Hex > Lattice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrGunz, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. MrGunz

    We all know you created lattice to create some bigger battles, Congrats, it worked.. But in doing so, you've removed guerrilla warfare and sneaky attacks. We have to play connect the dots and the enemy always knows where you're coming from, and sneaking around has been made pointless. It was awesome when it first came into the game, because it was only on one map. But now you have it on all maps (as it's been for a while now) and the longer it goes the more people are complaining that we have nothing BUT lattice maps now. You guys need to listen to us.... Not all of us like lattice. A lot of us think it sucks. A lot of us complain very openly when the topic comes up (like me, I hate the idiot who made it or even came up with the idea) but at least we had other options, but now you've broken all maps by forcing it on us. Can we get 1 map without lattice? or maybe rotate it in and out so we can have some fun days and some less fun days? I love strategy and tactics, and guerrilla warfare is one, that is immensely fun, that has been utterly removed from the game. You removed ghost capping, thanks. You fixed the annoyingly bright alert icon in the top middle of the screen (thank you!!!!) You've put some great plans in the roadmap, but we're still living on maps that are less enjoyable due to lattice.. It would be nice to bring surprise tactics back into the game.
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  2. FateJH

    You've barely ever read a modern Lattice versus Hex thread, have you?

    I think the one we've recently had (are having?) covers most of the main points. Here, have a good read; and, remember, there's a forum search option near the upper right. We have a long history.

    I'll focus on a core point: the Pure Hex map was called virtually unmanageable to any group that is already beleaguered in some fashion and attempts at managing it were cited to produce unsatisfying gameplay. A similar situation occurred with the recent PTS Hybrid System - Lattice with Hex - which garnered complaints very similar. Most people who try to talk about "the promising Hybrid system" do so conceptually - they typically admit to not having played it on PTS or read any reviews.
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  3. MrGunz

    I See no relevance to your post. A lot of us enjoy the non-latticed maps, and the game is getting boring with only lattice. Seriously, the game existed way before lattice, people played without lattice for a long long time, and enjoyed the game. Some of us liked that game more than the current one. I don't care about your other thread, I just want the game to be more fun.
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  4. koopa

    so... you want the game to be more fun by having the population be dispersed over the entire map and be little fights likely no bigger than 24 players when the game is in dire need of selling what they're promising?

    right now if i were to log in during afternoon hours or prime time, i am guaranteed at least 1 big fight. regardless of continent. removing lattice is like taking the possibility of defending out of the game for the most part.

    in hex it was: enemy took your base! is there a large facility nearby? if yes, theres a 50% chance the enemy will attack there next.

    if not, roll dice with an equal number of sides to the number of nearby cappable territories, include territories within 2 hexes since some squad/platoon leads want to be tricky. hope they come to attack you. you have a 1 in (number of included territories) chance of being correct.

    and while it did wonders for not allowing redeployside to really be a thing, it also was a nightmare for anyone trying to play defense.

    so lets see...
    +encourages fights since pathways are limited
    +limits attack options making defending more than a roll of the dice
    +less 1 person having fun while 2+ people are not (this can still happen with cloaker ghost cappers)
    -less tactical options for attacking
    -less freedom of movement for players

    +freedom of player movement
    +freedom in tactical options
    +ghost caps counted for more
    -more dispersed player base
    -less large fights
    -makes defending hard if not a nightmare
    -little incentive for large groups to clash at bases smaller than major facilities.
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  5. CNR4806

    Let me tell you what being a zergling was like during the Hex days:
    1. You pull a vehicle or ride along with somebody else
    2. You park along with dozens of other people at an empty enemy base
    3. You wait for that empty base to flip over, while the faction holding it offers no resistance at all
    4. You flip the base and drive to the next empty enemy base
    5. Repeat until you arrive at one of the bases adjacent to The Crown

    1. You see The Crown being contested with your faction as a participant when you log in
    2. You immediately deploy to The Crown because the game offers no shooting whatsoever outside that area

    No thanks, lattice has its faults but at least I get stuff to shoot at.
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  6. MrGunz

    Like I said, not everyone wants it. We should get the option. Don't make a stupid hybrid, that sounds horrible. But give us one "normal" map or something!
  7. Goretzu

    Honestly I think it is about same amount that always want perma-death servers (and when they do appear no one ever plays on them).

    The old Hex system had some benefits and loads (and loads) of drawbacks.

    The biggest problem with the current Lattice system is that it isn't even 50% finished (compared to PS1).
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  8. Demigan

    Correction, in doing so they've removed most of the ghost-capping. They had something akin to the hex-system on PTS with the conquest mode or whatever it was called, and ghost-capping was the order of the day.
    We aren't living in the launch days, with servers chock-full for large parts of the day. Even back then Zergs would rather go the way of the least resistance and rather than fight each other they would move to bases the other Zerg wasn't in.
    And with that I think I've already shot the entire Hex idea down.

