Client crash since before chrismas 2015 massive client cras since 14.01.2016 FIRETEAM update

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by NoBuddy, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. NoBuddy

    Hi soldiers,
    since 2013 or 2014 I am playing this game.
    Some patches in the past made same troubles but could be fixed fast from Pro7 / SOE.
    Since the last patch from DBC at 14.01.2016 (pretty good german date notation!) made more troubles and lots of players have same problem. Ingame I often see that players be DCed in their spawned vehicles or aircrafts.
    I think this is a not tolerable problem which have to be fixed without the laziest way to increase minimum system requirement.
    For this reason I created a Trouble Ticket at:

    I would be glad for comments from players with same behaviour of the game client.

    Probably you have to create a login name that is different from this forum or your login for the game client to comment this ticket.

    See you at battlefield!
  2. NoBuddy

    2 times logged in. Played less than 2 Minutes!
  3. NoBuddy

    logged in twice played less than 2 minutes until game freezes..
  4. NoBuddy

    played 2h crashed around 10 times. Make a middle of 12 minutes to play until the crash happens.