So the New Basillisks...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Reclaimer77, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. TorakkIT

    my sunderer has one kob and one fury, i use it as a stalker sunderer , to ambush and to place it in unexpected places , i want to know if the kobalts are still worth (i'm on ps4 so who the hell knows when we will get this update) or is better to return to the basilisk (instead of the kob, i'm going to keep the fury ) with this new revision for a more balanced loadout.
  2. Pelojian

    see this:

    It means if you can aim, burst fire at range and like less reloading and as a passable close range AA vs ESFs then stick with kobalt over basilisk. if you prefer smaller clip size and being able to hurt everything but not as well as specialized options basilisk may be better for you.
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  3. TorakkIT

    thanks, probably is better for me to wait and try the new basilisk at this point :D