Why you always shoot at ESF's with small arms:

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. JohnGalt36

    Haha, good ol' Don.
  2. Gundem

    Don at his best.

    10/10 would watch him splat again.
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  3. Gustavo M

  4. JohnGalt36

    You must not play on Connery. The great thing isn't what happened, it's who it happened to.
  5. Gustavo M

    Oh, so it's just a clrclejerk/dick sucking thread, then.
    Carry on.
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  6. Gundem

    Don is the supreme lord of all furballs on all of Connery, being solely responsible for the entire airzerg population on the entire server.

    He's also gained quite a bit of notoriety for his usage of A2A pods, spaming them in swarms and wiping all the aircraft on the entire continent out with his furballs. Regardless of what factions a fight has, even TR/NC fights.
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  7. Cyropaedia

    When Connery's server pop is good, there are really fun air fights between all 3 factions. We had 20 Scythes and 2 Libs against 30 Mosquitos, 3 Libs, and 2 Gals over Indar just the other day. NC provided a 20+ Reaver counter last week.
  8. JohnGalt36

    You're a pleasant individual.
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  9. JohnGalt36

    90% of the time, however, you just can't pull air because of the giant, Langolier-like swarm of scythes devouring everything in their path. You can't even skyguard against them because Don will just bailassault C4 you before you actually kill him.

    The Connery zerg-mentality at its finest most horrific.
  10. Savadrin

    Sounds like a recipe for air superiority ;)
  11. Liewec123

    i always fly with UBGL, i've oneshot my fair share of ESFs when they come in to greedily grab the "easy kill" certs XD
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  12. Sebastien

    Shouldn't you be pretending to be a Janitor somewhere.
  13. Sebastien

    No, he's just Brazilian.
  14. Savadrin

    I happen to like brazilians
  15. Cyropaedia

    I did describe massive air battles between the 3 factions. Isn't that the design of the game?

    I mean I tried to. 1 vs 1 hover duel you but you flew away. I guess you were A2G farming? Is that any more noble?
  16. JohnGalt36

    I was probably trying to murder BakaRaymooTR with an Airhammer. That's what I was doing in the video before Don air-locked me.

    Why would I want to hover-duel? I'm a terrible pilot.
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  17. Cyropaedia

    BakaRaymoo is the ultimate guerilla. He used to run with the NC and cause a bit of heartache for the VS. i must say Don Alfrago and BakaRaymoo collaborating together adds another dimension.
  18. Athmosfear

    sounds like the whole BLNG and KWMN outfits on cobalt on TR side.. so theres nothing special on it..
  19. SpartanPsycho

    HEJ has a video of him c4ing don's wingmate and then dying to don.