Tell me about your Planetside 2 sins

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Greiztoph, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Greiztoph

    Anything horrible for others you have done in the name of the game being fun for others.

    I was at a base in Indar to get a harraser to go up to the next base and there was 2 maxes sitting behind the shield in the spawn room shooting AT weapons at some vehicles the next base over missing mostly and being overall useless. So I dropped two tank mines then blew them up, hate those kinds of people greatly.
  2. Crayv

    I'll TK a sundy if I feel it is in a really bad spot or causing people to neglect the fact that the base behind us is being capped.
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  3. Sulsa

    I made 102 certs in one hour sitting in hacked AA guns looking at the NC warp gate, shooting at any aircraft that spawned.
    I always feel a bit dirty afterwards, and some may call it boring but damn do I laugh out loud a lot!


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  4. Razzyman

    I was running with an outfit, it was a full squad, they had everyone switch to MAXes and gal dropped the whole TR squad onto a NC base that the VS were attacking where proceeded to push the VS off points. Another time we loaded up a sundy with 3 engies (two gunners and driver) and the rest Heavies. We went to a VS vs NC fight and killed all the attacking factions sundies. [BRGL] is so bad :eek:
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  5. WeRelic

    Bailing from a valk with an entire squad's C4 on the front of it after aiming it at a tank column.

    Cue maniacal laughter.
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  6. Jubikus

    The top 7 weapons on my NC character are all shotguns or explosives. People get salty when their life comes to a very abrupt end.
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  7. Hegeteus

    My sins are readily available at my sig below :oops:
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  8. FieldMarshall

    When i auraxiumed my AV turret, it was mostly from infantry kills made inside the spawnroom...
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  9. Liewec123

    imho it'd be a sin not too! most notably the ones that deploy in your biolab vehicle terminal. ;)
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  10. Colonelveers12

    Many TK wars occurred from sins over the command chats.
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  11. MikeyGeeMan

    C4 flashing. Just seems so dirty but you gotta blow up the tanks
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  12. TheFlamingLemon

    I was in a 1-12 fight and a friendly pulled a max. I TK'd.

    I once helped an enemy hack the vehicle terminal and pull up a sunderer at a friendly base (Amerish ARX reserve) because I like the base and wanted to fight there.
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  13. Obzidious

    I was playing around with my NC alt one morning. We were taking a TR base and I was covering an area from behind a tree when all of a sudden a friendly in a lightning next to me backed up, carefully lined up on me, ran me over, backed up, lined up on me again, and then ran over me a second time to kill me. So I placed a bounty on him with some of the 36 useless DB cash I have cluttering up my account. Then after spawning back in I came across him again so I put a rocket into the back of his lightning. He got out to repair it and I put a 2nd one into the back, blowing it up. After losing his lightning he ran for cover (this was still in the middle of a fire fight with the TR) and I gunned him down. I made my way to the next base with the rest of the advancing NC and eventually got the notification that the bounty I had set was claimed.

    I now make sure I have my coffee in the morning before sitting down to play PS2.
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  14. BamaRage

    Personally I hate spawn room campers so I understand the impulse....
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  15. Eternaloptimist

    Using AV turret from inside spawn room or Spear Phalanx turret to cherry pick infantry. Well, the vehicles all disappeared and I was there, so..........

    Shooting someone I just killed as he gets rezzed by a Medic...............

    Head shotting infantry with a Phoenix when all the Maxes and deployables have disappeared...........

    Spawn camping enemy Sundies, though to be fair, I do it with a cloak and a knife...........

    I should say these are not things I set out to do (apart from the last one :\) just opportunities that present themselves from time to time.
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  16. Jubikus

    I hate them too but only in evenish pops in fights where the base is being smashed by a 70%+ pop zerg i dont care if a few people stay to shoot the zerglings out the spawn to punish them a little with overpop like that having someone keep them distracted is fine. The worse is when you have the pop and you cant push the point because of them.
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  17. Pelojian

    Sundies are fair game in my eyes if it's a low pop fight and they know enemies are right on top of the sundie if they keep spawning it's their own fault they are dying, should pull another sunderer.

    I don't like spawncamping or being spawncamped in a base hard spawn. from the inside it's just whack a mole when the friendlies are randoms and when shooting from the outside it's more seeing who is stepping out, firing then stepping back in and seeing if you can kill them quickly enough and move around enough so you don't get killed by people from behind the spawn shield.
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  18. KirthGersen

    Doesn't feel like a sin but if enemies have no techplant and I see their MBT in a middle of a continent I destroy it as soon as I can (using ESF or C4 drifting preferrably if I was't in my tank). Just beacuse I know how fun it is to travel from warpgate:p
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  19. Gundem

    Well, according to MLGSide, my 7 shotgun araxiums qualify, so I got that going for me.

    When they do complain, I just kill them more. Because **** yo medkit spam, 50% HSR and crouch meta. ;)
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  20. PKSpark

    There was that scythe ramming my pals on the top of a cliff in indar, as he was heading to me, i deployed a turret.
    Prolly the most shameful way to kill a scythe
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