The President, The Executive, and The Immortal.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bmac417(TasteOfLead), Mar 21, 2016.

  1. bmac417(TasteOfLead)

    I've been wondering if anyone, from both the PC or PS4 have one of these three pistols, especially on the PS4. In case you don't know what they are, they're the Auraxium versions of the 3 default pistols. I haven't encountered one person who had this gun in their hand.

    I'm planning on starting the sidearm directives right after earning the Shuriken and the Trac-Shot, and becoming one of the few people to have the President, wish me luck!
  2. Liewec123

    i don't think people use them (like most directives) because they aren't very good (like most directives ;) )

    President for example is a Repeater with a preattached silencer, but you can't attach a laser sight or flashlight. both of which are available to the original Repeater, plus a silencer,
    so President is a worse Repeater to reward you for all of your hard work! :D
  3. bmac417(TasteOfLead)

    On my repeater, I have a suppressor and a laser sight, not much damage is done without a LS imo. And I'd expect a lot more TR soldiers to use the repeater other than infiltrator hunting, although it is a good use for the sidearm.
  4. cobaltlightning

    The only upside the directive pistols have is not losing any bullet velocity for having a silencer attached, iirc.
    Meaning they'll perform better at range over their respective cousins.

    However, they are still pistols. They'll do as much damage as a thrown pebble out to 20 meters, and are practically useless anywhere past that. They are side-grades, and rather meh ones at that. Thanks to the lack of attachment options, I'd personally avoid them.

    I've a personal rule for my Pistols: Flashlights. At the ranges where pistols excel are the ranges the flashlight works, and is still stupidly great for infil hunting.
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  5. Liewec123

    yep, i didn't bother mentioning the special suppressor velocity because for any practical pistol range it won't be noticeable. :)
    i agree too on the flashlight, no matter what secondary i'm using, it has a flashlight on it for those pesky "contested" moments :D

    one suggestion for the OP, try Inquisitor, after the recent buff its extremely sexy!
    also you're right about it being exclusive though, only 251 people have the directive pistols on PC,
    which is really low compared to other directives
  6. IroncladBomber

    Only one person on PS4 has the Immortal, and Last I checked nobody had the other two. I am working on getting the President though.
  7. Mellow Martian

    I've seen one person with the President and one person with the immortal.

    I'm slowly making my way to the executive, aurx the underboss, around 300 kills with the rebel, mag scatter and desperado and buying the commissioner last so I can have plenty of fun.

    Hopefully by the time I get it, it will have received the buff it deserves, whether that be laser sight+ dark light, insta killing Maxes...
  8. Hegeteus

    It's silly how I currently have the most sidearm kills in PS2 and even I haven't completed the sidearm directive myself(sticking to my favorite pistol). I wish you the best luck and try your best to stay calm and relaxed, I found it to be the best way to deal with a pistol and knife
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  9. askull

    The president is good, after Repeater... :/ But Commissioner - best of the best!
  10. FeralBoy

    I am not aware where good sir Hegeteus finds this information on kill leaders/numbers but he has great words of sidearm wisdom:
    ^^^ Very, very good advice. ^^^
    I am currently around 600 kills left with the Repeater to get The President. I Auraxiumed the Underboss, Commisioner, Hunter QCX, and the AMP in that order, and I can wholeheartedly concur from my personal experience that staying calm and relaxed is the way to go. Whenever I get anxious and try to rush or force my kills it tends to go badly.

    I am hoping another week should be sufficient to get my 1st Directive weapon. I will update on you my impressions of The President. I don't have grandiose or high expectations on its performance. It is a red Repeater without the good attachments, but with slightly increased performance at ranges I will likely never use it for.
  11. freeAmerish

    OK he´s Daddy and makes people rage. But Repeater can be an absolute Destroyer.
  12. TorakkIT

    i'm slowly going for the "the president" after the last sideweapons buff, i have 2600 kills with the repeater 99% of them silanced with the stalker infiltrator, probably the president is the only ARX weapon that goes well with my playstyle so i'm obviously going fo it :)
  13. Hegeteus

    I use stats.dasanfall myself:

    I'm not a particularly skillful player myself and I am stubborn enough to repeat same mistakes thousands of times before learning my lesson. It's super easy to become frustrated when your firepower is relatively low for this game and when you don't get to make up for your mistakes easily. I don't want other players to bang their heads against a wall as much as I have done
  14. askull

    In Close combat... Commissioner - universal gun in all situation.
  15. Trudriban

    And yet you make me wanna try doing what you've done with the Mag-scatter, but with the Heartstring crossbow on a LA named QQpid
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  16. Hegeteus

    Trying to achieve perfection with a difficult gun like crossbow should keep you busy enough to pull that off :D I imagine that gun draws a lot unintented knife kills too(M-Scatter got me two knife auraxiums...), but good luck if you set out on it. Only thing I honestly regret is occasional intense tryharding, especially since calm play gets me the best results each and every time
  17. cobaltlightning

    I'd avoid putting it on the xbow or blackhand, though: They are more like Primaries in the secondary slot.
    Blackhand is a supped up Commie, but I wouldn't trust it as a secondary.