thus get a good k/d and headshots.
  9. Antillie

    Pretty much yes. I see the dark light on other people's weapons all the time. I don't think even half of the infiltrators I have killed with my Commissioner were due to this bug.
  10. breeje

    yeah maybe some of them are this stupid only i see this bug more often these days then in the past
    oh and try out the underboss for infill hunting it keeps amazing me how good it is for that job
  11. _Kettenblatt_

    The deep cloak graphic is fine. The most can see you without darklight if you move your head around to look where the opponent walk along. Watch straightly in one direction and prefer dark backgrounds to hold your position - bright backgrounds shows your silhouette earlier. Plants can absorb a little bit of the darklight, search a hideout inside plant tub.
  12. Ryme_Intrinseca

    For heaven's sake, do not put a darklight on your primary. The only question is what will kill you first - the enemies that see your glowing 'free kill here' sign or that friendly infil you're following around.
  13. Ryme_Intrinseca

    As for infil, it is more than viable on ps4. My latest smg kdr playing aggressively is over ten - probably won't stay there but 5+ and 1+KPM is easy. I'm not even a particularly good player. It would be funny to see the cloak made even more effective but all other classes would soon get bored of being prey for the Infil master race.
  14. CrazyFrog

    if you have a normal computer or the game on low settings you cant see the glimmer at all,but when you have it all on max like I have the infiltrators cloak sands out like a sore thumb.its heavily visible
  15. Scifi

    I was shocked to see a cloaked infiltrator from quite a distance the other day, i couldnt believe that i could see the outline from where i was. I am someone who plays allot of infiltrator with stalker cloak and understands now how visible i really am, it really is a joke an should be fixed.

    For me the Darklight shouldnt give us away as clearly as it should and I still believe a battery life should be introduced.