Why ???!?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by richard harding, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. richard harding

    Come back off a break for xmas and I'm playing like ****, Kd has halved, I'm getting insta killed by battle ranks level 5, hardly can win any 1v1, enemy's suddenly appearing either in front or behind me and killing me. My aim is off. In fact for the 1st time ever I'm starting to shout at the god dam pic in rage
    Anyone got any advice on how to get my game back?
  2. Savadrin

    get drunk first.
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  3. Poppington

    Pick one gun and class and only play that for a while. Rebuild that muscle memory. During that time, your mental game and target acquisition will return.

    This is also a GREAT time to fix old bad habits. If you used to just hold down the trigger, practice trigger control and bursting. If you used to just go for the body, aim at the head or at least the neck. Adjust your sensitivity to better numbers while you're getting back into the game anyways.

    When I come to a game I always find the same pattern: Comparatively suck for a while, be really good for a while, and finally gain (too much) confidence and even out to slightly better than I used to be. Then it's a matter of slow improvement.
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  4. Bindlestiff

    I have found this is solid advice for nearly all problems life throws at you.
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  5. DooDooBreff

    you gotta burst like an over cooked bratwurst

    you gotta strafe like you had to much quafe

    you gotta duck and cover like your a brother from another mother

    that said youll still end up dead
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  6. Zeborah76

    i have the same problem am a returing player after some years but dam pll shoot you from far away if you set 1 step and bang a few shots from a heavy gun and your death -.-

    that sniper can hit you from far away ok but please a standard gun for a heavy class no way
    gets very boring and frustrated and i talk about 200 meter
  7. CovertYank

    Drink your prune juice.
  8. bLind db

    Play more passively. Your KDR will skyrocket.
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  9. Littleman

    Play other shooters first, then come back when you've polished off all the rust. Less demoralizing that way. PS2 is still a shooter, it's not like firing a gun is so wildly different from any other 201X shooter.
  10. The Hat

    Dont worry about K/D, it does nothing for the game at all, just have fun and enjoy, make another character, and just do as you will with it, run into rooms and spray and prey, i do with some of mine and have a blast, so what if your K/D is low, who cares? try new things with C4 on vehicles, once you become more proficient then go back to your main char, do this before all the kids whinge and whine and get everything nerffed to the ground, like EMP's gatekeepers, and everything else they cry about on here, cos they got killed by doing things like this.
  11. Braneman

    Check your mouse settings, I came back after a couple months hiatus and found that they had been completely reset to default.
  12. Krayus_Korianis

    Lol @ KDR meaning anything.

    I haven't played in months. Literally, months. I just started playing again. Pfft, KDR is crap, but it's what I accomplish is what matters.
  13. AxiomInsanity87

    Seeing how many times you have to respawn per session?.

    I'm joking ;)
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  14. Krayus_Korianis

    Nah, helping the team by reviving, being a HA with Anti-Air and such. It's not about getting to that CP first.
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  15. Devilllike

    How about you start seen this as a game not as something serious?.My main is sniper CQB sniping or CQC Or in general action sniping with constant calculations but some times its on of these days you just simply can not shoot.So what i do is stop take a breath focus and try to think calmly and thats when i can shoot.

    Also it looks to me u lost ur awarness of the field and thats something you probably need to get back by just thinking before u go forward
  16. asmodraxus

    Quick answer

    Because !!!!

    Maybe I should read the original post...