Friendly fire us bs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by daalnni, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. daalnni

    Seriously. If I'm in a firefight with an enemy and you cross into my line of fire like a dolt, you should be punished, not me. So then I get the kill and you turn around and tk me because you were mad YOU WALKED INTO MY STREAM OF FIRE!

    Seriously, either turn it off to get rid of griefing that way, or punish those offending. If someone opens fire on a teammate, they lose the life themselves, if a teammate crosses in my line of fire while I'm shooting an opponent, they get what they deserve. I shouldn't be punished because of other people's lack of awareness and players should never have their enjoyment of a game ruined by their own team. There are better ways, but as it is now, we'd be better off without it.
  2. Pelainis117

    It sounds impossible. Just deal with it bruh. And try stop shooting while teamplayer on your aim. You can"t waste team soldier life just to grab a kill. Maybe he sacrifice by absording damage to save you. While you kill him? Anyway not everything is what it looks like. Or he is just a regular dumb *** that try to killsteal. Anyway not everything is how it looks like.
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  3. daalnni

    While I understand, that's a tactic for games without FF, not one with. I said after I had already opened fire on the enemy. Again, not my problem if you don't pay attention and I shouldn't be punished for it. Same goes for intentional. They should lose the life, not the teammate theyre hitting. Your enjoyment of a game should never be ruined by a teammate.

    The principle is the same, offenders get punished and stop griefing. But nothing in this game is more infuriating than getting my grief warnings because a teammate is garbage. I haven't had my weapons shut off or anything, but it's still completely asinine.
  4. Kllre

    Putin does not care for your cries.
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  5. daalnni

  6. The Rogue Wolf


    - If you walk into my line of fire and die, you should have known I was there, and you are an idiot.

    - If I walk into your line of fire and die, you should have known I was coming, and you are an idiot.
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  7. CovertYank

    Here's the thing:



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  8. Archard

    What would the NC do to entertain themselves without friendly fire?
  9. Mxiter

    Trigger discipline.
  10. SarahM

    Block each others path with vehicles.
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  11. Goretzu

    This is humanity.

    As much as griefers can be a pita, PS2 without friendly fire would be a pretty dire game of AoE spamfestiness.
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  12. Eternaloptimist

    I've been tk'd by people because they ran in front of my sniper scope when I fired, and in front of my AV Mana Turret i.e. not just my spray of auto fire. I've also had to stop firing from behind cover because soemone else wanted to be in the same place and just stood in front of me or right next to me where part of their body intersected my line of fire. Once I was even TK'd by someone so he could occupy my firing position.

    Unfortunately there are too many immatures and idiots in the game who are only interested in their own individual fun. They have clearly never learned about relationships. And becasue they are so up their own nether regions they automatically assume it was your fault. Worse still are the faction switchers - twice recently I killed a high BR and immediately someone spawned, killed me and logged off.

    Emotional ******* will always exist and they will always feel a sense of entitlement. You just have to live with it I'm afraid.
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  13. Azawarau

    When im in my max suit and players are being revived ill run over them just before theyre revived to take some bullets so they dont get killed again

    Teamwork is the key

    A heavy once yelled at me for being in his way when he was camping inside the shield room in a biolab

    We had a long conversation that ended with him thinking he was right

    Cant remember what happened next but i know i took that spot for myself

    He was an *** and the type of player that starts this crap
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  14. Moridin6

    experienced players realize it happens and wont revenge tk for it.

    after you run down a few dozen teammates on accident in your harasser all you can do i yell Sorry, and it deflates your rage when it happens to you
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  15. Goretzu

    Exactly the thing. Unfortunately a lot of players it is just them and what they percieve to be NPCs I think.

    Everyone gets mad sometime, but some people do it all the time, it is just in them for whatever reason (I suspect lack of self-worth IRL mostly).

    The greatest act of online bat**** crazy rage I ever witnessed was from a guy when I sat my toon down in front of him in the tunnel in Blackburrow (in early Everquest 1) to regen my hitpoints (which was the done thing to do given it was just outside the zone and safe and hitpoints too ages to regen, and regened sigificantly faster when sitting - absolutely everyone did it, and it was what he was doing at the time).

    He went totally nutso, you'd have thought I'd have sat naked on his lap in real life or something whilst he was eatting in an expensive restaurant from his reaction..... in fact even had I done that I'd have expected a slightly less extreme reaction.

    Some people are just plain insane/horrible.
  16. Azawarau

    I actually treat players as NPCs usually because they play like theyre stupid but i still work with them

    Slightly more intelligent NPCs
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  17. Poppington

    Can we at least agree that the only inexcusable TK is when they kill you so that they can destabilize/stabilize a generator?
  18. DooDooBreff

    i take it this occurs when your scoped from behind the spawn shield
  19. Moridin6

    ohhh Burn.. lol
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  20. SpartanPsycho

    Just here to see those araxiums and go cry in a corner b/c combat effectiveness matters more then my shiny purple medals. :(