Should I embrace heavy assault

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFlamingLemon, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. Goretzu

    I'd never solo attack or solo defend a base as a HA...... Inf or LA gives you much more options for getting the drop on other opposition and Engi allows you a flexible defence or even careful offence.
  2. 1Tap2Tap

    My playtime on HA is 10%, you can look up my character.

    Still no arguments.

  3. Corezer


    There are problems with HA, nanoweave synergy (the resist heavies of yore and now NMG)

    Terrain bugs allowing you LA like mobility by simply hopping up the side of 2 story buildings and ****

    The binary nature of the shield. It's not like flanking, or using your charge right, or deciding if you want to make the extra noise for cloak, just press F in every situation and if you messed up, press F again, extra shields cant get you killed like extra mobility or a lot of noise to hide from radar.

    They still have the only auraxium weapons that are more than just novelties. OK maybe eclipse is more than a novelty too but only cause infinite ammo, it's still not insane on the level of the BG/GSAW, IDK about the butcher changes if it got put on the level.

    but it isn't the biggest thing in the world.
  4. 1Tap2Tap

    Biggest "problem" imho with Overshields is Medkit abuse, but thats not a class issue, Medkits should in general have something like a cooldown or so.

    Terrain bug abusing is practiced by all classes, so that´s also not a class issue.

    The "press F" in every possibly dangerous situation will hamper the effectiveness of your NMG/Adrenaline Shield greatly, because of activation plus running cost, so I would not advise to do that. Also, you slow down and start to glow. People tend to spot and shoot glowing stuff.

    Resist Shield does not have that issue with activation plus running cost that much of course, but then it is not that useful to activate after you already took damage (the so called "F to win"). It has more proactive use (and helps with medkit abuse, see above).

    Having actually good Auraxium Directive weapons is also not HA´s fault, the devs designed those that way.
    Other Directive weapons should be buffed imho.
  5. ParakeetLord88

    The thing about heavy assault is that they're good at killing things - anything - but can't do anything else. Compare this to:

    1. Infiltrator: can flank under hunter cloak, dropping motion spotters as they go. Also has option to snipe/hack/ assassinate.
    2. Medic: can provide longer range fire from behind allies while reviving them. Also has shield regenerator, which is huge.
    3. Engineer: AI turrets are *very* strong, can switch to Archer to damage anything... oh yeah, and repairs/provides ammo.

    I'm not going to comment on LA or MAX since I don't play LA and MAX is a hybrid vehicle/infantry.

    Personally, I only play HA when I need to rocket something. I do this because I'm not comfortable being killed repeatedly using my engineer AV turret and no other infantry option gets done what rockets do.

    So should you embrace HA? I don't and I'm pretty happy with what I accomplish.
  6. TheFlamingLemon

    Guys, stop saying heavy assault is good and using that to tell me I should embrace it. I'm talking about whether I should use its power like everyone else making the game worse or not. Do you guys look down on people who play heavy assault as a main?
  7. Corezer

    Medkit abuse is it's own problem, exacerbated by the extra time overshield buys you, but I didn't mention that because there is enough going on outside of that. Nanoweave synergy is an issue on it's own however, although I doubt you can see that, you seem quite partial.

    Terrain bugging is again, a problem exacerbated by the nature of HA. if an LA goes on a roof and is confronted by an engineer, it's not much different than being confronted by enemy LA. having a class designed to be more powerful for fighting on the front lines, in flanking positions, is a much bigger issue. I didn't say every problem with HA is something HA needs to be adjusted for, but fixing terrain bugs would go a long way towards fixing problems with the class.

    Lowering the shield's effectiveness is not the same as the penalty for misusing other abilities. In the other situations I mentioned, misuse results in being worse off than if you didn't have an ability at all, for HA the result if I misuse shield until it is completely drained, is = not having it at all. The argument that it will get you seen in an already cartoon colored game is a fallacy, I see you already. if anything, seeing that it will take twice the time investment in which they can start medkit spamming, and in which my flash/radar signature can get me seen, and in which I can get 2 kills by targeting others, is going to deter fire, not draw it, at least when it comes to players who are smart enough to worry about.

