[BUG] Membership XP Bug?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigJohnnyPS, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. BigJohnnyPS

    I've been a paying member for a number of months now, but I haven't played for like 6 months or so, and now I'm seeing that I'm not getting the XP that I should be getting as a member.

    When I die it shows the graph of XP earned and what I COULD'VE earned if I were a member..... well I am a member and I'm receiving the non-member XP.....

  2. Metalton

    Well, if your in-game, check your Profile page, down near the bottom, it should display your "support" level. As a paying member it should be Auraxium or gold or something depending on your account type... If not you should head to Daybreak main site, and log into your account profile. Make sure your subscription is still active.. There's a chance it may be suspended waiting for a payment info update, or something.. might be able to quick fix it yourself.

    If the games displaying Auraxium, and your accounts in good order.. You'll probably have to submit a support ticket, and see if you can get CS to straighten it out..
  3. BigJohnnyPS

    I'm on PS4, where is the profile page exactly?
  4. Metalton

    Hmm.. not entirely familiar with the PS4 version.. I think your "My Character" tab is the same thing. PS4 might not have an in-game indicator of support level like PC does. Still.. make sure your PS4 subscription is still in good standing and your paid membership isn't pending some action from you.. May be able to access it through you PS4 dashboard.

    May still end up having to go the Customer Support route.. I just tend to try to try to fix things myself first :)
  5. BigJohnnyPS

    I know my sub is good, all the payments are in order and nothing is pending.

    god damnit.