CPU issues [Dev attention please]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sevak, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Sevak

    I had to make a thread about this, because it's 2nd day already i do want to play Planetside, but i can't, and i'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
    So previously we had 2 processes causing CPU problems, however, we could close them manually and play with normal fps, NOW that ONE of them is fixed, another one still exist, it is not affecting fps that much(however for my not-powerful PC the difference is 20-25 less fps than normal).
    And the biggest problem is I can't kill that remaining process manually, if i do game will crash in app. 10 minutes.
  2. Taris26

    Try CPU unparking, GPU Driver reinstallation. Try to start Planetside 2 as first program. Close useless programs in autostart. Set your graphic settings to low except textures can be high. Activate Vsync. Play in window mode. Tell me if you get a better expirience :)
  3. user101

    They posted on Reddit that if you kill a thread now it will most likely crash the game.... there are no unneeded threads used now in the game. ( Time to upgrade the PC)
  4. Sevak

    Are you kidding me ? In a place where i normally used to get 70+ fps now i get 40-50, and you want to tell me everything is okay with performance ?
  5. Sevak

    So you're telling me this process has always been this way ??
  6. MikeyGeeMan

    Yes. Not only that a rudimentary Google search will show you the fix was just rolled out so you should have only one thread that if you kill it the game stops.

    Upgrade your potato to waffle fries. Performance is ok for us so you must have something going on with your PC.

    What specs are you running. Maybe we can help isolate your issue.
  7. Sevak

    Even if the matter is not CPU usage, the fact is that just 3 days ago i could play the game with good fps(just needed to close those 2 processes), and now i can't play at all because of horrible fps.
  8. Taris26

    Did you check if your all of your cpu cores are unparked? Sometimes they get reset and don't work anymore.
  9. Sevak

    I did, unfortunately that didn't help. Replies on my reddit post proved once more that I'm not the only player having such problems. Well, now I know, all i can do is wait...
  10. Shiaari

    System specs please.
  11. Sevak

    Intel Core i3 2100, 3.10GHz, 6GB of RAM, Nvidia Geforce GTX 750ti, thanks to my monitor(1280x1024, 75Hz) before last patch i had quite good fps, but now it's impossible to play.
  12. Shiaari

    I remember mention made a few months ago that Daybreak was looking to make greater use of multi-core CPUs and hyperthreading. That could be your problem. Those useless threads you were shutting down might not be so useless anymore, and your dual core i3 may no longer be up to the task, especially if you've been squeezing by relying on single core performance.

    Daybreak has been making a lot of uncatalogued changes to the game lately.

    Your CPU ceased being supported in 2013. It's time for you to upgrade.

  13. Pelainis117

    I had stable 26~ fps. Now I got drops to 15-10fps. My gameplay was fked up with 6-20kdr , now I can"t even reach 5kdr withount vehicle.