Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue_Shift, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. Blue_Shift

    This is a rant against those who seem to always think the balance is just fine, Or that things don't need to be balanced. These people consist of WoW soccer moms and team group think uncompetitive players

    There is a difference between a group of individuals coming together versus a group of foaming at the mouth followers that will accept eating their own vomit claiming the game is "team balanced" What a bunch of socialist sociopaths that dont care about their individuality. I see this crap all the time in the mmo mentality. Its like a bunch of you are soccer moms who played wow and sit back and heal people and your are doing your part. Like these people are seriously so brain dead that they would probably be content if we all just pushed one button, so long as there was a group to push the button with. Go back to farmville.

    If you haven't played any of these games, please quit now.

    1. Counter strike
    2. Dark Souls
    3. Street Fighter
    4. Halo (CE, 2, 3)

    If you play these games please erase your hard drive

    1. Farmville
    2. WoW ( if you mained healer, mostly played in raids and complained about Rogue's)

    Its simple really Anybody worth their salt is going to want to know they beat somebody 1v1 because of skill.

    ITS That Simple. F everything else. "But BUt... My Abilities are Faction Specific. and they make me make believe...." SHUT UPP@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!

    Stupid casual..... NErds without HAnd Eye Coordination.... YOu LOVE RNG you peices of stale ..

    Its Gotta bE the calculus nerdss;..@@!!!!! They play magic characters.. These are the soft group thinking..

    AHHHH!H!H!!H!!!!!!! /rant
  2. DooDooBreff

    the irony of you usng the phrase "foaming at the mouth"

    you should be grateful you have people to play with, instead of fail trolling in idiot fashion.
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  3. Atis

    You are foaming, wipe your lips.

    It's simple really, anybody who wants 1v1 with distilled "skill" is playing some different game. Any MMOFPS is inherently unsportish and that's what makes it great - skills instead of twitch "skill".
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  4. Blue_Shift

    And here is our first wow soccer mom. Do you text on your phone before you jump out of a Galaxy?
  5. CorporationUSA

    I don't think he knows what it means. It means to be very angry, often out for blood. It does not mean someone is brain dead.

    Drooling =/= Foaming at the mouth.
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  6. DooDooBreff

    only when your mom is feeling insecure
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  7. Blue_Shift

    Not Just Twitch, Strategy should be a skill merited. But individual skills in games are often nerfed. Its the trend thats been happening in the last 5-10 years. SHOULD EVERY MMOFPS have this UnSportish type gameplay? Where the "One" doesn't usually stand out much in MMO's because of sheer numbers, but the companies that make these games DELIBERATELY, limit individuality.
  8. Blue_Shift

    Although that is the common use, it can also be used to denote being delirious or a vegetable state.
  9. CorporationUSA

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  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Claims socialist sociopaths

    Foams at mouth while creating thread

    Backs nerfs to balance the game so everyone's on "equal" footing.

    Claims people are casual.
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  11. Jubikus

    Balance is impossible unless each faction has the exact same weaponry which would destroy faction flavor. something as simple as the shape of each ESF in the game can make them imbalanced. **** even then In a game like planetside 2 theres no such thing as balanced even if everyone had the same stuff population which is one of the games core fetures would inhibit this you state beat someone 1 on 1 but in planetside there is no 1 on 1 you occasionally end up against a guy without there being another but there someone else will be there soon and thats excluding the class factor( In balanced games everyone is the same character.) In planetside you can completely dominate another person and easily lose the objective. If planetside was balanced then it wouldn't be planetside it would be battlefield 2845.

    I for one pick flavor over balance this is why i dont make thread after thread calling out how the heat mechanic of the Betelgeuse makes it the better of the 3 LMGs but i dont care because thats what makes it cool ill take my 150 round magazine and ill spray it nonstop because thats how i roll.

    The only thing i care about when it comes to balance is "Close enough" and most of the game does that.

    Ps. haven't fed any trolls yet today had to get one in.
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  12. AxiomInsanity87

    So we need all the infantry to have the same weapons, same abilities, vehicles all the same in every aspect including aesthetics, aircraft all the same and above all, only 1 in each category all the same in every way.

    If that isn't some communist hippie socialist rubbish, i don't know what is. It would require a sociopath to want to change the game to be balanced like that and ruin it for the player base for the few who are deluded with this idea of balance.

    Of which the closer we get, the more quit. This games draw is the huge battles and defined classes, not balance.
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  13. Taemien

    OP is a casual in disguise. Looks like he's having issues when he gets wrecked by coordinated squads and the like. Then cries to the devs to fix the 'balance' issues.

