after all these years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WarpGuN, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. WarpGuN

    and no new composite armor released...why?
  2. user101

    Not only no armor -- but it does nothing if you ware it also. You can take it off and it allows you to speed up a little, but putting it on slows you down also. In the old days you got some protection from it. Not now. I payed good money for that protection and the DEV's NERFED it to Zero protection. So it just show now. SOL for me.
  3. Mellow Martian

    It would definitely make them some $$$
  4. Diggsano

    Also have you tried to put on decals on a VS Infiltrator Composite Armor?

    It's tinyer than tiny willy's wiener
  5. CovertYank

    Composite armor or cosmetic armor in general never gave any side bonuses. And equipping it has never effected a players speed, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. The only thing that gives you extra "protection" in this game is nanoweave armor. That's it.
  6. FieldMarshall

    More faction themed comp armor for infantry would be awesome.
    I guess its harder to make infantry comp armor?
    Maybe there is an issue with hitboxes and silhouettes giving people an advantage when its infantry models?
    (Or maybe thats what they are afraid will happen, i dont know)

    It seems weird that they would not make more infantry comp for no reason, so im just guessing here.
  7. Pikachu

    There is in the files since some months ago.
  8. Liewec123

    yus, we need more fancy armours, these concept arts for example are BAD/\SS!
  9. DeadlyOmen

    As long as the devs are tied down appeasing crybullies, you can pretty much expect cosmetics to come in at a snail's pace.
  10. customer548

    Maybe the "creative guys" are workig on another game, or are on a small team, or they're working on the towers expansion.
    But i'm not sure that a higher numbre of variations of armors are even possible, due to the number of polygons and stuff to render without damaging game exprience.
  11. Mianera

    After all these years, the calf NC armor STILL hasn't been fixed.
  12. EPIC389

    Best guess would be to talk to player studio. You should see what these guys come up with.

    I'm trying to get in as well but Blender is a b**** and i don't really have much time
  13. ObiVanuKenobi

    It's user101. He has no idea what he's talking about most of the time.
  14. TeknoBug

    La Placebo effecto?
  15. Ximinett

    Wow the TR one seems very good.
  16. Reclaimer77

    If composite armor actually gave a bonus, that would be Pay 2 Win though. Not good. We don't want that.

    Directive armors however are earned. So I see no problem with having those give an advantage.