Why removed the marks of the shots?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by viladapaznc, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. viladapaznc

  2. Illucidator

    that could be your video settings
  3. Gundem

    May be a bug. May be intended, since that would possibly eat up texture space.

    And some objects just don't get damaged by weapons fire. I've found a few of them before.

    I've also found a rock on Esamir that gets an Indar rock texture when shot. Good times, good times.
  4. viladapaznc

    This is a simple effect until games 20 years ago have.

    Response Customer Support via Email 01/15/2016 04:39 PM
    Thank you for your bug report!
    The development team has this tracked and they hope to have it resolved as soon as possible. We're very sorry for any inconvenience it's causing you in the meantime.
  5. Shiaari

    Confirmed. Marks don't appear for me, either. My hardware configuration is in my signature. All settings on ultra.
  6. Peleon71

    It's true. After the patch is no trace of the shots, and it's stupid. A lot of the benefits of shooting range (sarcasm).