[Suggestion] Vintage Gun Sales

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sebastian oscar post, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. sebastian oscar post

    i'll get straight to the point: 2000, 2345 and 2445 classic earth weapon on a random daybreak card, providing a new and exciting chance to unearth a rare gun!
    like for example this AK-47 with red cherry wood:
    or this Beretta 90-Two:
    i mean come on! just copy the gun models, give them stats, make several different skins and there you go!
  2. Mianera

    You'd have to give each faction a weapon.

    TR: AK-47
    NC: M16
    VS: Random laser rifle from a black n white 1954 alien invasion sci-fi

    ^ That's just an example. But frankly, I am happy we don't have that in PS2 since those weapons are so cliché they exist in every single other FPS out there.
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  3. WeRelic

    Of the many mistakes SOE made, I'd say that exclusion of real world weaponry was not among them.

    There are more FPS games that have these weapons than I can count. I can't say that about any weapon in the PS2 arsenal.
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  4. Vectore

    MSW-R is basically an AK-47 for the Terran :p
  5. SpartanPsycho

    Elysium had this really cool electric explosive gun.
  6. Taemien

    Not all weapon designs are available to be sold.

    Sure.. there's no copyright on the AK-47 and probably not for the M1911 .45. But Berattas and other newer weapons are a little harder to do. Sure you see these weapons in other games. But they're not sold in game.

    They can make their own alterations and probably use NS instead of Beratta, Colt, Armalite, Stag Arms, ect. But then you run into an art/design issue of having RL weapons in PS2. PS2 isn't a homogenized style like games like Terraria. Its got its own direction and I don't believe they are going to stray from that.

    If you go to the Player's Studio page where they explain the art for the four factions, you'll see what I mean.
  7. asmodraxus

    I'd rather have the Lasher from planetside 1


    It actually lashed enemies rather then splash's them, ie it does damage to missed enemies within x meters of the projectile instead of x meters of the projectile hitting something solid
  8. Reclaimer77

    Not to bring "realism" into this, but we all walk around in future armor capable of allowing one to survive a near-miss from tank shells and other explosive weaponry.

    I doubt rounds from an AK-47 would even make a dent. Whatever bullets our guns fire in Planetside 2, they're clearly packing a LOT more punch.

    Now as for game play...I think future variants based on vintage guns could work. You could even throw in some backstory like "The Kalashkinov AK-1000 was the first bla bla bla bla", and the design could be recognizable as being BASED on modern day guns.
  9. sebastian oscar post

    i get your point but i don't expect anyone to use them.
    they are just good looking extras if you strike lucky buying a DB card: buy a card and you have a 1 out of 32 chance of getting a vintage weapon!