Maybe its time to nerf HA?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VookieTheCookie, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Goretzu

    I dunno, I kill plenty of HAs and I mostly play Engi and Inf these days.

    If you're running into headshot heros that's another issue, and scripting still tends to work best with HAs as well, as does medikit spam which still synergises with HA better than any other class because of the shield (and will no matter how much it is nerfed until it is totally remove - or more sensibly a decent hard cooldown is put on medikits).

    Honestly though if your playing a Sniper Inf and you're expecting to kill HAs more than 50% of the time in a 1on1 I think you're just being unrealistic, they'd have to nerf HAs beyond the ground to achieve that.
  2. Azawarau

    Resist shield isnt that good when compared to the NMG

    You have to activate it preemptively

    Youll have less overall speed than the NMG always

    Youll always have less HP than NMG when nanoweave is taken into account

    Resist shield does have its advantages though

    Healers + resist

    Reduced damage from from small arms ans explosives?

    Youll almost never run out of shield time

    It made heavies a little easier to deal with which makes the other classes able to better perform their roles

    Its not perfect but its a step in the right direction
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  3. Plastikfrosch

    especially since the shield-nerf the HAs fall a lot faster to my smg infil or my LA (especially while using something like the serpent).
  4. Ragnarox

    Balance HA:

    decrease movement speed to 75% cause they wear LMG, Rocket Launcher, sidearm all at once. (that heavy load dude you can't just run like all other classes).
    Decrease resist shield to 30%
    All shields hp to only 2 shots.
    Remove healing ability or nerf to only 1 stimpack.
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  5. Gutseen

    I leik how dem autists cry 'bout DA BEST class in-game
  6. Moz


    HA is fine as it is......
  7. Scr1nRusher

    I've explained this again and again.

    Resist Shield should have been nerfed to 35%.
  8. Azawarau

  9. FateJH

    40% should give it about the same amount of effective health, if not just one bullet less, as NMG plus Max Nanoweave (that is, you mow through all 450 NMG points and then mow through the 20% Nanoweave).
    Actually, is my math correct? It's been a while since I did shield calculations so potential loopholes may escape me.
  10. Goretzu

    Putting a proper hard cooldown on medipacks is just something that needs to be sorted, nothing really to do with HAs (although HA is the class that can abuse it most).

    Other than that I'd PS1 them:

    • Make them slower than the other classes as base footspeed - I forget what the base REXO footspeed was, but it was much slower than Agile or light armour.
    • Increase their base resistance or base hitpoints (they need some extra toughness).
    • Make the shield only defend against specific effects (i.e. only AOE, only Concussion, only EMP or whatever), but not direct damage.

    I think you'd have a much more useable HA like that, which would still be a frontline class, but equally would have pretty much all the cheesy/exploity bits removed.
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    I really don't have any issues with Heavy Assaults, but these would be absolutely reasonable... adjustments, especially 1, 3 and 4 (this last one I can't even imagine why it's not been that way from the beginning). Although I don't understand why anybody would pick an SMG for a HA.
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  12. FateJH

    Google "Cyclone Heavy Assault."
  13. SnatchMaster

    I hate facing heavy assaults in planetside. It's one of the most annoying feelings in the world for someone who plays primarily medic to run into a heavy assault time and time again every time I turn the corner. Even when you accurately dump a ton of rounds onto them, they still just throw up a shield, soak up all the damage, hit a med kit or two, or three (Quite ridiculous) and walk away. A heavy that can manage the accuracy of an lmg with an adrenaline shield who's going on a rampage, seems nearly invincible.

    The problem that I always run into, from my own personal perspective anyways, is that as a non heavy class I find myself too often out in front. If you're going to put yourself in a position where you can run headfirst into a wall of heavy assaults, do not be upset when you die. The class is playing it's role there the way it was meant to. Whenever I can get myself out of the habit of 1 v 1'ing heavy assaults, I can perform a bit better. IF you do run into a heavy assault, you need to realize that the most important option you have is to aim for the head, especially at closer ranges. They have the shield up which slows their movement, and hipfiring lmgs is laughably bad, to where they are going to be moving slow as all hell. Grab yourself an NS weapon with.75 ads if you have to, but most of the time if I beat a heavy 1 v 1, that's how I do it.

    Yes, the shield is aggravating, but so are a lot of things in planetside. It's how you handle these situations as a player that determine your skill. I think heavy assault is fine where its at if you remove the medkit options from them. I think its excessive that they can carry 4, with an overshield, and barely need to reload. Make them a strong class that needs to be supported in order to do well, not a rambo class that can do whatever it wants and fall back on med kits to keep going. Other than that, working as intended imo.
  14. Azawarau

    Medic is one of my go to heavy killers

    Its surprisingly effective
  15. TheFlamingLemon

    I've been saying that heavy assault needs a role change for a while, but I guess that seems unlikely. A very simple change that would completely solve the Heavy Assault problem would be to make the overshields not cover a player's head. That would mean that a headshot wouldn't have a damage reduction from resist shield or be absorbed by the other two, and that, with NMG and adrenaline, head shots would not further drain the shield at all, as a shot to the body would. Overall, this would make the downside to the overshields - a movement speed reduction - actually be a problem, as a good player would be able to use it to get more headshots. With that, the HA should be balanced.
  16. Stormsinger

    Without having read every other comment in here, I'll toss in my two cents.

    With Multi thousands of hours in PS2, ~80% of which is Engineer... I die to HA about as often as I die to everything else. When fighting a HA, and I loose to them due to an overshield that leaves them with a sliver of health, do you know what I do?

    Nothing. I shrug and move on - thats the game. Heavy Assaults are intended to be the heaviest hitting infantry class, with the beefiest health. When i'm blown away by a HA, that was their job, they did it. That HA will then find my team with full ammo, and be shredded in a hail of infinite ammo from my ammo packs while I repair friendly tanks on the rear line whilst I work my way forward again.

    The battle lines are intended to consist of mostly HA with a smattering of medics and engies supporting them, while Infiltrators snipe (and infiltrate) or flank with the LAs. (Or at least thats how I look at it) - I don't especially like the playstyle offered by HA, save for when I need a rocket launcher - but then I prefer to be a part of the support crew, or one of the tank / sundy / air pilots pushing from other angles. The HA already has the same health pool / default armor as everyone else, and the overshield only really serves as an 'oh crap' button vs a few rounds, or as an anticipatory engagement survival tool.

    Speaking as an Engie / Support class / vehicle pilot main, heavies don't feel potent enough. I can mow down several of them even with their shields with my Carbine, assuming I get the element of surprise - this happens nightly. By the same token, I get my butt blown off by a flanking HA / anything else when I don't see them coming, thats the game, thats how this works. I'd go as far as to say that I believe poor hit detection is responsible for losses-with-a-sliver-of-health scenarios more often then the HA shield is.
  17. Verceterix

    I don't see how that's remotely possible, considering 9 out of every 10 players you face is a heavy assault.
  18. Scr1nRusher

    These changes are very rational.
  19. Azawarau

    Im waiting
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  20. Scr1nRusher

    Upset that the status quo is being pointed out?