When Will GPU-accelerated PhysX Come Back?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by w11w, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. w11w

  2. Nalothisal

    Unfortunately yes. It takes up too much resources on both servers and machines for it to run properly. That's why they removed it. Now stop asking.
  3. FateJH

    At least the request was specific this time. Most people just say "PhysX" but only specifically mean the particle effects.

    Having said that, a lot of PhysX involves GPGPU operations, at least when done on a NVidia card. I'm not sure how the emulation works.
  4. Liewec123

    i don't think it has anything to do with the servers, i could be wrong, but logically, why would it?
    you're right that i don't think we'll see it again though :(
  5. Nalothisal

    being an AMD person and generally disliking nvidia I am glad that I am not going to see PhysX implemented but on the same topic it does suck that it's not coming.
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  6. Liewec123

    thats a horrible reason to be glad, you wanted to save money so you're glad that the people who spent lots can't have shinies?
    but you also say it sucks its not coming back, i don't know whether to agree with you or hate you dammit XD
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  7. Pfundi

    So do you have Far Cry 4 or Witcher 3? You run it on Ultra 60 FPS on your AMD or nVidia card? Now turn gameworks fur on and experience 30 FPS. Thats why.
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  8. orangejedi829

    - It does not take any server resources whatsoever.
    - "Too much resources" on the client is meaningless, since everyone's PC has different capabilities. That's why it's an optional detail setting. Maybe they should remove Ultra textures too because they take "too much resources" for the average machine?
    - He can ask questions about the game if he wants to. That's what this forum is for, believe it or not.

    The real reason it hasn't been re-implemented, from what I've heard, was because it was buggy and the dev team doesn't have the time to fix the code.
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  9. Nalothisal

    That was a reason I heard, the code one is new though.
  10. Nalothisal

    Muwahahahahah my insidious plan works! Really I would enjoy it being an option to have as sort of a free DLC high-res pack like in Skyrim so you can remove it when you want. Nothing wrong with options as long as you have the option to disable it completely, (though last time I checked even with gameworks off you still have shuddering issues thanks to PhysX being always on).
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  11. Reclaimer77

    You know that little tray that pops out of your "modem" is in-fact a DVD drive, NOT a cup holder. Right?

    If you knew anything about computers, you would know how stupid what you said was.
  12. mfdoom7

    peformance sucks right now and if u add physx then game is unplayable unless u have gtx 970/980.
  13. Sulsa

    A good way to think of it being server or client (as for particles) is if what happens on your PC would affect, in any way, what happens on someone else's PC. Particles like sparks and such probably would not, but when you have larger things like blown up vehicles that can crash into other players, then the server does need to keep track of that. That is why (IMHO) destroyed vehicles only have 1 piece of debris. It doesn't add another thing for the server to keep track of which would then increase server load, lag etc.
  14. w11w

    When GPU-accelerated PhysX ended you thought it was temporary or knew it's gone forever?
  15. Nalothisal

    I built my own rig twice, no need to get hostile. You should have taken the term "resources" as a broad statement for what it is, but instead you resorted to childish insults. This already renders any future arguments from you as inert and invalid.
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  16. Reclaimer77

    Nice save, but it fails. It's not your use of "resources" but you SPECIFICALLY said it caused higher server load. I know this, because you used the word - SERVERS.

    I bet your community college offers free or really cheap online basic PC 101 classes. I suggest you sign up.
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  17. Nalothisal

    Again with the insults. You should be a bit more nicer. While I will say that I know little about server loads and the like I do know what I need about machines and games that run PhysX. Games that do run that program tend to run more poorly than games that don't. My use of the word "Servers" was merely what you would call an assumption.
  18. Metalton

    Particles were all visual. Explosions were brighter withe moe sparks an flying embers, jump pads had big orbs of energy spiraling out of them, facilities had more light sources and glowing effects (and looked more otherworldly high tech, especially at night). Faction change on major facilities had impressive cool light shows.. Game just looked better, for those that visuals are important. There was no (or should have been no) server interaction. It was all client side.

    However, it did cause glitches and crashes for some players, while it worked just fine for others. The decision was made to turn them off so the could focus on the myriad other, non-particle related glitches and crashes players were dealing with. To date they haven't gotten around to going back and fixing the particle issues. So far it appears that they may not. At least no word, or plan, has been announced.
  19. GhostAvatar

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  20. orangejedi829

    *sigh* - The game was sooo beautiful back in the day. 'Tis a shame they cut the graphics down so much.