Pisols on PTS!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diggsano, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Diggsano

    Now avaible are the Emissary in all variants and the Scatterpistol has a Option for greater magazine!

    First to say is, the Emissary is a must have if it will stay as this!!
    I never saw a pistol that great made for stalker and i was in the mind it is bad.....i never was that wrong :D
    The emissary can be equipped with sights, silencer and lasersight OR greater Magazine.
    how ever i recomment: 2x Lasersight, Silencer and Lasersight for EVERY stalker out there.

    The Scatterpistol can now hold 6 shots per magazine with ext mag, also it somehows aims better!

    I hope the PEmissarystays like this!! i would be so happy!

    Good work Daybreak!! :D

    What do you think about it?
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  2. Gutseen

    As long as i can see stalker infls with my settings from 20 meters away,at night,while infl is still, let em have it.
  3. Gundem

    Ya know what?

    Normally, I don't get this salty, but this time: **** you, **** Stalkers, **** forumside.

    We, the majority playerbase of PS2, have lost many unique and effective pistols due to your incessant ********. The intended purpose of a sidearm, is to be a weapon that can down a damaged target in a panicked situation. Instead, all the Stalker infiltrators made a *****-storm whenever they didn't get a sidearm that was really a primary weapon.

    Lasher pistol? Amazing concept, jump around and spam disco at their feet. TTK doesn't matter when they have less then 500 HP anyway. But instead, we get the Spiker, with it's worthless charge-up mechanic, because "muh stalker".

    Magscatter? Great sidearm, deals a nice chunk of damage in CQC and can graze people with a pellet for a kill. Still overshadowed by the Commish, but none the less, it's decent. Yet the Stalkers ***** about it, having the audacity to compare it with a normal shotgun, as if it's being inferior to a primary weapon serves as a point to not using it.

    Pretty much every low damage burstfire pistol ever? Same story.

    Please, go rub your Commish somewhere else. I want an effective sidearm.
  4. LodeTria

    It's actually getting AoE damage on it's charge up shots now.
    It's in the PSA pistol buffs thread.
  5. Taemien


    The Silent Majority is the true darkside.
  6. Diggsano

    You know that pistols are for all classes?

    I want to tell you that this weapon will be good for more then just stalker!
    There are Engies with Archer which will have a nice side weapon too
  7. Liewec123

    its always had a little bit of splash ;)
  8. Zap97

    S, wait a second...did they downgrade NS-7 to a secondary?

    Jokes aside, a nerf is alredy inbound. ETA is a month or so. Be it stalker cloak or this new gun. Call it a hunch but my forum rage sense is tingling.
  9. Diggsano

    Oh honey...

    The stalker has one HUGE Pro but so many Cons...

    "Nearly" Invisible

    Seeable in movement and even without darklight
    900HP, Easy one hit kill for Weapons
    No Primary

    Do you see it?

    And you know that the Autopistol needs to much time to kill, even a Crossbow kills faster...

    You just played yourself, you haven't got any clue of this game.

  10. Liewec123

    from my testing VS have definately drawn the short straw, Mag-scatter and Inquisitor both feel like really great choices now, even Amp feels like a small magazine SMG!

    i'd say spiker needs more work, currently the charge up is still pretty worthless,
    and cerberus/manticore/beamer need some love!

    good changes so far, also entirely off topic, anyone else checked out the sweeeeet new vehicle armours? most notably the new ESF cockpits :D
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  11. Diggsano

    Heat mechanic for the Spiker?
    Would it be OP? Kinda

    I would buff Beamer with 2x burst and 18shots/mag

    Cerberus buff with 15m max range from 8m...(give Mag-shot a better Velocitiy in exchange)

    Manticore should have a better RPM

    What do you think?
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  12. haldolium

    Well on the other hand, charge is entirely UP and is by far the worst mechanic in the entire game and the most unsatisfying as well.

    For a sidearm, which is essentially what Gundem said it is in PS2, it's the worst really. No one has the time for a ******* charge up in CQC pistol combat... its about being fast first and foremost.
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  13. Diggsano

    But what do you think about the buffs i suggest?
  14. Deffington

  15. Diggsano


    You can fold it backwards to get a small weapon stock. That way you can compensate for recoil much more easily.
  17. Diggsano

    I actually hope if they nerf the gun, then just in the Hipfire accuracity! :/
  18. Ronin Oni

    Not on uncharged shots though which is the change.

    it's basically an 8 round, slower rof, low total capacity pocket lasher
  19. Liewec123

    ooo i'll have to check it out then :)
  20. haldolium

    Well yeah why not, but who cares in the end? The charge mechanic as a VS trait was a mistake in the first place, and every change that takes charge into usage is a bad one.