Objective way to find % deaths from "X" Class? Why are AR's considered best?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nejisaurus, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Nejisaurus

    Because I'm pretty sure 95% of my deaths would be from a cheese class called Heavy Assault. It's getting old. No. really. All I see on the field of battle are disco balls of death, whether it be a shiny red, blue, or cyan tinge of "Press F to exert infantry dominance." Seriously, there is no reason to roll any other class if you care about K/D.

    And don't be all lying to yourself saying K/D isn't a big deal. When you look at a stranger or friends profile, what's the first thing you look at? THATS RIGHT! K/D!

    It's absurd how much in denial the playerbase is saying " oh, K/D dont mean jack." or "its just a #". SOE/DBG is partly to blame for this due to the layout, but so is the underlying culture behind any FPS. There's no escaping K/D, whether you admit it or not. And no, I'm not going to give any suggestions on fixing this. Because that is like trying to change America motto of FREEDOM into FASCISM. Nothing will change on the K/D culture of FPS.

    How to get a 4.0 + K/D.
    1. Roll HA and Press F (any shield).
    2. Reduce your exposure aka play like a wussy.

    I mean REALLY be a wuss. Stuck in a spawn room with 50:50 population and 4:00 left? DONT PUSH OUT! Don't be silly!
    Let your other platoon LA, Engineers, and medics will be your "cover". Goals, objectives and base defense is pointless if you have an ounce of care on K/D. Show me ONE example of anyone with a K/D higher than 4.0 that is one of the first people to push out. HAHA thought not!***

    (*** Couple days ago there were 3-5 MAXs ( 24-48 pop) in the spawn room that needed to be pushed out quickly or we would lose the Alert in Esamir. and the irony in this is they kept saying "PUSH OUT!", and in the end they were the last to exit the room. Anyone who plays like this loses my respect but who cares? I'm just a little, helpless medic running around healing ya and bishes be like whaaaa? and I be like yeaaaa you like my green shiiint).

  2. Neo3602

  3. Liberty

    There is a big difference between running out to get instagibbed by a super camped enemy force feeding a meat grinder type situation and actually pushing battle lines.

    Someone who can recognize when to push battle lines and when to hold is going to be a better player than someone who channels their inner lemming and throws themselves into the grinder. If I play defensive, I usually end up with a 10 + K/D but when I am pushing I usually end up around a 4 or 5 because eventually you either get caught in a bad position with a 2 - 4 v. 1 or as you push forward, someone flanks around from behind and your allies watch you get shot in the back while engaging targets from the front.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    You're playing medic....

    and you're pushing through the meat grinder....

    uhm... wrong class for the job mate.

    Your job as medic is to keep reviving and healing all the meat sacks that are trying to push. You should be behind cover 99% of the time and your AR is PERFECT for mid range engagements where you should be supporting from.

    Don't play the wrong class for the job and complain about the class balance.

  5. Nejisaurus

    Did you notice the change in Adrenaline? Instead of decreasing the recharge / kill, they substantially increased it from the initial value. (not sure why) Also its more of a "change" then a nerf. The reduced health is to balance out the increased recharge gain/kill. I guess this could be good, considering its more moving away from 'Press F to win" and more on player skill; relying on being on the front lines getting kills in fast intervals.
    Ok, so AR's are considered the one of, if not THE best standard weapons in the game because of this? From my relatively new experience, most fights are medium-close to Medium Range.
    If so, this would make sense. Because whenever I switch from 3 hours of medic to LA/Eng, it feels like im shooting something terribly wild in recoil.
  6. Littleman

    @OP: People are right in that K/D doesn't matter,

    ...We just really care about looking good.

    Every standard issue infantry weapon is okay up to mid-range unless the person working the weapon hasn't the faintest clue how to counter pull recoil.

    Mind, my opinion of "mid-range" is within the 40-60m bracket just before most weapons go minimum damage output and where only goldfish would be oblivious enough to soak enough shots to get killed, so uh... YMMV with my opinion.

    Though shoving a fore-grip and, if applicable, a compensator onto any automatic tends to turn it into a laser. Most players roll with these attachments (except me, laser is love, laser is life.)

    Also, HA will always be a sin on FPS balance until the OTHER classes have a real combat advantage over them. The shield might actually be forgivable if LA could fire accurately mid-flight and Infils could fire from cloak, simply turning into glass-men when they do. Engineers and Medics... would have to have their own form of in combat advantage (preferably something mobility wise, like built in .75x ADS.) Mostly, serious FPS gamers don't give a $#!% if the role of a class is to push the front line if it has all of the in-combat advantages over the other classes and really no out of combat disadvantages. Ignoring this fact is ignoring balance design 101. MAXes push front lines too... they just can't move as fast as infantry nor can they heal themselves fully in two seconds. MAXes are the heavy unit done right.

