What is the player's incentive in plaentside 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterAssassins, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. MasterAssassins

    A few days ago I tried to get my one of my friends to play PS2. He was very new to the first person shooter genre and died a lot. The only thing that he seemed to get is that his kd was going down. I tried to have fun with him but it just boils down to a death and a frustrated comment. I have played the game for about two to three years and I don't know what to tell him to get him out of this "I have such a ****** kd and I hate this game" mood. In my opinion I never thought twice about the kd system and had fun. Thoughts on this?
  2. Endlave

    Well, I can only tell you what got me to play the game. Which was to get into the gunner seat of a MBT and wreck some vehicles. You have to make sure that you don't get wrecked by aircraft instead, though, or the experience might have a different effect.

    In general, it would help to get your friend out of the situations in which he gets farmed and into the situations in which he stands at a chance of actually achieving something. He might not get to farm as a new player, but I bet he would enjoy at least killing something every once in a while. You should probably stick to 12-24 battles at the very most and avoid 1-12 and 36+ battles as they will likely just cause him to get bored out of his mind (either by running around unable to find targets or by being pinned down in a trench because sticking out your head will result in 3 snipers competing with each other about who gets to headshot you first)

    I know that 96+ fights are what PS2 is about but not for newcomers. Heck, even some veterans stay clear of them due to fear for their stupid k/d. It's simply chaos out there and not everyone enjoys that. He might get to appreciate it afterwards, but for the start, it's better to start smaller.
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  3. AxiomInsanity87

    Try telling him some lore and maybe do some kind of ops.

    It takes 2-3 squads to gang 48-96 randoms for lols.

    Tell him to forget honour and forget k/d as well and if he's on pc, turn all graphics down etc to be as competitive as possible. If he cares about k/d then he'll probably be all for butchering the game to be as 1337 as possible.
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  4. Littleman

    Drive a tank, make sure you've got a nice gun on top. If you're TR, our big *** minigun is a great option, no one says no to the minigun.

    Can't believe I forget what it's called *shamed*

    For myself, the reason I play IS to shoot at people though. It's a shooter... I want to shoot things. It's satisfying to get kills, unsatisfying and often frustrating to die, ESPECIALLY when I was convinced it would be an easy or quick kill. I imagine this is a huge turn off for a lot of players - part of why I loathe the existence of HA and nanoweave. At least nanoweave should be removed or provided at max rank for free by default.

    It's even more frustrating if I'm dead near instantaneously (I report just about everyone that scores multiple head shots on me and 99% of all snipers and commissioner deaths, so sue me.) I pity the newbie that understands the *ping* sound is eating a bullet to the face, and after their 4th death in a row, is convinced the game is full of hackers. I am too, but I'm stubborn and still manage a 2.0 K/D at least. But I have rank 5 nanoweave and a tricked out gun. Newbies don't, and they're shooting themselves in the foot by focusing on those before their class abilities. 1500 easy certs won't get anyone very far just starting out.

    Unfortunately, telling people to forget about K/D has never and never will work. That's something someone has to come to terms with themselves. I can forget about K/D in the rare times a fight is super intense and victory is just within reach, but for me it isn't really about K/D, so much as the satisfaction of the kill and really hating the "lose" scenario that is dying. There's a reason I don't use cheap easy farm methods - I get no satisfaction from easy kills. There's a reason I prefer the medic over the HA for my front line combat - bigger kick of dopamine when I win, even if it's masochistic of me to play a medic over an HA for the purpose of killing.

    I mean, I REALLY hate to lose.
  5. MasterAssassins

    Thanks for the input. But is there anything that I can do to get him out of the mind set that kd is the most important thing in the game. Oh and BTW I loved guilty crown.
  6. MasterAssassins

    I was trying to get him into some squad play. But he didn't get why a organized squad would make a difference in this game because of its size and that in plaentside there isn't any "organization" or cooperative teem play.
  7. Endlave

    No idea, since people who care so much about k/d are usually the ones with a huge e-***** and don't like disregarding their false pride just because people tell them to. Just try to make him see that it is entirely ridiculous to expect anyone to have a sparkling kd in a game in which balance does not exist (in the terms of fights can get from 90% vs 10% to 30% vs 70% in a couple of seconds)
    Besides, it's ridiculous to compare infantry kd with tanker kd or aircraft kd. Just because people have a high kd doesn't mean that they are "better" at what they are doing. Just that they die less often.

    If he care so much about kd still, put him in a max or let him tank with you. His kd will rise by itself as long as he has people to repair him as a max or aircraft doesn't **** you up in a tank.

    And btw, you have excellent taste if you liked Guilty Crown. Power to you, mate ;)
  8. AxiomInsanity87

    Because a lot of players are headless chickens, tell him that.

    This is a vid of my outfit on ops. The first base we take off of 48-96 with 3 squads and the biolab with 2 squads while the other deals with another base of 24-48 alongside comrades.

    Just keep in mind that a lot had only been playing for about 2 weeks, platoons weren't implemented yet and it was extremely buggy in comparison back then, making for extremely irritating and dysfunctional play.

    Show him this post. This is on ps4 as well and you can be much more precise on pc.
  9. AxiomInsanity87

    I do care about kills 100%

    I like to rack up as many terrorist and cultist kills as possible ;)
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  10. MasterAssassins

    Does anyone knows anyone know any good squads or outfits on emerald? Honestly I usually lone wolf :/
  11. Ven Moonwall

    I am not really sure what to say, but i can only explain my fascination with Planetside through song.

    I wanna be the very best
    Like no one ever was!
    To snipe them is my real test
    To kill them is my cause!

