[SubG] SubGlobal - Largest and most active outfit. Free Pizza Every Friday!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by SoggyCow, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. SoggyCow

    [SubG] - SubGlobal

    This outfit is part of a gaming community located at SubGlobal.net
    SubGlobal is NC Emerald's largest and most active outfit,
    and even though we have massive numbers, we're very organized and execute platoon-wide tactics.


    We also sell quality microphones and headsets to our members at a largly discounted price.
    We believe that, "If no one can year you, you're already dead!"

    Contrary to what popular belief, we actually do not allow just anybody to join SubGlobal,
    We research player's stat records before joining, currently there are 544 waiting to join.
    Applications are accepted/denied within the first 7 days.


    The leaders of this outfit are game developers (coders, programmers, etc) that simply enjoy gaming and creating online games. Every friday night, we order a medium cheese pizza to a random online member's house. Google's YouTube pays for the pizza thanks to our channel's advertisment revenue.

    We have a 512 slot Teamspeak server with 1Gig/s up/down speed, which we also allow other outfits to use if they don't have a TS server. We work closely with other outfits; this whole game is about teamwork.

    We occasionally give away $26.95 Premium Minecraft accounts to lucky active members, and other random prizes to members achieveing ranks.

    We own a 42,000 active player community based on our Minecraft server, MMORPGs we develope and code ourselves, and 1 active online FPS and 1 mmoFPS under development.

    [SubG] is always recruiting members that follow SOE's PS2 TOS & EULA Policy and we welcome your company!
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  2. Jawarisin

    If you guys happened to have a hacker reported in your outfit by an extremely trust worthy player, how would you react?
  3. Nitrobudyn

    I believe that the question needs to be rephrased: If someone send You a /tell that he or she has a video showing one of Your members cheating and is willing to send You the video/ link to the video - what would You do?

    p.s. This is for scientific purpose only. Your Outfit was chosen by a randomizing machine named Jawarisin.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    dude.. my coffee is now on my keyboard, lulz.
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  5. Jawarisin

    Good rephrasing. Change my question to that.

    And I would just like to re-state that any similarities to events that might of occurred is purely coincidental.
  6. SoggyCow

    Answer: Present evidence. If no evidence can be presented, of course, no action will be taken. In the United States court system, this is called Heresay, and is not classified as evidence unless multiple partys present testimony.

    SOE offers easy-to-use in-game user interface report systems. One being /report, the other located in the Esc menu. If a cheater is found, I encourage the community to use this system at their own discretion.
  7. Jawarisin

    If evidence could be presented, how would it go? Refering to the reformulated version of the question.
  8. SoggyCow

    The obvious answer to this question is found on the last statement of the outfit ad.

    Thanks for your concerns and questions.
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  9. RykerStruvian

    Just wanted to mention that I joined this outfit a week or two ago and have been having fun so far. The squadleads/platoonleads make sure everyone is working together/not scattered. It's a nice drop-in/drop-out environment for people who want to play with a squad but might not be able to dedicate lengthy game sessions. Though I'm pretty sure you can do that too if you want to.
  10. gamespyer0350

    Did you......really......Oh ryker, really thought you would join a decent outfit......
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  11. IberianHusky

    ded outfit.
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  12. Shanther

    How ironic since SoggyCow has been perma banned for TOS violations.
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  13. StateThyBidding

  14. gamespyer0350

    oh god plz no
  15. StateThyBidding

    SubGlobal still recruiting! Currently we are the most active outfit, always #1 on outfit browser with x3 the online count as the leading outfit. 127 members online last night and still growing as we've has 270+ members join in the last 2 days. We recently acquired some leaders from PHX which are now leading SubG platoons. We're launching our Friday Night Pizza raffles again this December (just be online and we'll order one over to you).
    We accept just about anybody, we are an outfit that is run by it's own members. If you can lead a squad/platoon/platoons, there IS a rank for you! Come join us, we always have a platoon running day/night. We're looking for game developers too, visit us @ http://SubGlobal.net
  16. cfschris

    Yo, sent you a PM regarding SubG. Curious as to how things are going for the outfit nowadays....