Ban the person above you, planetside edition

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Goldmonk

    Banned for making yourself seem more special than the rest of us.
  2. Dennisz125

    Banned for not understand that we broke a record.:cool:
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  3. ALN_Isolator

    Banned for understanding things.
  4. Dennisz125

    Banned for joining the party late.
  5. sebastian oscar post

    banned because he was already here.
  6. sebastian oscar post

    we need motorbikes in planetside.
  7. Dennisz125

    Banned for saying the Impossible
  8. Bindlestiff

    Banned because Tom Cruise repeatedly showed nothing is impossible in fiction.
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  9. AxiomInsanity87

    Banned for praising that midget.
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  10. sebastian oscar post

    Motorbike for TR
    quad bike for NC
    Lev-bike for VS
  11. Ximaster

    Banned for dream. Also banned for make me doubt about it.

    Self banned before Axiom ban me with another english correction.
  12. Moz

    Banned for engrish....
  13. Goldmonk

    Banned because those damn mogorians keep breaking down my City Wall!
  14. RainbowDash9

    banned because i want a planetside 2 hentai to be made ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. Bindlestiff

    Banned because hentai shmentai
  16. Dennisz125

    Banned for choosing Japan style animation instead Merica style animation
  17. Goldmonk

    Banned because tentacles and VS booty go together
  18. Bindlestiff

    Banned because I searched the interwebs for VS booty and instead found this:

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  19. Lection

    Banned because...... :eek:-{DAMN!}
  20. Dennisz125

    Banned for having the same thought as I do