[Suggestion] Infiltrator Cloaking

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyFrog, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. CrazyFrog

    not being funny but infiltrator cloaking seems pretty worthless if you ask me,you can clearly see it,its so easy to see a infil while cloaked and you don't even have to worry about then crouching either as most people have darklights on there weapons.

    the watery glimmer needs to be reduced in visability,
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  2. Scifi

    Darklight for me needs a very small battery llife that needs to be recharged by the nano cycler, otherwise it doesn't work. Then atleast we have a balance or sorts, then why bother giving us cloaks.
  3. FateJH

    Put forth for your consideration (not really).
  4. Liewec123

    it used to work great, i'm not sure if they changed something recently but now yeah,
    infils are so hilariously visible that they aren't worth playing.
    everyone has been noticing it.
  5. Booface

    I mainly play infiltrator and I think it's fine. The big problem I think is that there's not enough of an explanation of what it's good for. It's not supposed to be close range invisibility. It's more like a way to cross no-man's-land without being focus-fired, or a way to avoid or at least lessen the accuracy of retaliatory fire when sniping at medium or long distance. For those purposes it works just fine. Once you get close, you have to rely on actually being sneaky rather than being invisible.
  6. apcr01

    Compare deep cloak of emissary vs spotter tool :[IMG]

    Dont know when did they changed cloak but 2 years ago there was a big difference:
  7. TheDarSin

    With the hackusations you've been throwing around, it's surprising you'd be asking for an infiltrator buff. Infiltrator cloak isn't useless, it's fine as it is. This is coming from an infiltrator main. If you keep getting seen in deep cloak, you must be doing something wrong.
  8. Klabauter8

    Infiltrators are completely worthless in general. The only thing they are basically good for is camping vehicle terminals. Otherwise it's way too hard to snipe anything in this game, since you always need something like 3 shots to kill someone, and hitting people who are moving is hard as hell.
  9. Antillie

    Never leave the spawn tube without a flashlight on your sidearm.

    What I don't understand is while I am spending a couple of seconds looking for them why doesn't the infiltrator either run off while my back is turned or just decloak and kill me. They always just sit there until I find them and then seem surprised by it. As if they couldn't see me looking around the area with the flashlight.

    If you see a guy running around the room with a flashlight looking for you don't just sit there. Either move or kill him before he finds you.
  10. TheDarSin

    I'm surprised this mentality is still prevalent in the game. Infiltrators are far from useless. If you want to limit yourself to a crutch heavy or a vehicle that's your perogative but if you suck with the infil it doesn't make the class worthless. Keep limiting yourself to low skill cap classes and you'll always need those three shots.
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  11. Klabauter8

    Camping vehicle terminals doesn't take skill at all, and it is the most effective way to snipe in this game. Don't act like you could headshot people while they are moving. If you ever manage to do this then it is completely luck based. I think I haven't been sniped a single time in this game while actually moving. The only time people sniped me was when trying to snipe myself or pulling a vehicle.

    The reason why snipers are crap in this game is because everything is a damage sponge, which doesn't fit at all to snipers since they basically have to kill in one shot, otherwise the enemy notices you and runs away. Snipers kill people by surprising them, but in this game this is not really possible.
  12. TheDarSin

    lol sure I don't http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/player/DarSinNC. You're just bad.
  13. Azawarau

    I main Engie but have side infils for specific purposes (I dont snipe because its boring for me)

    I can say with certainty that you are very very wrong
  14. Klabauter8

    What are you even trying to prove with this site? Statistics don't say anything about the way you play in this game. I bet you also think k/d proves how good you are, like the CoD kiddie you sound like.
  15. Taemien

    I'm in the same boat here. Though I will snipe in certain situations (more for effect than actually getting kills, people keep their heads down once a few buddies take a dirt nap).

    Biggest issue everyone has is using the Cloak like the Level 4 Enchanter Spell from Everquest instead of as Active Camouflage. Use Cloak like you would any camo from the store.
  16. Diggsano

    You spend much more over 1500certs to unlock the true Stalker cloak just to be killed by a guy who spends 100certs on a stupid light that can shine trough walls and disable the whole ability...

    Stalker should be more invisible in deepcloak and while crouchwalking you should be less visible too.
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  17. apcr01

    Yeah, camo, maybe they should change HA armors to just graphic feature?
    Or Light Assault with beautiful wings instead of flying ability? :)
  18. Ryme_Intrinseca

  19. Taemien

    Here's a novel idea, kill the guy with the flashlight. He's missing a rail slot. You're not.

    Not everyone knows when, how, or where to use their abilities properly. I've no issues when I play it. As many others.
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  20. Mefi

    Meh, if anything, Flashlight is one of the least concerning things for me. I do dislike that it works through walls, and that its range isn't consistent for infiltrator and the flashlight user (even if your cloak glows, you might be still outside of actual detection range, it's shorter than it looks).

    But what concerns me more is:
    - That you can't really test cloak visibility by yourself (gib 3rd person view in VR please, for cloak testing and camo/gear preview).
    - That cloak drain speed is the same for sprinting and crouchwalking.
    - Bugs: floating heads, attachments, Emissary.
    - Allies who think it's a good idea to follow a cloaked infil, newbies using a flashlight on primaries.
    499/500 hp? A newbie medic will stalk you until you let them heal non-existant damage for 0xp total! Oh, and this 5 second green flashing effect that appears after healing and visible even when cloaked.
    Allies that get angry when a stalker doesn't help them in a fight. Sure, absolutely going to kill that bunch of HAs with Beamer /s.
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