Aegis Shield has infinite durability!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liewec123, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. Liewec123

    atleast rank 5 aegis on PC, you can soak up a million shots from a tank and still laugh them off!
    i'm not sure when it'll be fixed, so lets see some aegis love while it lasts XD
    i see far to few of my max brothers using it!

    who knows it could be a feature of rank 5? that'd be awesome :D
  2. AxiomInsanity87

    I just came here because i'm buthertz that the ps4 servers are kicking me every 20 mins.

    Waaaaaaaaaagh......with extra dakka.

    With claymores to wash your gums with @triggering
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  3. Azawarau

    As much as i want to say this is OP

    Its not OP.....

    Still get REKT alot

    Its been this way for a while now to the point where i thought it might be intended
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  4. XanIves

    I can't recall seeing my or anyone else's shield break in the first place, even at rank one, since nobody intentionally shoots at the max with a bright blue invulnerability shield. First time I've heard about them even being able to go down.
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  5. Azawarau

    They used to have a meter

    This is probably a bug

    You can still be hit from the front even with the shield up but its not terribly easy to do
  6. AxiomInsanity87

    What ya'll need is a melee and shield option for maxes @NCtriggering
  7. Liewec123

    yeah but its really really obvious now, NC were zerging for once and i camped infront of the enemy spawn and let them sling EVERYTHING at me XD
  8. Liewec123

    who knows perhaps its a rank 5 buff? would be welcome!
    but yeah, kinda OP, i had a magrider with a saron wailing on me for about a minute before an ally came along and killed it.
  9. Invictorum

    Aegis makes SNA an absolutely hilarious experience if you get 4 or 5 coordinating MAX's forming a shield wall.
  10. Azawarau

    C 4 fairy
  11. Littleman

    I'd say it's OP... but then they do have a notch where the face looks through, and I've slotted rounds through there before. It's still kinda "meh" as an ability alone, but monstrous in groups, but then, what item in PS2 isn't?

    For what it's worth, making the shield invulnerable to damage doesn't change much. Most people don't shoot at a MAX with the shield up for the same reasons they don't shoot at ESFs or Valkyries - they're only thinking about the damage they can personally do, not the damage 3+ guys focus firing the same heavy target can do.
  12. Diggsano

    VS ZOE max got nerfed because they are considered as OP
    And that **** is OP even without bug and don't get nerfed?
    **** that.
  13. Ryme Intrinseca

    As TR I can't say I've say I've ever had a problem with Aegis shield. It basically means the OHK monster is on a time out giving us a window to polish off the infantry so we can focus fire when the MAX comes back to life.
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  14. DarkWingGB

    NC: Aegis gives you 10 seconds of total invulnerability.
    VS: Afterburner gives you 1 second chance to dodge some damage.

    Aegis is not OP! Nerf VS Mag Afterburner instead!
  15. Trudriban

    BRUH, ZOE is the thing that put VS at number one for years. YEARS! It was disgustingly OP, even its users agreed, and it wasn't nerfed for 6 whole long agonizingly purple crab-filled months. Those that didn't swap to VS at the time were either stressed out to infinity or left the game entirely. Back then when I got frustrated of the VS and left (which was post-nerf mind you) over 50% of all the BR100s on Mattherson were VS. Guess how they got up to BR100?

    Okay that's out of the way

    Infinite shield is kinda neato, though without any duration or cooldown between shield use that kinda does blow for anyone on the facing side. I don't MAX too much and even then I keep charge slotted so I probably don't even know what I'm talking about unfortunately
  16. Liewec123

    the best use of aegis is covering you during the reloads :)
    traditionally NC maxes had 2 seconds of glory and died during the 4 second reload that follows,
    but now you can turtle up for the reload :)