    Now what you could do is a meta-lattice/hex system. A lattice connects large facilities, and once you have a connection to a large facility all the satellite facilities of that large one become attackable as well. Add some system so that satellites become important to the capture of the main facility so that the fight becomes larger but you don't get as much ghost-capping as you would expect from the full-blown Hex system.
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  9. Sulsa

    C'mon man, he was helping you out without any beat down and distilled the reason why we don't have lattice into a small paragraph.
    Don't be lame.
  10. Azawarau

    Head into enemy territory and take a few terminals for a sneak behind convoy

    prep the return fire with tank mines or a few snipers

    Im not entirely happy with the current system but its not awful
  11. AZAN

    I much prefer the current lattice system over the old hex system. A lot of my friends simply left the game early because it was so boring never having battles back after release.

    I think the layout of the lattice could do with some change, it gets stuck in a lot of places which means you end up playing in only about half the bases and the other half hardly ever see a fight. Personally I think this has more to do with logistics than anything though, if a faction can instantly transfer 100's of players to a trouble spot when it is threatened obviously you will never be able to break through.
  12. Vinny

    "But in doing so, you've removed guerrilla warfare and sneaky attacks"

    Neither having hex or lattice does this . Actually lattice helps because you know where the fight where take place and where you can set up and act accordingly. In fact you have more tools at your disposal to help with this , cloaky sundy is more then enough to get this accomplished. Hex was bad and should never be revisited, it added nothing to the game.
  13. Littleman

    The only time the hex system would ever be remotely feasible towards maintaining large battles is when we're dealing with 7-9 key capturable facilities per continent, and even then there would need to be a soft lattice or hard cap resets to at least discourage back cappers from constantly capping something thus demanding someone to show up and stop the cap even though they'd rather be on the front line. The game uses territory capture as a gimmick in place of lobbies, but forcing people to baby sit their stuff because of what is essentially a troll that isn't really contributing to the core game one iota is bad design. This is made worse still by the fact that we're dealing with large play spaces where ONE troll can hide, and often, they'll be running around in a stealth suit, making them even harder to root out.

    The "strategy" in the old hex was to cap something, someone shows up and either reclaims and leaves or sticks around. If they leave, the capper simply recaps and the timer keeps ticking. If they stay, chances are they're hating every second it, know they'll never find the cloaker if he's even still nearby, and they know either way it will just get turned again once they leave. Without fail. One guy's essentially being a troll, the other is doing his "duty" but eventually no one gave a $#!% and everyone simply mobbed around the Crown.

    In a few words, it was awful.

    There are two requirements for the pure hex system to work without diminishing PS2's core game play. 1: Only bases (amps, bios, techs) would be worth capturing. Outposts and towers just provide hard spawn points and maybe vehicle requisition capability, but if you want to capture the continent, you gotta take those bases.

    The second requirement is that PS2 adopt the old capping system of attackers needing to hold a cap for X minutes, but if the defenders stop the cap for even a second, it resets entirely, meaning the back cappers actually have to make a point to defend the cap or all progress is loss, period. This should amount to epic tactical hold outs similar to generator holds from Planetside 1, and lone cloakers that cap and run off to hide are just wasting their precious time as one guy shows up, recaps, and goes back to the frontline all within the span of two minutes tops, and he doesn't even have to baby sit to make sure it fully resets like as required of him in game right now.

    The gist of it is that the hex has to be so limited that predicting and counter maneuvering with enemy movements is reliably predictable, and that the game still continues to stone-wall the effectiveness (or clear lack-there-of) of lone infiltrator suit back cappers that want nothing to do with shooting a gun in an FPS.
  14. whitupiggu

    I bet most of the people pining for the good ol' days of hex don't even remember what it was like. Most of the day it was exclusively ghost capping. Then you'd get the big outfits doing ops in the evening which created zergs. The thing is though these zergs tended to avoid each other so you ended up with mostly 1-12 or 12-24 vs 96+ fights.

    Wank over theorycrafting all you want but hex was an atrocious system in practice.
  15. Vintorez

    Every other Tuesday should be Crown Day, Indar goes full Hex for 24 hours and fighting at the crown or directly adjacent territories gives 25% more exp. The capture points should be reverted to their original positions during this time as well.

    The entire faction that controls the Crown during this time gets a small additional exp boost.
  16. MikeyGeeMan

    Hex wasn't awful but lattice is necessary.

    Hex is only viable with full servers.

    Lattice handles lower populations by giving less choke points.
  17. MrGunz

    Lattice and ghost capping are separate. Ghost capping is stopped, lattice did not stop that by itself, it only created linear paths. Lattice is a pathing system, not a "anti-ghost-capping" system. They implemented changes to capping at the same time as they added lattice, but lattice by itself did not stop ghost capping. I say keep the ghost capping restrictions, but make a map without lattice. I get tired of people bringing up ghost capping. nobody liked ghost capping, it's gone, good riddance. Lattice was NOT the fix for that.
  18. MrGunz

    Yes, it did. Hex allowed multiple directions upon a base capture, while with lattice you're lucky if you get 2 options because usually you only get one option.
  19. MrGunz

    Something like this would be great! I know which days I would be more active.
  20. Vinny

    What are you even talking about ? Nothing is stopping you from being sneaky/guerrilla warfare . NOTHING. Now your going on about capping bases which is something totally different. Can you articulate what you want? And i mean be specific on what your trying to say here cause its coming across you want to cap bases where there is no one at , aka ghost capping ,aka playing a FPS without the the FPS
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