NC RULES! Atleast according to the splash screen.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Demuerte, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Demuerte

    I think it finally hit me why the splash screen shows the NC kicking butt. DB is trying to build our morale and rally the troops. Honestly NC, what is going on here? Looking at the Alert stats from the PS2Alerts site, we are consistently getting our butts handed to us in a gilded basket across all servers.

    NC has won 25.1% of all alerts, compared to the TR at 34.6% and VS with 38.4%.

    To much freedom and not enough organization maybe? Let the excuses and laughter begin! :)
  2. Hegeteus

    Not enough of NC's special units, prox chat warriors! Nothing beats hearing an Arnold yell: "Hyaarghh!! Medics, I have fallen in glorious battle!" etc.

    Seriously though, I'm happy NC wins even that many alerts when I sometimes sit and observe the circus
  3. Demuerte

    We do have a lot of spawn-room hero's, TKers, those that charge off into battle without support, MAX's that TK you if you don't drop ammo or repair them fast enough, etc. I do believe that every faction has those problems, but the NC is littered with them. Or so it appears.

    One of the funniest was someone trying to lead a counter attack with his voice changed to sound like a chipmunk.

    For now, maybe we need a new slogan. Something like, "The NC, we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!"
  4. Taemien

    NC has won the majority of Server Smashes.
    NC has won the world record event.

    NC wins when it matters. They don't need morale boosting.

    Also on Genudine Helios Connery they caused a TR/VS alliance that lasted from 2012 to the beginning of 2015, due to making the VS and TR sit in their warpgates for months at a time. That's NEVER happened to the NC. They've been warpgated before, but not for weeks and months like the TR and VS were.

    Also fun fact for the Teamkilling MYTH.

    While NC TK's more overall. It also has the largest population overall. However the VS TK's more per person than NC... 33% more IIRC. The VS is the TKing faction. The NC is the winning faction in organized play.
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  5. Demuerte

    Having been playing NC for a couple years now, I couldn't agree more. Even been one of those MAX's next to the warpgate with Rodelle and crew (CTD) on Helios. The most important thing you missed was poking a little tongue in cheek fun at what some in our faction are doing.
  6. Taemien

    Back before warpgate rotation.. it got old sitting in Crater Firing Range staring at a red warpgate gibbing Prowlers.

    VS did a little better.. most of the fighting there was at Peris and maybe... maybe... Vanu Archives. That was during the hex based system.

    Either way.. I thought 405 for Vanguards was their normal price. Always had a three cap.
  7. MasterOhh

    Ahh the smurfes. No other faction managed to get themselves warpgated so glorious with 40% continent pop, like they did, back in the good old times on Lithcorp / Cobalt.
  8. Spoprockl

    That guy they are carrying? He was hit by friendly fire, and all the medics ignored him to shoot people and vehicles way out of range. Then those other two drunk smurfs decided to drag his incapacitated body to an already lost biolab grind while most soldiers of the other two factions were fighting to win the alert.
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  9. Shiaari

    Such nostalgia right there. And before continent locking there was a tiny 2 hex facility just south of the VS warp gate called ARX something.... and we abused the **** out of that base. It was a teeny tiny bottle neck to attack between the edge of the map and our pain field. We'd conquer Indar and then stack so much **** on that tiny little hex and hold out for WEEKS!

    Who remembers that awesomeness??