Stop the aimbotters

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by borgqueenx, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. borgqueenx

    They do not ban these players enough, i still see some of them ingame. Its simply. Im cloaked as infiltrator, slowly moving when crouched or not moving at all, and this guy from far away as soon as he pops around a corner like 150 meters away starts firing on me and mostly makes headshots and im dead. i was cloaked......not moving...
    and the same situation happening over and over again. he has no godmode but kills everyone fast.
    Already the second person this week i see doing this.
    If it does not get handled soon im out of this game. i cannot accept hackers ruinin my fun.
  2. Pfundi

    Why is it always a hacker when someone notices a cloaker. You know you are visible? Especially with the wrong background. And headshots on a not moving target arent difficult.
  3. ShiruBiru

    The real problem in this game is the warping ****...
  4. borgqueenx

    so someone 150 meters away turns immediatly to me and makes a headshot? around 5 times in a row?
    while im cloaked and not moving?
    no one human can do that.
  5. Pfundi

    Warping of chars in a distance can be fixed by disabling shadows.
    Sure it was 150m? Not only 50? And you were in Deep Cloak, no motion spotters, no buddy that was looking for guys (maybe a LA sitting up somewhere or a stalker), sure it wasnt bad connection, etc etc
  6. RainbowDash9

    you know to be fair, the other day when i was playing i turned around a corner, noticed a infiltrator cloak and manged to pop a few headshots in him because he didnt move. was it RIGHT after you cloaked or were you cloaked for like 10 seconds because ping is a wonderous thing.
  7. Who Garou

    There is a /report function that you can use in-game to report hackers.

    Use it.
  8. saxonmish

    A crouched unmoving target especially
  9. saxonmish

    I bet you were spotting him, I can pinpoint anyones position when they spot me, even if they are cloaked or not. i tell more than enough people to top spotting
  10. ObiVanuKenobi

    When you look around your head can be seen pretty easily.
  11. user101

    You are funny -- cloaking only works for about 25 meters... other wise they can see you past the 25 meter mark. Games is set up that way that you can't sneek from place to place. Flash is the same way. There not aim bots they can see you at 150 meters.
  12. Problem Officer

    Not after some distance, on any graphics settings there's a cap.
    Not that it matters with the current state of anticheat.
    A few sessions ago I was headshotted within half a second by a heavy who was facing and sprinting the other way,
    an instant after I uncloaked, out of shimmer range. Not very low profile, might as well go for the deep cloaked ones.

    You have it backwards. Cloak is undetectable after some distance except by radar.
    That goes for all Infil cloaks and Wraith, different distances. After some range an Infil is invisible even while sprinting.
  13. Problem Officer

  14. borgqueenx

    i swear i have seen 2 aimbotters. you do not walk around a corner 150 meter away and shoot a enemy cloaked infiltrator straight in the head for 5 times straight. i was crouched and cloaked. 150 meters. NOT possible. and especially not 5 times in a row. but people can keep on using it because people dont believe a hack like this exists.
  15. Nakihashi

    I've never seen a cloaked infiltrator at ANY distance. Once they hit "F", they're gone. Always. I know this only because I spend half of my day hunting these cowardly snipers down, 'cause I'm sick of getting one-shotted every thirty seconds. It's the only class that can kill me by surprise.

    I would definitely call aimbot on something like that.
  16. Xalyth

    It is indeed a cheat plaguing the game. Cheaters will shoot you even when you are using stalker cloak while sitting and not moving from a hundred meters and more with headshots, the same way they kill all other people. We are dealing with (and reporting) one of those guys here for some time, yet banning an obvious cheater takes a lot of time. :(
  17. flups10

    Same here I know a guy which starts oneclipping ESF as soon as they are in render with any weapon. I believe it cant even be more obvious. Still He's not reported yet while he had continuesly reports 2 weeks long.
  18. vlaamseleeuw

    its sad, but i have to agree with OP.
    when you play stalker you can notice it .
    always same players that can see you, when experienced players don't see you.
    and when you send them a /tell they say its cause off low graphics settings.
    but then the percentage off players that see me should be higher since lots play on low.
    so please fix this.
  19. BitsAndBytes

    Why not mention names?
    It does not matter if you name them or not. They won´t get banned anyway ^^
    I agree with OP - there are ppl out there (switchers) in top outfits that use these things blatantly and have for years.

    I had the EXACT same thing happen.

    Crouched, stalker cloaking - that means DEEP cloaked, NOT moving, NOT spotting.
    I was away from the computer for 3 minutes, when I came back. Headshotted by XXXX[outfit XXXX] on Miller.
    Unfortunately I forgot to check the killshot (you know, the thing that shows where the shot came from and how far)
  20. BitsAndBytes

    Apologist - go away