Please stop developing new content until your severs can handle what's already in game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bLind db, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Kraxist

    To everyone jumping to defend DB and saying its this guys rig or his ISP.

    Emerald server full on crashed Friday night at 11pm. These are prime gaming hours, and crashes like these have been occurring more and more frequently. For anyone who plays with any regularity, we know that the frequency of crashes at this point is minimally once per week, but likely more.

    Everytime I warp to a new continent, my character warps in UNDER the damn warpgate. And I have to redeploy in order to actually go anywhere. A temporary fix I've found is to always switch continents as a light assault, so you can fly up through the floor. But this doesn't change the fact that this is a broken *** game.

    Finally, and this one pisses me off the most, any burning wreckage in this game completely destroys anything it touches? Oh you have a full health MBT and a part of a destroyed lib falls on you? Blown up. Oh you have a full health sunderer and the lightning traveling ahead of you blows up from a mine and the wreckage touches you? Blown up. It's like this game has a "two forms of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time" rule to it, and all burning wreckage should be considered "Dark Matter", for all intents and purposes, that can and will WRECK YOUR **** ON CONTACT.

    I'm not saying this is a bad game. It can be incredibly fun. Just effing fix it, DayBreak...before you wind up being known as DeyBroke.
  2. Savadrin

    Yeah, servers went down late friday for a bit and they were sketchy later. That's the only crash I've seen recently barring the DoS attacks, but that's a different animal.

    And my experience with wreckage doesn't match yours. I have died from direct hits when a lib falls - but let's face it - when burning wreckage from the sky lands on you, you probably ARE going to explode.
  3. Kraxist

    Thats fine and all, but I noticed you completely ignored the elephant in the room lol. That being the warpgate basement. Everyone has this one.
    • Up x 1
  4. Savadrin

    True story, it happens to me fairly often. Sometimes I fall through the world to my death, depending on the base. Shrug, I've seen worse so 30 seconds wasted won't ruin my life :D
  5. orangejedi829

    I have a great connection and a great PC, yet I was still getting less than 20fps in the large fights last night. Something is definitely wrong.
  6. KrankyKrapHands

    need to insert some point here as well
    1) gal drop missed and spawn somewhere 5min before
    2) now even exiting sundy spawned somewhere else
    3) Still not so much spawning underneath the warpgate after the 18th Feb 2016 patch
    4) i think the server on connery and emerald when berserk today (23rd feb 4.15am GMT+8), logout and not able to log in.
  7. travbrad

    Funnily enough Emerald seems much better than Connery for me lately, in terms of hitreg, FPS hitching, etc.

    Even Cobalt seems better than Connery, despite the fact I live 4,000 miles (and across an ocean) from Cobalt.