    I will travel across the land
    Searching far and wide,
    Each headshot to understand
    The power that's inside!
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  12. AxiomInsanity87

  13. MasterAssassins

    Hahaha that good
  14. Musashioni

    I think it isn't a constant for anyone. Some want high k/d, others to be a known support, objective player, tanker/flyer etc. It can change a lot too over the player's career. When I started, I got wrecked and decided I wanted to improve enough to be a threat. I picked up an infil and played it until aurax. Over time though, my tastes changed and I cannot stand being an infil. I love being a medic. Keeping people up on objectives and having a selection of amazing guns keeps me going. It can be really rewarding but it isn't for everyone. Who knows, maybe I'll get tired of being awful in air and work to be a top pilot. That's the thing about planetside, it has many options for players to be flexible. The important thing is finding a class you like, building a foundation while learning mechanics, and then growing to the direction you want as a player.

    Suggestions for your friend and new players in general:

    1.) Don't suggest support to a new player as their only option. Many do this so they can make certs and feel like a part of the game. What ends up happening is they rarely fight, get killed, and then get bored. The players around them also get bad revives, boxed in by an engi not moving, make poor choices (many medics when they see another on their 6 will be more agressive, expecting the other to be able to keep up and cover).

    Instead: have the new player try all classes and see what they like, while avoiding too rigid of X class is for this. For example, player says they want to clear rooms, so the natural response is play HA. HA on paper is the room clearer but I have met light assaults/infils who perform far better than they would as an HA. There is a factor of feeling right to the player which should not be ignored.

    2.) Once a class is found, do not switch for a period of time. I've seen it too often, where a player likes a class a week and then had a bad day. They then start jumping around never really mastering a class. Bad days happen and developing muscle memory for abilities/hp thresholds/weapons can be a critical factor. No one should expect to always do amazing, especially at the start.

    3.) Accept you're going to do bad. Very few start this game and do amazing. You shouldn't expect to out perform a player of months to years right off. If you are able to, there is something seriously off with the player comp. They worked hard just like you are going to have to and instead of getting discouraged, watch them, analyze why you died, and try to improve.

    This does not mean to say screw it all to go ham and just die repeatedly. There is a difference between setting real goals and not caring.

    4.) Have fun. If you're just getting killed spawning in on a sundy or are absolutely hating your current battle, redeploy to another fight. This is planetside not a round based fps. Sure that tech plant is critical to the alert but you are just starting. You've got to build a little muscle to flex first :p

    5.) Finally, if you are the friend of said new player, try to pick controllable engagements. A 96 plus fight with air to ground farming, massive choke points etc. are not very new player friendly. I did it that way and it is extremely frustrating (then again I came into this game solo and found friends in it later).

    Also, I recommend you play medic, if you can handle the class. Some absolutely hate being medic and that frustration will be picked up by the new player, usually making them feel bad. If you are able to play this class though, it saves them from having to respawn, run back, and get killed (also helps thst k/d they probably keep staring at). It can save them from a traded kill, grenade, unseen flank etc. You don't like not being picked up and a new player feels the same. The longer you can keep them in the fight, the more they can learn.

    In addition to this, it is crucial you as a player stays positive and calm. No one likes being in an party when a guy goes on tilt. It makes people tense and usually others start getting mad as well. Community is crucial in this game and more times than not, it is the met players that keep people going. Try to be that person so your friend feels calm and not like he is ruining your session.

    Very long post I realize but I feel with the large learning curve PS2 has, we need to be attentive to our new players or it will fade fairly quickly. It's a great game with a lot of opportunity but the person has to be patient and willing. Why we play varies but it is important we do our best to make sure everyone keeps playing. :)

    *Hopefully I found all the errors in my edit. My apologies as this was typed on my phone.*
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  15. Imperialguardsman

    Err, tell him about the almighty cert and what it means to farm certs. Certs are the tokens to the right of nobility and if he collects more certs he will be more noble and therefore he should play more to get more certs.
  16. Wargeist

    While I can sympathize with your buddy, the only way he's going to get better is to get out in the thick of it. If he can develop some battle awareness and shoot halfway straight then he should at least become able to give as good as he gets. This is no lobby shooter though and the chaos catches up to everyone eventually.

    It may not matter. He may rage quit the first time one of his teammates stabs him in the back of the neck just because he can.
  17. Pikachu

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  18. WestboundNixon

    People have already posted many good points, so I'll just quickly chime in with a few things that stand out to me about the game.

    First is the tactical freedom. For any given problem there are many ways to go about solving it. Whether its how to win this 1v1 or how to lock the continent. Allowing and encouraging creativity & adaptability is huge for me.

    Second is the prominence of organized play. Outfits make fights feel less like random scrums and more like battles. I love getting to know a group of people, playing with them regularly, getting better as a team, and making a difference on the field while dozens of other similar groups are out there doing the same thing, both with and against us.

    Third, I really like how most of the people who play regularly on a server know each other. It's great calling an enemy out by name before he's spotted just by knowing his camo and habits. Everybody has a persistent reputation that I see as almost analogous to another section on their stats page. Similarly, every outfit has a reputation and backstory and history.

    Plus the scale of it all, the combined arms aspect, the side-grade/trade off nature of gear, etc etc.

    But like the long learning curve to understanding how to play the game, I suppose there can be a long curve getting into the more social aspects of it. Probably potentially longer, since if you don't run into the right people in game, or get onto forums and reddits, you might not find it.
  19. Zvezdan

    My thought is that if your friend gets pissy about getting rolled when he was new to the fps genre and the game in general, he probably doesn't have the kind of skin to succeed in the game.
  20. Azawarau

    If hes going to stay thinking KD matters that much then hes not going to enjoy this game

    I have a friend that i cant get to play because its too chaotic and he doesnt see a point in a never ending war

    For some people the concept just doesnt hit them regardless of how great the gameplay is