[Vehicle] Scythe Fire suppression vs. Nanite auto repair

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BouncyIlama, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. BouncyIlama

    I've been getting into the vehicle game recently, and I wondered whether to max out my Nanite Auto repair or start investing into my Fire suppression. I often die when I'm on fire so maybe fire suppression is better? I would like some advice please!
  2. Mefi

    Fire Suppression is Press X to get up to +25% hp and can be used in a fight, and it's a huge combat advantage.

    Auto Repair is a convenient upgrade that heals you between fights, not necessary, but handy.
  3. Diggsano

    In my Anti Infantry Scythe loadout i have both and it is really like hit and run.
  4. BouncyIlama

    Is it worth swapping out engagement radar for Fire suppression?
  5. Armcross

    You often die so do fire suppression. Auto repair is convenient when you mostly survived fights or flight. Depending on your gameplay stealth can be a big help both on offence and defense.
  6. PasitheeVS

    I love to use Scout Radar + Nanite Auto Repair for a PPA Scythe.
    (or Decoy Flares + NAR against TR with their OP Strikers...)

    For A2A I use FS + Stealth. It's a great combo for jumping other pilots and frontal dogfights.
  7. LodeTria

    You only really need level 1 NAR at starter levels, since it heals pretty quick anyway.
    Invest in FS first as it's bonus it's way better as you cert it up.
  8. zaspacer

    I think most veteran pilots use Stealth + Fire Suppression. Sometimes I see Flare, but not often.

    Even FS1 is great, you just have longer downtime (during which you stay in a safe[r] area) as you wait for it to re-charge. Stealth gets much better once fully Certed: Lockons take longer to Lock and you don't show up on Maps as much.

    I use Stealth + Fire Suppression on all my current ESF Loadouts. I used to use Scout Radar on my AI ESFs so I could chase down each Infantry in smaller fights, but now I just stick to flexible role Loadouts to be able to better handle potential threats: getting jumped by an enemy ESF(s).