
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Terressias, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Terressias

    Hey guys, i was playing a little bit today after some time, and i met with funny opinion: i headshoted one guy and after he died he told me via /tell: Nice aimbot, auraxium weapon on 30 BR is not possible. I am not aimboting and I dont understand why is it suspicious to have auraxium medal on my weapon?
  2. Jubikus

    People arnt used to lower level BRs using 1 weapon to the degree that it gets an auraxium medal. Nor are they used to getting headshot and dieng really fast to the low BRs either most smart people will look at directive points and realize that the low BR is actually an alt but some people arnt that smart and just like excuses for getting wrecked.

    It is defiantely possible to have a BR 30 with an arax medal on a weapon i had it on my jackhammer before that on my NC.
  3. Terressias

    My gameplay style in planetside 2 is kill as much as possible, i am not trying to get points from capturing points etc. Just killing. And thats why i am only 30 br, but my gun have auraxium medal
  4. Moridin6

  5. Terressias

    what you mean by ptfo sir?
  6. Moridin6

    play the Fn objective ;)

    kills on control points help the team And pay better
  7. Terressias

    yeah I try to team play more :)
  8. MikeyGeeMan

    People don't realize that you can get certs on Alts by logging in daily.

    I main tr and have collected daily certs and used them.

    My br 18 nc already has full adnreneline shields nano weave utility pouch. Blah blah.

    So don't worry about it. They are just uninformed players.
  9. DeadlyOmen

    Rule #1:

    If the crybully kills, he is skilled. If the crybully is killed, it was a cheat or overpowered.
    • Up x 1
  10. Terressias

    i think i was overpowered and cheat that moment, just because of him...:rolleyes:
  11. Obscura

    Oh thats just a hate-tell as we call them, they're kind of like a compliment lol. Just dont react to it and laugh at their real anger from dying in a video game and carry on as you were.
  12. FateJH

    You seem to misunderstand. The point of the complaint was that the target did not seem to think that getting an Auraxium Medal on a single weapon was possible at such a low battle rank. This thread, indeed, made me pause for a moment to ask "if it is possible, what does would take?"

    Assuming a minimum of 1160 exactly, at 200XP per kill in an attempt to over-infalte on the side of caution, that's 232 000 XP. That would take a BR1 almost to BR20. The remainder of the experience necessary to get to BR30 would be 483 875XP, the equivalent of BR1 almost to BR26. It's doable and controllable but would seem uncommon unless the player focused on that weapon primarily.
  13. Terressias

    First thing I was thinking was I am honored :D But then i started to think, can he report me or something like that?..
  14. FateJH

    Yeah, he can; but, don't worry about it.
  15. Sebastien

    Is crybully the meme word of the month
  16. Terressias

    This 30BR character is my alt, first was vanu, when i started to play for Terrans I used only default weapon because there is no better. And, my gameplay is very focused on killing, not doing objective, so i get exp. mostly from killing.
  17. Obscura

    Yes he can but reports like those are probably not even looked into, and the GM's don't just ban someone for cheating based on them having 1 auraxium medal for 1 gun before BR 20. Even they can tell when someone is just madcuzbad and report happy
  18. DooDooBreff

    i was just thinking that myself
  19. JohnGalt36

    SS rage tells and post them here for our viewing pleasure.