Unnecessary Nerf of HA by Wrel?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpartanLazer, Feb 1, 2016.

  1. Moz

    Yes.... and it took faaaaaaar to long to implement.

    TBH you can hardly tell there is a difference... HA still has a massive health pool, resist shield + ASC still owns..... adrenaline is still awesome as long as your actually killing stuff they are just not quite as utterly silly.....

    So yeah. About damn time.... nerf them more for me!
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  2. Goretzu

    They exist (whilst I'm not going to link them they are there in plain sight).
    They are used by a decent and IMO rising percentage (it has got so bad in H1Z1 they are going for BattleEye, and basically PS2 and H1Z1 cheats are pretty much interchangeable).
    It is actually harder to download, install and use Planetside 2 than it is to download, install and use ESP/aimbots or the scripting software most commonly used.

    99.99% of ESP/aimbot/script users having nothing to do with making them, anymore than Word users code Word.

    Now I'm not saying that 50% of people are using them or anything like that, but consider this, if 5% of people are using then, then in a 10 vs 10 fight 1 person would be using cheat-software (it is still probably lower than 5% useage however).
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  3. Hegeteus

    Why are the changes on HA even viewed as a nerf? They got plenty in return and now if people wanted HA to be actually nerfed, the idea at this point would be preposterous
  4. Demigan

    A program came with my mouse so that I could create macro's, including... movement macro's.
    Starting up the program probably takes longer than inserting a little ADAD spam dance with some short crouches in between while doing a switch to medkits and using them every zero point something seconds.
  5. tijolo

    Some stuff was decreased, some stuff was increased. It was NOT a nerf. It's arguably a buff in most long term scenarios.
  6. Liewec123

    the heavy didn't need nerfing,
    were they tougher than other classes in 1v1? ofcourse, they're the soldier class.
    engineers, scouts and medics SHOULD be at a rather large disadvantage if they try fighting the soldier class 1v1.

    the amount absorbed by adren and NMG was nearly halved, how is that not a nerf?
    there is no long term scenario when you're taking fire and activate the shield to absorb X amount of damage,
    the shield drops in almost an instant, the only effective difference is that it now absorbs a lot less than it used to.
  7. AxiomInsanity87

    HA just got pushed into 1v1's even more.

    More of a buff to be better at what it was nerfed for lol.
  8. Reclaimer77

    I don't see how you NEED overshield abuse to be the "go to" infantry class. You would still be the "go to" class without that crutch.
  9. Ballto21

    Is hilary clinton the cause of the increase in alcohol enemas in feminist circles?

    Im not sure if Hilary was telling these feminists to pump wine up their *****, thus the question mark
  10. Ronin Oni

    I disagree...

    Mind you, I think the shield changes were warranted and good for game balance...

    HOWEVER, HA should be the most common soldier class.

    Medic and Engineer are SUPPORTS, and you never need as many support classes as you need "fighter" classes. (and it's not like they sacrifice much TBQFH. The only real advantage of HA in Inf v Inf combat IS the shield. )

    LA and Infil are flank combatants, and their advantage lies in picking their fights in advantageous situations (if played right)

    HA are the meat for the grinder. You ALSO want them to be the most common troop type so that the majority of Infantry can actually fire back on the endless vehicle spam hitting every fight.

    The shield was a BIT over the top for the pure inf vs inf head on combat, and now it's more in line, but it SHOULD be the most common troop type.

    For the record, I do not play much HA (nvm the avatar, it's just my favorite VS portrait). In infantry combat I usually play any of the other classes, only grabbing HA to combat vehicles.
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  11. Poppington

    As someone who uses both Resist and Adrenaline Shield, I like the changes.

    I don't feel anything with the Resist changes, honestly. The numbers are so low that any change I'd feel I'd chalk up to being a placebo. The Adrenaline shield changes however, oh my goodness. With a decent kill speed, I feel way more tanky than I ever did before, and with almost no down time.

    I feel like bad heavies got nerfed, but decent ones got a buff - just not in the 1v1 duel department. This was a very well thought out, and well executed change.
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  12. orangejedi829

    If this were the case, why would anyone play HA, ever?
  13. Reclaimer77

    Sorry but I don't believe any balance discussion on a game with classes should begin with:

    "Class X should be the most used most powerful most versatile class in the whole game!!"

    That's the very definition of overpowered....
  14. Imp C Bravo

    I don't know why people call this a nerf though. It's a mechanic change. Shields are less panic button and more sustained combat tools now. Not really weaker -- just different.
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  15. Reclaimer77


    Hell to me Resist shield seems way OP. It lasts too long, soaks up too much damage, and it's recharge time is CRAZY fast! And they call this a nerf? Wtf....
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  16. Imp C Bravo

    But apparently it doesn't work with Nanite Armor or headshots so...at least that is something.
  17. AlterEgo

    The Heavy nerf was pretty heavy, in my opinion. 750 to 450? That's insane. At least 515 would've been swell.
  18. CNR4806

    I highly doubt Wrel has any real pull regarding the game's balancing, let alone being responsible for something as big as a significant nerf of one of the most-used classes.
  19. sebastian oscar post

  20. LodeTria

    It does lower headshot damage, whilst Nanoweave(suit) don't. It's why most HA use it nowadays. The Weave + Adrenalin is good for bodyshots, but lacking in Headshot protection because suit-weave doesn't do that anymore.
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