[BUG] can't apply camo on ESHW AE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xMaxdamage, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. xMaxdamage

    This is how it is supposed to be:


    but right now the camo is only applied to the magazine <_>
  2. ALN_Isolator

    Bugs. Don't expect anything to work on patch day.

    At least we could buy the bundle.
  3. xMaxdamage

    also, have you noticed how the new AE weapons feel so tiny? there's a POV shift and I hope they put some sort of on/off toggle because it feels a little weird o_ò
  4. ALN_Isolator

    I made a post on reddit about it.

    The AE Commish looks hilariously small and it took me a few seconds to find the TR decal on it.
    They also put this PoV on the revamped burst weapons and LMGs.

    Hopefully there is a toggle/ this is fixed now.
  5. T0x1s

    The devs are going to add a toggle to the viewmodel change in the future.
  6. xMaxdamage

    I really hope this buggy camo that applies to magazine only is not an intended feature.
  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    if i recall correctly i heard a dev say on reddit that not being able to apply camo to AE Heavy Weapons is indeed intended as their anniversary paintjob is the "camo" already
  8. xMaxdamage

    this is very sad, I'd prefer to be able to remove the AE pattern and equip my usual camo (just like 2nd anniversay baron allows you to do), the red flames while firing are enough for me to use this gun, if I can put my colors on it. same can be said for purple lasher orbs and yellow thunder-like jackhammer sparkles.
    By the way there are a lot of bugs at the moment, with the standard MCG not showing ammo box in 3P and being able to equip 3 attachments simultaneously. Hope they release an hotfix for these problems and add camo compatibility (being put under the AE pattern or covering it entirely) because being applied to the magazine only makes it feel pretty buggy honestly, and keeping it default color makes these weapons unlikely to be equipped by those that have a camo already (aka paying customers), and is a factor that should have been clarified before the release.