[Suggestion] Give Hossin 50% off consumables, give Amerish new benefit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFlamingLemon, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. TheFlamingLemon

    Simple suggestion:

    When the ANT system is released, give the 50% off of consumables benefit to hossin, and then make Amerish's benefit be 50% off construction costs. That way we don't have the useless current Hossin benefit, but hossin's bonus is still relatively bad for all the people that hate playing on it.
  2. Liewec123

    i miss the old max cost reduction but yes i'll be happy with anything else other than the useless "towers repair" thing XD
  3. Pikachu

    Hossin is the best benefit. :) Repair near ammo towers is so nice.
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  4. Taemien

    I personally think the system should dynamically choose when to unlock a continent. If a continent is open for an extended period of time, it remains locked longer, being that the 'other' continent that is locked will unlock first until the new one is.
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  5. TheRunDown

    They should do away with the Resources at this point.
    The amount of Grenades and Explosives on the field isn't a problem, nor would it change the every day experience if they were free, most people aren't effect or limited by the mount of grenades or explosives they throw out.

    Make Equipment free and add 3.50 minute cooldown to MBTs, Sunderers, Lib and Gal, no CD on Flashes, and 2.50 for everything else.

    Or even add a Income base on Equipment resupply per hour, meaning you can bank up to 30-50? of each equipment, and resupply one every 1 minute or so?

    MAX can be adjusted based on feedback. Seeing as PS1 had 3 different types of MAXs you could change to any if you lost one.. so I guess this could have 5 in Stock, and resupply one every 10 minutes?

    Grenade spam for spawns? There was loads of it on PlanetSide, but it wasn't a problem, it just means find a better place to camp or stop camping the spawns.
  6. HadesR

    Do away with them being fixed and have a selection of " possible " benefits and one is then chosen at random on a lock.
  7. Khallixtus

    I actually like the Hossin benefit. I just whack my Prowler next to the tower, Anchor, and proceed to blow up everything that comes into sight. It also means that hostile MBTs can't beat me in a fight (unless I forget how to aim completely) because of the repair.

    The Amerish one is fine, but it is situational. I certainly like the bonus when I'm trying to run with my Grenade Bandolier and C4 on my medic.
  8. PasitheeVS

    I like the Idea of giving a 50% off on ANT stuff for a continent lock.

    However, I don't think Amerish should be the continent having the bonus, because that would mean that Amerish will have the lowest usage of the ANT system (because you won't have the 50% Bonus there).

    It should be either Hossin, because Hossin offers the least surfaces for that anyways, or it should be Indar, because the 50% Discount on Aircrafts is ridiculous.

    /edit: Indar also because with the lower VP requirements there, it would be captured in seconds when having the 50% Bonus

    Btw. after writing the edit something has come to my mind.
    A Discount on ANT stuff would be nonsense, because you would lock a continent to gain VP with the ANT system to lock another continent....