
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zer0Dawn, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. Zer0Dawn

    So when is knifing gona be fixed?Today i crossbowed a guy and knifed him like 6 damned times before he finaly droped dead.Whole times i was like AAAAAAAAAAA FFS DIE DIE COME ON YOU GOTA BE KIDDING ME DIE ALREADY luckly for me he was bad shot but ffs wtf.More i play my stalker fit more issues i see with melee in this game its just ridiculous.
  2. DooDooBreff

  3. Rikkit

    are you using one of the one hit knifes?
    They behave different, than normal knifes. a normal knife is instant damage. but the forceblades aktually need to touch your oponent. so it's not that that easy to hit a moving target with it- (jumping during the knife animation helps)
  4. sustainedfire

    Also, maybe they were spamming medkits?

    That's something that should really be put on a timer.
  5. Iridar51

    Medkits don't help against knives. Knives do 500 damage minimum and ignore nanoweave. So you will die from a single knife swing even with full health, unless HA with overshields. Med kits could help in combo with resist shield.
  6. Moridin6

    i was going to ask if they were at a sundy
    i find the disco-ing? invulnerable kids All the time
  7. DeadlyOmen

    Did you consider not losing your head and instead focusing on making a hit?
  8. Demigan

    From what I understand it goes like this:
    Normal knives and OHK knives have the same range on screen when slashing. OHK knives are slower when quick-knifing but the same speed when holding.
    When holding, both knives have a much smaller range both in horizontal range and actual range. They also face a lot of bad hit-detection, where even non-moving targets that are perfectly in your range are impossible to hit.
  9. Zer0Dawn

    Yeah i have been testing it and it seems something is wrong with hit detection at times.Sometimes i creep behind the guy and knife him and nothing happens and sometimes i'm like face to face and nothing (thats also when i experience a lot when you swing at someone that your arm is going through a guy and you get no hit.