How to face HAs with that sheilds while using that weapon????

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Ximaster, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Ximaster

    If the enemy HA is half good,u have half of ur battles losed while u using the Lasher.specially if the enemy is using the HOLY T7 MCG or Jackhammer and the default shield on. Other enemyes than that i normally dont find problems,however another mortal enemy of every HA is a guy with shotgun,so when i face HAs with that shields and enemyes with shotguns i usually lose. Talking on cqc to medium distances. Lasher is a good gun,my favorite of all Vanu HA arsenal but i need to control my distance.

    And if the enemy HA dont have the resist shield,ur death is assured. If the enemy HA have the default shield (the ones that recharge slow) at its maximum capacity,pray for have luck.

    So,how to face enemy HAs with the default shield at maximum???? I not mean the shield paired with health bar,im talking of the secondary shields that have HAs. If the enemy HA have this shields on,i find much difficulty to kill him and mostly times i lose the battle. And if the enemy (HA or not) use a shotgun,then take off and leave.

    However if the enemy HA have resist shield instead of the default one,i have better chances to win. But if he have the default shield i usually leave from him,but because i dont know which shield have because all have the same colors,its very difficult to difference.

    So the question is,how to face HAs with the default shield at maximum with the Lasher????
  2. Eternaloptimist

    Don't face him. Flank him, ambush him, blow him up, snipe him, run away from him. No one sensibly goes face to face with an HA (any more than they would with a Max). Sometimes you get caught out by surprise and you are likely to get killed as a result. It's like standing on a mine - there are some no-win situations in the game (as in life).
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  3. Dualice

    If you're going into direct 1v1 face-offs with the Lasher you're setting yourself up for failure. I've only seen a handful of guys that can successfully pull this off, even then it's really not what the thing was intended for.

    The T7 has a spin-up time and pretty horrible accuracy outside of close range, you can work both of those to your advantage. The Jackhammer, whilst having a much longer effective range than any other non-slug shotgun, is still a shotgun, thus its effectiveness will still drop sharply at range.

    If we're talking CQ I'd be more worried about facing the Anchor/Cyclone or CARV/MSW.

    That being said, as Eternaloptimist stated, use cover and flanking. Try to outsmart and/or outmaneouver them. Concussion grenades could go a long way, too ;)
  4. Iridar51

    I'm sorry, what?

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  5. Akashar

    After auraxiuming the lasher it's still one of my favorite weapons, once you know that you can't win a classical 1v1 situation. You're pretty much screwed in any even fight, but, anytime you get the chance to plink a target with the splash damage, you're doing it right. It keeps them on their toes, makes them do mistakes, you rack up a ton of assists, and more often than not, finish guys that thought were safe behind cover. No other weapon can give you this, apart from having a super high ping.
  6. Eternaloptimist

    OK, just a bit of poetic licence - I meant that facing an HA with shield up and LMG is likely to have a bad result (like standing on a mine, probably get you killed or at least badly hurt)
  7. Azawarau

    You shouldnt be facing other heavies head to head with the Lasher
  8. Wind_Walker

    Notice how he said "standing" :D

    That being said, nice dodges. Awareness goes a long way in survival.
    As for the OP, The Lasher was never meant for 1v1 situations, not even in concept. keep to mid-range and high ground with it, and you'll get kills no problem with that splash. JH and MCG aren't as versatile as one may think though.

    JH's quirk is its burst function since Baron is competitive with its spread. The burst is definitely nice, but there's a chamber time before the next burst that kills most HA if there's more than one person around. (if this has been changed, let me know)

    MCG has spin up time which can be compensated, but the static CoF makes it so that is has to be used in close range, sometimes mid if you find a distracted non-HA.
  9. Iridar51

    More like reflexes. If I had awareness, I wouldn't need to dodge them in the first place :confused:
  10. Khallixtus

    Don't try to 1v1 with the Lasher, short of it being longer ranged and with the upper ground against a non-heavy. The Lasher is a support tool, made for suppression. Two Lashers will stop everything short of a MAX from even getting close to the door. However, in a 1v1 situation, it doesn't do very well. It's because the TTK is much longer than other guns. The small explosions help, as some shots that would've missed on other guns still hit with the Lasher, but this generally doesn't compensate enough.
  11. Gundem

    I actually kinda created a technique that allows you to reliably win 1v1's with a Lasher, even sometimes with other HA's.

    I call it... The Disco Shuffle.

    RS, ADAD strafe the **** out of the game while hipfiring away.
  12. Ximi

    Well,which Vanu LMG can i use instead of Lasher for general purpose (close to mid range) and would be better than it???? Flare or Polaris???? Or maybe Ursa??? (This last its for longer distances i think)

    This is a video comparison between Ursa and Flare,which one is better in ur opinion????

    And that is video of the Polaris:

    I think that the Polaris is the best for cqc to mid combat and Ursa for mid to long combat,dont u think????

    (Im Ximaster on PSN account)
  13. Ximi

    Ok tested the Polaris,Ursa and Flare on VR room,noone have the accuracy of the Lasher and seems that Lasher is not that bad.
  14. Pondera

    You'll hear many F words on the battlefield, but the most important of which is FLANK.
  15. ArcKnight

    if there's only one way to get to a cap point then getting several guys with Lasher and having them spam at that path non stop makes it very dangerous for anyone to go through plus engies wouldn't complain since all they'll get all the resupply xp