Does anybody use NV optics on vehicles?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. JohnGalt36

    Maybe my settings are screwed up, but night vision is hilariously useless. All it does on my screen is make everything fuzzy and slightly brighter, but the lack of contrast just makes it even harder to see anything. It would be nice to use on my Reaver or Skyguard, but it is just terrible at this point.

    Is this just me having the wrong settings, or is it really just that useless?
  2. Hegeteus

    I used it on Esamir to trap and blind unsuspecting randoms who got in my vehicle
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  3. Savadrin

    I forgot to ask. I put it on a Walker on my harasser, figuring maybe it would help at night on Hossin, but I can't remember if it ever worked out because we ended up back on the Vulcan 2 minutes later.

    I *think* that like the HSNV scope, it shows live objects as a much brighter white. Maybe I'll pull one tonight and see if I can't screenshot it for you, lol.
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  4. JohnGalt36

    It doesn't highlight people or objects at all for me. The HSNV works just fine, but when I use NV on a vehicle weapon, all I get is a slightly brighter, washed-out, blurry greenish picture.

    It used to be great, but they "reworked" it at some point.
  5. Stigma

    Haven't used NV since they changed it away from being essentially a green (and longer range I think) version of thermal.

    Since it got reworked a long way back it hasn't really done anything useful. It may be very very marginally useful in aiding visiblity in very dark areas - but the game isn't very dark even at its darkest so this is a non-issue. Thermal does a far better job in 99% of cases, so there is no real reason to use NV over thermal or zoom.

    It's just one of the many things that were forgotten and never made viable or remains entirely broken - like infiltrators decoy grenades (how many people know those even exist in the game I wonder?).

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  6. JohnGalt36

    I thought they got rid of decoy grenades.
  7. Savadrin

    they did
  8. Metalsheep

    I like to use it on my Skyguard, helps you pinpoint aircraft a little better. But other than that it's pretty lame. Thermal Sights are better most of the time.
  9. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, unless they changed it again, what it does is make skyboxes pure black, so spotting aircraft is crazy easy (the only color when looking up)

    If you're looking at terrain, it's just ****.
  10. LodeTria

    I have it on my ESF nosegun because I don't use optics to fighter other aircraft. Mostly just for a joke really.
  11. Pfundi

    So nightvision is the green one? That would explain why I didnt use it the last two years... Lol
  12. Tanelorn

    Its actually MUCH improved from the original. But it's still a bit useless. They need even better light enhancement.
  13. PatateMystere

    What they could do is make the NV optic highlight better vehicules and thermal highlight better infantry? (or the opposite)
    Or maybe make thermal an upgrade of NV that shows ally and ennemies in a different color.
  14. AZAN

    Any night vision tools are just going to be irrelevant when players can manually change their gamma and screen contrast settings anyway. The reason thermal is useful is that it remaps the colours so that players and vehicles are highlighted.

    I could see night vision actually being useful if it did something different, like maybe help highlight bullet tracers (some sort of persistence?) or give much better depth information at the cost of colour contrast.
  15. stalkish

    Esc > Settings > Graphics > Brightness 1.0 (if i remember the option correctly)

    Night vision will never be required as long as you can make night day with ingame options.
    You can even just keep it at full all the time as it doesnt disturb your daytime vision by anything noticable.

    Enabling gaming mode on my monitor also makes in brighter, somehow removes most of the fog, gets rid of glare, and crisps out long range horizon aiming.
    Feels like cheating tbh.

    Back then (about 2 years ago) it used to highlight units in white (light green), much like how the Thermal does it in orange up to this day. And since it was only 50 Certs (compared to 200 Certs for the Thermal), and had about 2 times the effective range of Thermal, it was pretty much a nobrainer that IRNV > Thermal. There was some room for choice if one preferred the orange highlight on a blue background over white highlight on a green background (and was willing to trade off effective range), but not much.

    The moment the highlight feature has been removed from IRNV, the moment it was rendered instantly useless and obsolete trash. And since lighting conditions at nights are pretty much daylight with clouds, IRNV now has exactly 1 reason to be used: if you are masochistic.

    This is how it looked originally:


    It was effectively nulled, then swept under the floor and left to rot in the game, like numerous other weapons and equipment.
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  17. TherealScrable

    Oh ****, I remember those. But nobody used them.

    Also I have used NV once on my lightning... I was dissappointed. You can't see anything through that.
  18. Reclaimer77

    Thermals are the most overpowered thing about vehicles. Night Vision SHOULD be what you have to work with. Instead for some reason vehicles have access to Thermal sights which render all other sights useless, and completely remove the concept of cover and camouflage from the Infantry game altogether.

    Thermals need to be just straight up removed.
  19. Savadrin

    I love the christmas tree. LONG LIVE VULCAN, FURY AND KOBALT THERMALS! :D
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  20. TheChris

    I use them for on my ESF or LIB.(Nosegun and 2nd gun)
    For example i dont have much time for seeking if i fly over a good populated area. If i take too much time i get the risk of beeing spottet from Antiair wich can be deadly if you are on Indar or esamir.

    I also like it on Heatcannons for tanks. I dont use zoom in most cases exept walker and basilisk.

    Nightvision ? i can remebemer they nerfed this until its useless?