    You are right, directive weapon balance isn't HA's fault, neither is my broken knee, but I said HA had problems, not fault. Again, not every problem with the class needs class adjustment, buffing other directive weapons would suffice, although I am not sure how making it so every class has 1 best gun in a game where all guns are supposed to be equal is going to impact things.

    stop taking things as attacks, you are letting your bias show. Every class has both internal and external mechanics. HA problems are largely external, because internal mechanic's are focused around minimizing the need of external mechanics, so when external mechanics can be used, they augment the class's internal capabilities much more than others'.
  8. Beerbeerbeer

    Every class has benefits to it with associated limitations.

    Certain classes has attributes that other classes don't posses, however, as a drawback for possessing those abilities they are limited in one way or another.

    Certain classes have weapon limitations. Certain class doesn't even have a tool.

    However, all classes except one cannot equip LMGs nor have 700 extra HPs or run around with rockets.

    What exactly is HA limitations that affords it so much?

    That's where the disparity lies.
  9. Jogido

    while class balance can be debated...the reason it's not that big a deal is because player balance is not impacted. All players have access to all classes at all times (excluding MAX)

    You are suppose to pull the right gear for the right job....and the game gives you that freedom.

    If you make up some personal political reason to not play a certain essentially are creating your own personal game imbalance. That is fine if you want to do that, but just be aware of that and don't put the blame on the game.
  10. zaspacer

    You should play HA in those cases where HA is the best choice for what you want. Unless you want to play another Class in those cases for whatever reason is important to you.

    The Design Department of DBG remains incompetent/MIA at supporting Infantry combined arms. You gotta make do with the mess they've given us.
  11. Obscura

    Yes, embrace the heavy. Think of it this way, every sport has a position that scores the most, but that position needs his team to do it. The class system is just a team, so by embracing all classes including heavy you are embracing and utilizing the whole team
  12. 1Tap2Tap

    I don´t want to go into detail on this topic anymore, everything I wanted to say I already did in the two recent threads regarding the HA.

    I just wanted to say, I did not take your post as a personal attack or something, quite the opposite.
    Don´t know where you got that idea from.
    I like talking to people actually having arguments, and you are one of those, but sadly, not everyone is.

    I don´t have any reason to be biased in favour of HA´s, my playtime as HA is 10% (look up 1Tap2Tap on the player page, if in doubt), and most of that is because of outfit play (or trying auraxiuming my two "exceptional" NS-15M variants for the black camo.).

    I actually don´t like playing HA that much, even if it´s a powerful class. It´s too restricted to it´s primary purpose for my taste.

    I just don´t think HA´s need a nerf in this MMOFPS.
    Medics are actually "OP" in group play, which this game is about, not HAs (no, this is no "nerf medics" call, lol).
    HAs are fine in their role as the pure combat class, imho. If HAs profit from general game issues that happen to be "complementary" to the HAs abilities, those issues need fixing, not the HA abilities nerfing. That´s all.

  13. TheShrapnelKing

    Do you care about your KDR?

    If yes, it is absolutely required you be a HA unless you're an infiltrator.
  14. 1Tap2Tap

    Vehicles and MAXes are best for farming, but LAs can also do the farming game as efficient as HAs and Infils. Ever saw a good one farm a tower, for example?

    What could all those HA bashing threads possibly be about if not KDR?

    Of course it is about that.

    In general, e.g. LA´s don´t want to go into straight, bare-knuckeled, face-to-face combat. LA´s want to play cheesy (like e.g. in shooting down from rooftops, dropping C4 or shooting peoples backs) where they have a clear advantage over their opponent. So far, so good, it´s a flanking class, that´s how LA´s work.

    Until a Medic, Engineer or Infiltrator normally reacts to being shot at and has realised, from where he is being shot from (he doesn´t necessarily know it´s a LA), he is most of the time already dead.

    But the HA actually has the durability to survive an attack long enough to see from where the fire is coming from and retaliate, which often results in a dead LA, especially if the LA needs to reload.

    That´s what makes the HA OP in the eyes of those guys. The cheese doesn´t work that well. HA´s don´t fall over as easily as other classes. Queue the nerf calls.

    HA´s are good at inflicting and sustaining damage (and cannot do anything else, but who cares, right?) -> helps for a good KDR, naturally.