    Though if it were me in the captain's seat, I'd consider nixing the combat medic and engineer, and simply allow their class equipment to be carried by the infiltrator, LA, and heavy since they actually can bring dynamic tactical options to a fight. The Engineer and Medic are just kind of gutted versions of the Heavy Assault combat wise as they don't really bring any interesting mechanics (read: dangers) to an exchange of fire. Movement options are the same, and they're no more subtle about their presence. These two classes exist solely to carry special tools, which is just stupid design. Any class can be allowed to carry special tools. Truly tactical abilities for use in or before combat though? Different story.

    Alternatively, DGC could bring back the ridiculous flinch of early PS2... who cares if the heavy can pop a shield if they can't shoot back accurately because you shot them first? Yeah... I'm going to say this one little mechanic might have made engaging HA more tolerable, though the imbalance was still inexcusable.

    Going from ARs to Carbines or LMGs is like that. Get used to the latter two though, and you'll have no problems. ARs aren't really night and day in handling compared to carbines and LMGs as some people would have you believe. They're super middling, having okay hip fire accuracy, and mildly better recoil. Slapping a fore-grip onto most weapons will make them AR quality anyway. As a medic, I'd prefer a carbine simply because they can have hip-CoFs that rival SMGs, and against a heavy at close range, ADADAD is about the only working defense, and the greater accuracy is only going to help when shooting for the noggin.
  7. Ronin Oni

    A carbine with foregrip is better but stil;l not quite AR quality for dmg dropoff and still ADS accuracy.

    Hipfire isn't quite as good, unless you slap the ALS on the CQB variants... in which case they're nearly comparable to SMG's with MUCH better dmg over range values.

    AR's are easily the best infantry weapons... though Carbines are generally better for moving hipfire and LMG's for sustained fire, neither of which is the Medics role anyways.

    Most FPS gamers are idiots

    Of course HA has upfront advantage. That's their role. They cannot do it very well if they only get their 4 medkits for health and no revives, and will quickly run out of ammo without engineers, or fall to a engy supported MAX push

    LA & Infils flank and have combat advantage by setting the encounter in their favor.

    Engineer and Medic are support, and both of which still have solid tools for killing (Engineer turrets are quite lethal TBQH, and their mines are effective though I usually use AV mines to kill MAXes even in bio fights)

    HA are still getting nerfed anyways, though not enough to break their role entirely, just to reduce the advantage to allow for skill to trump it easier.

    It will, and SHOULD, remain the premier head on combat class.

    Every pilot would be an engineer with a jetpack. Tank drivers engineers with rocket launchers. Wraith flashes with repair.

    This would not benefit the game whatsoever

    Flinch somewhat makes sense (getting hit would disrupt ones aim IRL) however it's quite obnoxious as a mechanic.
  8. Eternaloptimist

    I don't play HA any more as I find Engineer more varied and stalker Infil more challenging, but I have no beef with the HA shield. HA is the class expected to soak up and deal out the most damage but I want more from theg ame nowadays. The shield is getting nerfed though so maybe that will reduce the whines. It must be the number of HAs around that is the problem because Maxes are just as bad to deal with but there are so few whines about their huge armour protection or their ability to shoot two weapons at the same time in comparison to HAs

    I don't look at KDR too much now as I mostly play roles like Medic and Engineer that I don't expect will have high kill rates. But I still look at deaths to get a feel for how smart I have been at keeping out of trouble. I do use KDR as a proxy indicator of how well I am performing as a stalker though, usually KDR per playing session. I have no illiusions about my skill as a player so my long term KDR doesn't really bother me or tell me anything I haven't already guessed. And I don't care what it tells other people about me (its a game ffs, it isn't used to calculate my pay bonus or get me promotions or invitations to parties)

    As for Medic - I find the AR to be superior (when I use them anyway) to nearly all same-faction LMGs for long range accuracy and that I can also get ARs with insane rates of fire for CQC - more than many, or possibly any, LMGs available to the same faction. So they seem to fill a larger number of niches than LMGs but pay for that in magazine sizes that are generally smaller. And then there is also the need to pick the right AR for a particular engagement if you want to get the best out of it.

    I play a combat Medic style myself i.e. more balance between figthing and healing. A maxed out healing aura and an AR do not however equte to being an HA and it requires more jusdgement when picking fights - which is a skill I am still learning. The compensation for being less than an HA is the cert farming of heals and revives.

    As always, these are just my personal choices and preferences. I realise others will find more or less value in KDR, HA shield, And they are welcome to their view but it devalues an opinion when I read someone saying that something is game-breaking, or unbalanced (the most overworked word in these forums I think) or the reason why people quit.
  9. Garrum

    AR's are better on paper, but they are clearly not better enough to make the Medic anything other than the least played class. I have a feeling Triage could be tripled in healing, work 100% of the time, and stack with the healing aura and people would still not let go of HA.
  10. FateJH

    Bases captured versus bases defended.
    Thank you. You just won me a dollar in a bet.
  11. Daemonn

    It worked just fine in Planetside 1.
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