[Vehicle] Nerf the gatekeeper

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ohknoh, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. ohknoh

    Title. Nerf it. There's no reason why the best ******* sniper tank in the game should have the best ******* sniper secondary in the game. No bullet drop, no cone of fire, fast fire rate, huge magazine, decent damage, pin point accuracy, extreme range fire without any loss of dps. Give me a ******* break.

    It's obvious that with the low TR pop, daybreak figured they should use the new weapons as a way to balance the factions back. Well they're balanced, nerf the ******* thing.
  2. Scr1nRusher


    nice try shady account.
  3. Benton582

    No **** sherlock?
  4. RedArmy

    its being looked at now,
    meaning likly its headed to the way of the Striker v2, or the Fractures
    into the garbage chute
  5. Scr1nRusher

    I hope not.

    The Fracture needs buffs.

    And if anything the Enforcer needs less drop & the Saron needs less COF bloom.
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  6. MrExcitement

    At the end of the 3 year livestream they stated that they are nerfing it
  7. Leondre

    It simply needs to be removed from the Harasser altogether.
  8. Tycoh

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  9. AxiomInsanity87


    Why nerf things which makes people unhappy when we can buff to bring things up to standard.
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  10. Scr1nRusher

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  11. Kazrak

    This is why we can't have nice things!
  12. Jubikus

    The best sniper tank in the game with the best sniper secondary isnt the issue with the gatekeeper that Version of the weapon actually performs less than its counterparts. Now you might say its because the tank gets the finishing blow but every tank gets finishing blows and if anything the sniper tank engaging targets at such distances is going to miss more than the gatekeepers so it should be getting more finishing blows than its counterparts. However the Harasser version of the weapon does far better because a harasser can preposition to better vantage points much faster and much better than a prowler can this allows the weapon to excel far more on this platform.

    Lastly you clearly havnt used the weapon a whole lot from really long range if you did you would notice that it does have a COF its not a pinpoint weapon after 200M i know this is a very long range for it be very noticeable but it still exists.
  13. Moz

    It worse than the old PPA!
  14. Jubikus

    Old PPA had the same issue as the Gatekeeper on the harasser the weapon can get to vantage points that allow it to completely destroy. The difference is that the Gatekeeper can only do this on a harasser as the old PPA could do it on a harasser and its MBT which meant the weapon had to be nerfed in all forms.
  15. Towie

    Must admit - i've used GK extensively (on a Prowler) and I haven't really noticed any COF and the drop is so very slight, it really does feel like the sniping killer that it is.

    Also the tank getting the finishing blow makes a significant difference on the Prowler due to the fact that it has two shots to every one on the VG and Magrider, which is why the Halberd (a very serviceable weapon in my opinion - my secondary of choice before the GK) is so poor on the Prowler compared to the VG and Magrider versions despite it being exactly the same weapon. I'm also 1/2 way more often in the Prowler but switch to GK for the extreme range stuff, especially AI or AA.

    Anyway - I just hope the nerf isn't "into the ground" scale which seems to be disappointingly common. It does need toning down though...
  16. Jubikus

    It indeed is a sniper but there is no drop thats the COF trust me ive done test i took a prowler with GK on it and marked an infantry in VR at 200M you start missing every once in a while if it was drop ide miss more you have to be alot further to miss sundy/mbt because of the COF do to size difference.

    I disagree with the reason behind the performance between all 3 factions Halberd that the prowler gets more kills do to 2 shots they land nearly the same time which would make it nearly the same alpha damage wise as 1 shot from the enemy MBT, the raw dps from a lockdown standpoint might factor in a bit since you get more shots off but i believe this isnt that big. I believe its lower performance is do to it being harder to hit targets at the ranges prowlers engage at than the ranges the other MBTs engage at i wish they had average accuracy statistic for each one. That said even if its true and its likely a case of were both a bit right however the Gatekeeper on the MBT performs less than its counterparts at best i believe if indeed theres a little merit to the tank getting the last hit more often because of reasons that wouldnt really put its actual performance higher but in line.

    You and i have different playstyles i would guess ide never swap to my gatekeeper for extreme range stuff i might hit more but i dont kill more i need the raw dps of the lockdown P2-120 AP if im going to hope to kill something before it just hides the only thing i might consider switching to is really long range sunderer when i only have shot on part of it but even then i dont.

    I havnt Tanked nearly as long as alot of people but i think im pretty good at using the prowler to its strengths im not entirely positive if my stats are good at least according to http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/player/Jubikus because i dont know what good is but i think they are at least good enough.
  17. Zombo

    with the state of the gatekeeper and if they buff the enforcer, they should just remove CoF from the saron entirely, since it's on the lowest DPS tank of all of them

    the saron was only nerfed time and time again because it had no bullet drop and was sniping to well...
    guess what, look at the gatekeeper ;) it out-sarons the saron tenfold
  18. Jubikus

    The weapons are much different a low COF perfactly accurate weapon with high alpha and decent splash on a tank that can get to many more vantage points is much more dangerous than the Gatekeeper expecially when it comes to killing infantry from long distances. The Gatekeeper doesnt out saron the saron at all the saron isnt a sniper weapon its an ambush mag dump weapon great for gorilla tactics especially on the tank that can face towards the opponents with front armor and smaller profile than the other tanks or at lest this is what it excels at..

    The reason the GK is getting nerfed is because the Harasser version can get into many more places much faster so it constantly has a good shot on what it needs to this is why its the only version of the weapon that excels over its counterparts. The harasser version of GK is like the old PPA a too accurate weapon thats on a platform that can get into places that makes it OP the difference is that a prowler cant but a magrider can so if anything only harasser version of the weapon should see a nerf.
  19. ohknoh

    Because the gatekeeper isn't the standard. It's an outlier. No good player would want a weapon that's so obviously poorly designed.
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  20. Problem Officer

    More GK waahwaah, deserved or not, yet still no discussion on trash Mjolnir or meh Aphelion?
    GK isn't the only new gunner mount that seems designed by a 10 year old.