    Competitive online gaming is comprised of three things needed to succeed:

    1. What you know.
    2. What you have.
    3. Who you know.

    What you know - is personal skill you have with your weapons, vehicles, whatever. Its also your situational awareness and ability to react. In addition it is your general knowledge of the game, such as knowing the intricacies of certain bases (knowing how to manipulate redeployside by knocking out a SCU first, for example).

    What you have - is all the weapons, certs, boosts, and everything else you've acquired though play. In MMORPGs this is gear, armor and weapons. In PS2 its weapons, optics, vehicle unlocks, all that stuff, anything a cert or daybreak cash can buy.

    Who you know - is who you're grouped with. Squad, Platoon, Outfit, friends, teammates, and even faction. Basically who you're playing with who isn't your enemy. More importantly its your ability to lead or follow. In addition to finding good teams to either lead or follow within.

    Many people like the OP get 3. wrong or neglect it. Your ability to engage other players in a social setting, your charisma, and general ability to work as a team is just as important as being able to skillfully take out an opponent in a 1v1. In many cases its even more important.

    If I can rally 2 platoons against your squad. I will win. Period. You can claim zerg. You can claim unfair numbers. You can moan, whine, b-tch, whatever. But the end result will be, I will beat you. Why? Because your personal character, your personal charisma, your likeability, ect. Was only able to bring 11 players with you. If I brought 95, I literally brought over 8 times the firepower.

    In a straight up fire fight, you can drop 1-2 people instantly. I can drop your entire squad and the zerglings that followed you.

    You can have a KDR of 4.5, I can have a KDR of .45 and I'll still win.

    Number 3. is pretty damn important.

    Its not enough to zerg however. Try it. Get a squad of randoms together and tell them to drop on a base. If you get 6 of them to drop within 30 seconds. You've got a great PUG squad. More likely it will be less.. or take longer. You need a team that works together to make it work. You need communication, trust, and information.

    Number 3. takes just as long to build up as 1 or 2.
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  14. Jubikus

    This is likely do to the Twitch skill games already existing the thing is the formula for a competitive shooter is limited and therefor is hard to expand on. Believe it or not even games like Halo and Counterstrike arnt considered completely balanced despite everyone having access to the exact same **** something like which side of a map people start on can be considered a factor in who will win.
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  15. AxiomInsanity87

    Weapon spread patterns, how much a player has to buy or who won the last round etc.

    Nothing is ever truly balanced, not even chess.
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  16. AtckAtck

    The list of games you put there... cute... just cute... its the list of an unbalanced teenager.

    Halo i laugh at Halo...
    And CS if you didn't play CS as Mod, then you did not play CS!
    And thats about it what you can compare with planetside from your list.

    If you dislike balance issues so much, then don't play a game with factions and different weapons, but then you could't even play CS anymore. Remember; 2 factions, different weapons? And not very balanced either. But of course there is a reason that the only used weapons where m4, ak and awe... Because all others sucked hard.

    And what i dont understand:
    If you are so good, so "pro", that you understand faction disparity to the fullest, then you could use it to your advantage, you could own us all. Then, why don't you do it?
    You wouldn't need to make hate posts like these if your e-p e e n where hard because of your mighty skill... You are the real Soccer Mom yourself.
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  17. Endlave

    OP is raging mad and I am just sitting here, asking myself: "Dafuq is a wow soccer mom?"
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  18. Moz

    A WoW soccer mom is someone who OP deems unworthy to play the game he likes because they play a game he doesn't.

    Anyone who knows anything about WoW firstly knows a good healer is the difference between success or failure.... but hey OP knows best.

    Im guessing under the age of 21.

    @ OP:

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  19. Liewec123

    a balance rant with no mention of any weapons, vehicles, classes or abilities... o_O
    you instead went on a tangent about how you keep getting wrecked trying to 1V5 lol :D
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  20. FieldMarshall

    I had to stop half way through.
    If your post mostly contains unessecary random insults every 5 words, its just embarrassing and not worth reading.

    Let me guess. You are one of those Rogues who dont really know what they are doing.
    But refuse to accept any criticism because you think you are the best thing ever. So you blame everyone else (healers).

    Just like your post.
    "Nah, cant be something wrong with me. Im MLG material, the game is just unbalanced"
    I think thats the core problem. You may not be as good as you think you are.
    I usually see people grow out of it once they pass 20+