PS4 sub-forum closure

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JobiWan, Mar 8, 2016.

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  1. JobiWan

    I don't know about anyone else but I don't think this will be pretty. The odd time I've ventured in there it seems the majority of the threads are personal attacks against other players, not just posters, but people they've upset/been upset by during play.

    This just doesn't seem to happen much in the PC section but for some reason a lot of threads in the PS4 section are like '(player-I-don't-like) I challenge you to a fight because I am #1 killa ADS expert' type nonsense.
  2. Savadrin

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  3. PS2GEO17

    This is going to be gooood
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  4. Pelojian

    sounds like we are going to need some new tags [PC] and [PS4] to sort out threads.

    it's the only way we'll know what is authored by the PC master race and console peasants.:D
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  5. Cynosure

  6. Alkasirn

    Oh boy, now instead of choosing between nerf or buff threads we can choose between nerf, buff, or "I can play with my joystick better than you" threads.
  7. Scubaette

    Some of us from ps4 wish to applogize in advance for our special and gifted ps4 players that are about to flood your constructive and helpful forums
  8. PS2GEO17

    Nah, what your actually going to get is "1v1 me noseguns only" and "lol my k/d is higher which means im better than you" threads
  9. Hambo

    Fear not. Everyone will easily be able to distinguish most of the PS4 threads. They include keywords such as shytter or k/d.
  10. Pelojian

    i don't know about that. some PC players really hate vehicles and use that word and K/D does come up from PC players from time to time. it would be nice to have [PC] and [PS4] tags for issues which are specific to those clients and aren't just balance complaints.
  11. Joexer

    Thank you Dan Bull
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  12. Hambo

    You're right though. In all honestly, we're guests in your house - the consequence of burning down our own.
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  13. DirArtillerySupport

    We need popcorn...and LOTS OF IT!!
  14. Scubaette

    And don't forget the gas certain individuals poured on that house
  15. Savadrin

    The good news is that if there was any way for the PC forums to be shut down, they'd have ****canned us all long ago. :D
  16. Reclaimer77

    Ugh Console Kiddies coming here?

  17. Dirge

    Ugh, PC plebs right here? Next to me? Bleh.
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  18. PS2GEO17

    That wasn't gas, that was a nuke breh
  19. Savadrin

    This pig.
  20. PS2GEO17

    It wants to give you a lick
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